
The 56-year-old uncle died suddenly in the middle of the night, with a cheerful personality and a love of sports, and his wife was sad: this incident hurt him

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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In this world, there are some people who live in a prosperous and energetic life, as if they are never tireless, and they have an enviable vitality.

But sometimes, it is this seemingly extremely healthy lifestyle that may hide hidden health risks behind it. No, the protagonist of the story we are going to talk about today, a 56-year-old uncle named Li Daqiang, his story can teach us a lesson.

The 56-year-old uncle died suddenly in the middle of the night, with a cheerful personality and a love of sports, and his wife was sad: this incident hurt him

Li Daqiang, a cheerful and sports-loving uncle, is the pillar of the family and a plumber who is very popular in the community.

In addition to being busy with the maintenance of water pipes in various households every day, he also does not forget to keep exercising, and he must run 5 kilometers every night, even in rainy days. In the circle of friends, he often shares his running records and fitness experience, and is known as a "health expert".

The 56-year-old uncle died suddenly in the middle of the night, with a cheerful personality and a love of sports, and his wife was sad: this incident hurt him

However, the good times did not last long, and on an inadvertent night, Li Daqiang suddenly collapsed in his living room, and after being sent to the hospital, it was confirmed that it was sudden heart death, which plunged the whole family into endless grief.

The wife was teary-eyed and kept asking, "Why is this happening when you pay so much attention to your health every day?" yes, why?

The 56-year-old uncle died suddenly in the middle of the night, with a cheerful personality and a love of sports, and his wife was sad: this incident hurt him

First of all, it has to be said that Li Daqiang does pay attention to health, but he ignores an important health detail, that is, his contempt for physical examinations. He thinks that as long as he exercises every day and stays active, everything will be fine, and who knows, this is exactly what puts him in danger.

Did you know that exercise can indeed strengthen the body, but excessive exercise can cause a huge burden on the heart, especially for middle-aged and elderly people?

The 56-year-old uncle died suddenly in the middle of the night, with a cheerful personality and a love of sports, and his wife was sad: this incident hurt him

Li Daqiang insists on high-intensity running every day, but has never undergone professional pre-exercise assessment and regular health check-ups. In fact, many times, some lesions in the body are silent, and only through regular physical examinations can they be detected and intervened in time.

Here I have to mention a very interesting point, that is, a misconception about exercise and heart health. Many people believe that as long as they exercise every day, they can "exercise" a strong heart.

The 56-year-old uncle died suddenly in the middle of the night, with a cheerful personality and a love of sports, and his wife was sad: this incident hurt him

In fact, the heart, like any other organ, needs a reasonable amount of rest and recovery. Excessive or high-intensity exercise for a long time will cause a continuous burden on the heart, which may cause heart dysfunction and even the occurrence of heart disease.

In fact, for middle-aged and elderly people, a moderate amount of aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, tai chi, etc., is more suitable for their physical condition. These exercises are moderately intense and can promote heart health without putting too much of a strain on the heart.

The 56-year-old uncle died suddenly in the middle of the night, with a cheerful personality and a love of sports, and his wife was sad: this incident hurt him

Let's talk about food. Although Li Daqiang loves sports, his eating habits are not ideal. I often work overtime to repair water pipes, and when I am tired, I have a takeout, greasy, a lot of chili peppers, and drink a little wine.

Such a diet is extremely detrimental to heart health. A diet high in salt and fat will increase the burden on the heart, and in the long run, heart disease will come to the door.

The 56-year-old uncle died suddenly in the middle of the night, with a cheerful personality and a love of sports, and his wife was sad: this incident hurt him

Therefore, moderate exercise and a reasonable diet are the right ways to maintain heart health. And Li Daqiang ignored this point. So, what kind of physical examination is appropriate?

For middle-aged and elderly people like Li Daqiang, it is very necessary to have a comprehensive physical examination at least once a year. This includes blood pressure, blood lipids, blood sugar tests, as well as electrocardiograms, cardiac ultrasound, etc., which can help detect the risk of heart disease early.

The 56-year-old uncle died suddenly in the middle of the night, with a cheerful personality and a love of sports, and his wife was sad: this incident hurt him

Finally, Li Daqiang's wife asked a question related to his condition: "Doctor, you said that Daqiang exercises every day, how can he still have sudden cardiac death?"

The doctor patiently explained, "Exercise is important, but excessive exercise is actually a burden on the heart. In particular, blind and high-intensity exercise without professional assessment can easily cause overwork of the heart and cause heart disease. ”

The 56-year-old uncle died suddenly in the middle of the night, with a cheerful personality and a love of sports, and his wife was sad: this incident hurt him

"In addition, proper dietary modification and regular medical check-ups are equally important. Cases like Daqiang are not uncommon in clinical practice, so it is recommended that everyone should pay attention to the method and degree while pursuing health. ”

Through this story, it is not difficult for us to find that healthy living is not only about exercise and diet, but also about the correct understanding of one's own health and timely physical examination. Only by considering comprehensively, can we truly achieve heart health and stay away from the threat of heart disease.

The 56-year-old uncle died suddenly in the middle of the night, with a cheerful personality and a love of sports, and his wife was sad: this incident hurt him

What do you think about how to exercise healthily for the elderly?

The 56-year-old uncle died suddenly in the middle of the night, with a cheerful personality and a love of sports, and his wife was sad: this incident hurt him

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