
Know a card array a day|April 9 holiday tarot card array

author:Constellation Tarot said
Know a card array a day|April 9 holiday tarot card array

Today in history

Times Square in the United States was officially named on this day in 1904. It has long been the cultural center of New York, and its history is a reflection of the splendor and glitz of Broadway theaters, ballrooms, restaurants, and hotels. From the low-end voyeur shows, binge bars and prostitution of the '70s to the current Disney-style and gentrification, it remains the number one tourist attraction, with more than 39.2 million visitors a day.

Know a card array a day|April 9 holiday tarot card array

An overview of the array

Have you planned your vacation, and once you've decided on your destination, lay out this array and see what the god of travel has in store for you.

Lay out the deck

Bring your passport, sunglasses, and guidebook, and arrange the cards in the shape of an airplane.

1. Will there be any delays in the itinerary?

2. How can I fix this if there is a delay?

3. What is the most important purpose of this holiday?

4. What new things should I try?

5. Will there be an affair?

6. How can I make the most of my vacation?

7. What unexpected things may happen?

Know a card array a day|April 9 holiday tarot card array

The 8 of Wands represents safe and fast travel over long distances. This card reflects your energy and accelerates no matter what direction you choose. The point is to channel the energy in the direction you want it to go, rather than letting it run wild.

PS: The above content is excerpted from "365 Magic Tarot Card Array"

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Know a card array a day|April 9 holiday tarot card array