
Four times a day, a 61-year-old woman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! The doctor was helpless: 2 abnormalities, we must be vigilant

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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In a small town called Blue Paradise, there lives a librarian named Li Feifei.

Li Feifei is a lady who loves to laugh, even if the years have carved fine lines on her face, her smile is still like a warm sunshine, illuminating everyone who walks into the library.

Four times a day, a 61-year-old woman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! The doctor was helpless: 2 abnormalities, we must be vigilant

However, this seemingly ordinary lady recently encountered something that made people laugh and cry. It is said that Li Feifei has felt that her physical condition is not quite right recently.

She found herself going to the toilet more often than a kitten every day, running four or five times a day, and always feeling a little uncomfortable in her abdomen.

Four times a day, a 61-year-old woman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! The doctor was helpless: 2 abnormalities, we must be vigilant

No, on a sunny afternoon last week, when she was telling the children about Harry Potter, she suddenly felt a cramping pain in her abdomen, and it was so painful that she wanted to roll on the ground!

So, Li Feifei dragged her tired body to the hospital. After some examination, the doctor shook his head and sighed, as if to say, "What is this", but it turned out to be pancreatic cancer in an advanced stage!

Four times a day, a 61-year-old woman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! The doctor was helpless: 2 abnormalities, we must be vigilant

This sudden bad news made the optimistic Li Feifei stunned. But she quickly adjusted her mentality and decided to face it bravely. The doctor is a middle-aged man who looks a little serious, but is actually very soft in heart, named Wang Daming.

He looked at Li Feifei and couldn't help but sigh with emotion in his heart: "How can such a good person ......" But he quickly adjusted his mentality and began to seriously explain his condition and precautions to Li Feifei.

Four times a day, a 61-year-old woman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! The doctor was helpless: 2 abnormalities, we must be vigilant

Dr. Wang Daming told Li Feifei that this disease has a lot to do with lifestyle habits. He put on the posture of an associate professor and began to talk about health knowledge that is not usually paid much attention to.

He said, "You know, the pancreas in our body is a magical little thing, it not only helps us digest, but also regulates blood sugar. However, if we don't pay attention to our diet, drink excessively, or stay in a high-pressure environment for a long time, this little thing may strike!"

Four times a day, a 61-year-old woman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! The doctor was helpless: 2 abnormalities, we must be vigilant

Li Feifei listened with relish, and she suddenly realized that she did ignore this knowledge in ordinary times. Wang Daming continued:

"And, pancreatic cancer, it's very cunning. There are few noticeable symptoms in the early stages, and by the time symptoms appear, the condition is often quite serious. So, in our daily lives, we have to pay special attention to any abnormalities in the body. ”

Four times a day, a 61-year-old woman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! The doctor was helpless: 2 abnormalities, we must be vigilant

He also explained in detail several common signs of pancreatic cancer, such as abdominal pain, jaundice, and unexplained weight loss. Every time he talks about a knowledge point, he is like a wonderful stand-up comedy performance, which is both vivid and humorous.

He said: "For example, you have to distinguish the pain in the abdomen, it is not as simple as eating too much and holding on, it hurts from the abdomen to the back, like someone is constantly hitting you with a small hammer in the back." ”

Four times a day, a 61-year-old woman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! The doctor was helpless: 2 abnormalities, we must be vigilant

Listening to Dr. Wang Daming's professional and funny explanation, Li Feifei not only learned a lot of health knowledge that she would not usually notice, but also felt much better.

She couldn't help but smile and said, "Doctor Wang, are you a doctor or a cross talk actor, it's too vivid!" Finally, Li Feifei asked a question related to her condition:

Four times a day, a 61-year-old woman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! The doctor was helpless: 2 abnormalities, we must be vigilant

"Doctor Wang, I want to know, why did I suddenly find out such a serious illness when I don't usually feel uncomfortable?" Wang Daming smiled slightly and began to answer colloquially:

That's a good question. Pancreatic cancer is known as the 'silent killer' because it has few symptoms in the early stages, and even if it does, it can easily be overlooked or mistaken for something less serious. ”

Four times a day, a 61-year-old woman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! The doctor was helpless: 2 abnormalities, we must be vigilant

"For example, you may feel like you're just having indigestion or a little upset in your stomach, but in reality, these may already be early signs of pancreatic cancer. Therefore, it is important to have regular physical examinations and have a little more understanding and care about your body, so that you can detect and treat it early. ”

These words benefited Li Feifei a lot. She decided to pay more attention to her body in the future, and at the same time share this valuable knowledge with more people.

Four times a day, a 61-year-old woman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! The doctor was helpless: 2 abnormalities, we must be vigilant

Although she was facing a difficult battle, Li Feifei's heart was a little more relaxed and hopeful because of Dr. Wang Daming's answers and humorous explanations.

What do you think about pancreatic cancer?

Four times a day, a 61-year-old woman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer! The doctor was helpless: 2 abnormalities, we must be vigilant