
The 45-year-old man's kidneys were "hard" like stones, and the doctor was helpless: drinking too much of this water hurt the kidneys

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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On a sunny day, the middle-aged man Li Ming, an ordinary accountant, suddenly felt some discomfort in his waist on his 45th birthday.

This discomfort was not caused by the long hours he sat in front of the computer in front of the office to work, but was caused by a special drink that he liked to drink on weekdays.

The 45-year-old man's kidneys were "hard" like stones, and the doctor was helpless: drinking too much of this water hurt the kidneys

The drink looks like regular water, but it's actually a functional drink that's rich in various minerals and trace elements.

Li Ming likes its taste and thinks that this drink can refresh the mind and increase work efficiency. However, he was unaware of the potential harm to the kidneys caused by long-term consumption of this drink in large quantities.

The 45-year-old man's kidneys were "hard" like stones, and the doctor was helpless: drinking too much of this water hurt the kidneys

One day, Li Ming suddenly felt unbearable severe pain in his lower back, so he hurriedly went to the hospital for examination. The results of the hospital's examination were shocking: Li Ming had kidney stones!

The experienced doctor, Dr. Zhang, was very curious about the case and decided to investigate Li Ming's lifestyle habits and diet in depth.

The 45-year-old man's kidneys were "hard" like stones, and the doctor was helpless: drinking too much of this water hurt the kidneys

Dr. Zhang found that Li Ming hardly drank ordinary plain water, but relied almost exclusively on that functional drink to replenish his water.

Although this drink is advertised to be rich in minerals, in fact, excessive minerals are a burden on the kidneys, and long-term consumption of large amounts can lead to overwork of the kidneys and even the formation of stones.

The 45-year-old man's kidneys were "hard" like stones, and the doctor was helpless: drinking too much of this water hurt the kidneys

Dr. Cheung elaborated on the central role of the kidneys in the human body, which not only plays a key role in removing impurities from the blood and controlling water, but also plays a vital role in maintaining blood pressure stability, producing red blood cells, and maintaining electrolyte balance.

Therefore, maintaining healthy kidney function is essential for maintaining good overall physical condition.

The 45-year-old man's kidneys were "hard" like stones, and the doctor was helpless: drinking too much of this water hurt the kidneys

Therefore, the best way to maintain kidney health is to maintain a balanced diet, avoid excessive intake of foods high in salt, sugar and protein, and pay attention to adequate water intake.

By water, we mean plain water or water with low mineral content, not functional beverages that are rich in minerals and additives.

The 45-year-old man's kidneys were "hard" like stones, and the doctor was helpless: drinking too much of this water hurt the kidneys

At Dr. Zhang's suggestion, Li Ming began to adjust his eating habits, reduce the intake of functional drinks, drink ordinary plain water instead, and began to exercise moderately to promote metabolism and blood circulation in the body.

After a few months, Li Ming's physical condition improved significantly, and the pain in his lower back gradually disappeared.

The 45-year-old man's kidneys were "hard" like stones, and the doctor was helpless: drinking too much of this water hurt the kidneys

Finally, Li Ming asked Dr. Zhang a question: "I used to think that functional drinks were good for health, why do they cause damage to the kidneys?"

Dr. Zhang patiently explains, "While it is true that there are some ingredients that are good for the body in functional drinks, the key is to do it in moderation. Excessive intake of any substance has the potential to have adverse effects on the body. ”

The 45-year-old man's kidneys were "hard" like stones, and the doctor was helpless: drinking too much of this water hurt the kidneys

"For metabolic organs such as the kidneys, excessive intake of minerals and additives in particular can increase their workload and interfere with their normal functioning. ”

Therefore, the safest and healthiest drinking option is still simple plain water. It is simple, pure, and effective in maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes in the body and protecting kidney health. ”

The 45-year-old man's kidneys were "hard" like stones, and the doctor was helpless: drinking too much of this water hurt the kidneys

Li Ming finally understood that the secret to staying healthy is not complicated, and sometimes returning to the simplest and most natural lifestyle is the best choice.

What do you think about the dangers of drinking beverages?

The 45-year-old man's kidneys were "hard" like stones, and the doctor was helpless: drinking too much of this water hurt the kidneys

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