
When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed

author:Tree Hole Archives

Contributor: Enthusiastic citizen Master Qian (Disclaimer: This article is not the author's personal experience, only processed and paraphrased according to the words of the contributor)

In 1981, I took the position of company commander, and I wanted to make a difference in the army.

However, in the army, I met an instructor who was not dealing with me, and the contradiction between us became bigger and bigger.

In desperation, I chose to change jobs and returned to my hometown.

Unexpectedly, this decision directly changed my life.

When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed


In the vast land of China, in the long river of years, 1981 was an era of burning passion.

A young company commander, standing in the vast world of the barracks, wearing a military hat and military uniform, was full of enthusiasm and determined to protect his family and defend the country.

However, in that year, an extraordinary encounter quietly kicked off in my life.

At that time, I had just graduated from the military academy and came to this company with great ambition.

As a young cadre, I am well aware of my responsibilities and missions.

However, in this challenging and competitive military camp, my instructor has become an unavoidable "stumbling block" in my life.

He was a few years older than me, but he seemed to be extremely hostile to me, a fledgling company commander.

In my day-to-day work, he is always picky and dictates my decisions.

What makes me even more unbearable is that he is still making a small report to his superiors behind his back, trying to discredit my image.

At that time, I was young and vigorous, unable to understand what he was doing, and the anger in my heart grew day by day.

When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed

Life in the barracks is rigorous and monotonous, and every day seems to repeat yesterday's story.

However, during those days, I felt a pressure that I had never felt before.

In the dead of night, I would lie in bed, staring at the ceiling with wide eyes, pondering the question: Why did he always target me?

At that time, I didn't know how to deal with interpersonal relationships, but I only knew how to devote myself to my work, hoping to prove my ability with my grades.

However, under the "care" of the instructor, all my efforts seemed to pale in comparison.

In this depressing atmosphere, an incident occurred that completely broke the originally tense relationship.

It was a hot summer afternoon, and the company conducted an emergency assembly exercise.

Due to the tight schedule, I adjusted the plan on the fly and assigned some of the tasks to the instructors.

However, it was this decision that put me in a situation from which I could never recover.

After the drill, the instructor severely criticized my decision at the summary meeting.

He accused me of being an assertive and disrespecting his authority.

When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed

In the face of his accusations, I argued that there was nothing wrong with my adjustment.

However, in front of his superiors, his rhetoric was clearly more convincing.

In a fit of rage, I made a decision: to submit an application to the army for reassignment.

At that time, my heart was full of grievances and unwillingness, and I just wanted to leave this suffocating place.

Little did I know, however, that this decision would change my life.

Just a few days after I submitted my application, my superiors approved my request to change jobs.

At that moment, I had mixed feelings.

On the one hand, I am glad that I was able to get out of this painful experience;

On the other hand, I regret leaving the barracks I love.

However, the wheel of fate has set in motion, and I must face the future bravely.

When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed

Looking back on those years, I still remember the scene of my younger self challenging the instructor with an angry face.

At that time, I didn't understand the twists and turns and complexities of life.

However, it was this experience that allowed me to gradually understand the true meaning of life in the years to come.

In this journey full of setbacks and challenges, I have learned to grow, learn to be brave, and learn how to face the ups and downs of life.

And all of this stems from that summer, that extraordinary encounter.


Leaving the familiar barracks, I returned to my hometown, a city that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiar streets, unfamiliar faces, I felt a wave of loss and unease.

Taking off my military uniform and military hat, I am no longer the high-spirited company commander, but an ordinary person who needs to readapt to society and re-find my position.

The weight of life suddenly weighed on my shoulders, and I was a little breathless.

The first days were unusually difficult.

I traveled around looking for a job, but found that after leaving the army, I didn't have much advantage in society.

The skills and qualities that have been honed on the battlefield do not seem to be in demand in the workplace in peacetime.

Faced with rejection and disappointment, I began to wonder if I could really adapt to this strange world.

Just when I was at a low point, the god of fate favored me.

At a chance party, I met an old comrade-in-arms.

When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed

When we met each other in a foreign country, the two of us hugged tightly, and the comradeship seemed to bring me back to those passionate years.

He told me that he now works for a private enterprise and that he can introduce me if I want.

That's how I came to this company, starting from the lowest level of employees.

At first, I didn't fit in.

The content, the environment, the pace, everything is very different from the barracks life that I am familiar with.

But I didn't give up, I knew that this was my new battlefield and I had to prove myself again.

With the excellent qualities and tenacious will that I had developed in the army, I quickly stood out.

While completing my daily work, I also take the initiative to learn new knowledge and skills to continuously improve myself.

The strategic thinking, leadership and teamwork that have been learned on the battlefield are also applicable in business management.

Over time, my position in the business has gradually risen through the ranks.

When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed

From an ordinary employee, to a team leader, to a department manager, I have won the respect of my colleagues and the trust of my leaders with my practical actions.

On the big stage of private enterprises, I have found a new position and redefined my value.

In those days, I often worked overtime late into the night, and the office light became my most loyal companion.

I understand that it is only through unremitting efforts that one can gain a foothold in this highly competitive society.

