
Repair a safe heart

author:Song of the Brave

Since I started working this year, on the one hand, I always feel that I have not worked hard enough and have not made any important achievements. On the other hand, I feel that time seems to pass very slowly, and I flip through the calendar every day to pass the days. It seems that everything is not bad, but the state of the spirit is not the best.

I don't know what I want. I know that the current situation is already the best, but there is an inexplicable worry and worry, and I don't know how to solve it.

I tried to go to Jianghe Village, but I didn't know what to see, the scenery was beautiful, and it was just better at the time. Once you get back to the dorm, it's like you've never been there. Trying to get into the city, I don't know what I want to see, although it is very lively, but it is only temporary. Back in the dormitory, I still feel very lonely.

It's not a problem of the environment, it's not a problem of people, it's a problem of the heart. In this practice of life, the bitterness and happiness are all in the state of mind, and you must first cultivate your own heart. Most of the time, we are not trapped by circumstances and difficulties, but we are not putting our mentality right and are trapped by our own hearts.

A person's mentality determines what kind of life he leads. Just like me, I don't know where to go, I don't know where to go, my heart has no home, it's a mess. Only by cultivating a peaceful mind can we resolve all the troubles in the world.

The difficulties of life are not only in the material level, but also in the state of mind. Mental suffering is also a kind of suffering, an indescribable suffering. The reason why some people cry quietly is because the pain in their hearts cannot be expressed, but it is so clear.

The more difficult it is, the more you need to cultivate your mind. No one can escape the predicament, they can only face it alone. In that case, don't be afraid and face it bravely. Although I feel that I have not made any useful achievements, and I don't know if I will be able to make many useful achievements in the future, as long as I do not waste my time, I will become more and more down-to-earth and calm.

Life is a cultivation ground, cultivating one's own heart is stronger than anything else, and the process of cultivating one's mind is the process of constantly correcting one's own mentality.

Don't look back at the past, time has smoothed the edges and corners, and youth has been a thing for a long time. In the blink of an eye, we are no longer young, although we sometimes don't want to admit it. In the busy, there are more and more wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, and the gray hair on the head is becoming more and more obvious. This is an immutable fact.

Still, we have to be calm about it. Our life is a process, look at the open point, look at the light point, see through the point, healthy life is a kind of beauty and victory. Without health, without a good state of mind, even if you give you all the trophies in the world, you will not feel happy.

Repair a safe heart and cherish the people around you. Don't take everything for granted, only enough fate will they come to us.

Although sometimes we feel that time flies a little slowly, but in the blink of an eye, a few old friends are gone, and the person in our hearts is long gone. There are always a lot of surprises and too late in life, cherish those who are sincere to themselves, the rest of their lives are very expensive, and do and cherish.

We always feel that there is a long way to go, until the departure of some people touches the heartstrings that we know that this is not the case. We pursue the happiness of a lifetime, not in the past, not in the future, but in the present bowl of Chinese food, the people around us.

Cultivating an indifferent heart, not being happy with things, not being sad with yourself, friends often get together, and your family is happy and healthy, which is the most beautiful scenery in life

Repair a safe heart
Repair a safe heart
Repair a safe heart