I also gradually discovered that although I left the army, the imprint of the army has been deeply integrated into my bone marrow and blood.

Those rigorous work attitudes, vigorous and resolute style and never-say-die spirit have become the driving force for me to move forward.

In this process, I learned how to combine militarized management with the actual situation of the enterprise, and created my own set of management models.

I also learned how to stay calm and decisive in the environment of the mall like a battlefield, and led the team to conquer the city and achieve victory after victory.

When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed

The path of life is always full of twists and turns and uncertainties.

Once, I thought that my future would always be spent in the barracks, but I didn't expect that life would give me such a turn.

However, it was this experience that taught me the true meaning of life:

No matter where you are, as long as you have a firm belief and the determination to move forward, you can open up a new world.


In that private enterprise, I started a new chapter in my career with the tenacity and determination of a soldier.

Every day, I was the first to arrive at the office and the last to leave.

I knew that in this new battlefield, I would need to put in more effort than ordinary people to make up for my lack of business knowledge and experience.

Over time, my efforts have come to fruition.

The team I lead, with excellent execution and innovative spirit, has created great results in the enterprise again and again.

I delve into market dynamics, discuss strategies with team members, and continuously optimize management processes to improve work efficiency.

In the process, I gradually transformed from a military cadre to a business manager who understands the operation of the market.

I have always maintained the style of a soldier, requiring myself and my team to be disciplined and efficient.

When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed

Under my influence, the team members have developed a rigorous work attitude and good time management habits.

We strive for excellence in our work and take care of each other in our lives, forming a team culture of unity and cooperation.

Those who had questioned my ability to adapt to the private enterprise environment began to look at me approvingly.

My leadership skills have been fully recognized, which has not only brought great economic benefits to the company, but also cultivated a team that can fight tough battles.

My career is thriving and I am the best in the business.

Behind these achievements is my countless days and nights of hard work.

I've spent countless nights thinking about strategy alone in the office, and I've given up my weekends to lead my team through difficult situations.

In those days, although I was tired, my heart was full and content.

Because I know that I am using my own efforts and wisdom to contribute to the development of the enterprise.

In the process, I also rediscovered my own value and positioning.

I found that even though I left the military, I could still use my talents in the business world.

When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed

The principles and philosophies I learned in the barracks not only did not become an obstacle to my transformation, but became the cornerstone of my career success.

On the platform of the enterprise, I have given full play to my leadership and decision-making skills.

Every challenge has made me more firmly believe that as long as I have a goal and faith in my heart, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

I have braved the wind and waves in the business sea, not only to achieve the improvement of personal value, but also to create more value for the enterprise and society.

This experience made me deeply realize that success is not accidental, but the result of dedication and perseverance.

Every achievement is inseparable from teamwork and individual unremitting efforts.

I also understand that whether it is a soldier or an entrepreneur, as long as you have responsibility and responsibility, you can shine in your respective fields.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, that period of burning passion has become a memory.

Today, I sit in front of the window of my office, looking out at the traffic, and my heart is full of emotion.

Looking back on the past road, those ups and downs and setbacks now seem to be the most valuable wealth in life.

In that summer, when I decided to change careers, I never imagined that I would make such a career in the business world.

When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed

At that time, I was full of anger and just wanted to escape from the environment that was so oppressive to me.

However, fate gave me a new stage where I rediscovered my life value.

Now I am no longer the young company commander, but a business leader who calmly responds to business battles.

Over the years, I have learned to be mature and steady.

Those grievances and injustices in the past now seem to be just a small episode in the journey of life.

It is these experiences that have allowed me to grow in the midst of setbacks and be strong in the midst of adversity.

In the dead of night, I look back on this journey with emotion.

I realized that the impulse of the moment had cost me my life in the barracks, but it had also allowed me to find a new self in the business world.

I am no longer the soldier who only obeys orders, but an entrepreneur who can think independently and have the courage to innovate.

During this journey, I learned to be grateful.

When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed

I am grateful for the tribulations in my life, which have made me cherish the happiness in front of me even more.

I am grateful to those who have helped me and given me hope in the midst of this difficult situation.

I am even more grateful for that military career, which gave me perseverance and rigorous work attitude, which allowed me to stand out in the business world.

The perception of life can always be more profound after experiencing wind and rain.

I used to think that leaving the army meant losing my bearings.

However, now I realize that there is never a fixed trajectory in life, and only by constantly trying and challenging can I find my true path.

I also understand that a real soldier does not depend on whether he wears a military uniform or not, but whether he has that responsibility and responsibility in his heart.

When I was a company commander in 81, the instructor gave me a small report, and I changed jobs and returned to the local area, and my fate changed

In the business world, I still maintain the fine style of a soldier, whether it is for work or life, I am strict with myself, to be honest and trustworthy, and have the courage to take responsibility.

Today, I am leading a team that is one of the best in the industry.

We use the spirit of soldiers to create our own glory.

And it all started with that summer, the decision that made me feel painful.

If I hadn't left the army, I would never have known that I still had so much potential to be tapped.

Every experience in life is a valuable asset.

Those frustrations and confusions in the past now seem to be the catalyst for my growth.

Thanks to life, I can still smile at life after experiencing the wind and rain.