
The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: Height plays a vital role in people's lives. There is a saying that "if the appearance is not enough, the height will make up", which fully illustrates the importance of height in shaping the external image. In school, in addition to academic performance, height has become a hot topic for everyone.

Everyone aspires to grow taller, because a good height is not only a sign of strength, but also a symbol of appearance, which gives us confidence and strength, and makes us walk with our heads held high.

However, with the progress of the times and the change of aesthetic concepts, modern people have begun to pay attention to weight management while paying attention to height. Whether it is an ordinary person or a star in the entertainment industry, body management has become an indispensable part.

The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?

For example, male stars such as Wei Daxun, Peng Yuyan, Guo Qilin, and Li Xian, they have successfully achieved a counterattack in their image through weight loss, and the changes like plastic surgery are amazing.

Losing weight is not just about looking good, it's about maintaining good health. Nowadays, many diseases are associated with obesity, so weight loss has become a necessary means to maintain health. With a reasonable diet and proper exercise, we can not only shape the perfect body, but also take better care of our health.

In order to let everyone better understand whether their weight is standard, the doctor provides you with a comparison table of 152-188cm standard weight for men. It is recommended that male friends compare, if the weight has been exceeded, then take action quickly and start losing weight! Let's pursue health and beauty together, and show the best version of ourselves.

The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?


What harm does obesity bring to the body?

Cardiovascular hazards of obesity

Obese people usually have risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia. The heart of obese people needs to bear a greater burden because they need more blood and oxygen to supply to various parts of the body, which will keep the heart in a state of high load for a long time, which can easily lead to cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

Obesity is harmful to the respiratory system

Obese people have a large accumulation of fat in their chest and abdomen, which makes the lungs need more space while breathing, resulting in difficulty breathing. Obesity can also trigger sleep apnea syndrome, which can affect sleep quality and may even lead to respiratory failure.

The harm of obesity to bones

Obesity increases the burden on the bones and keeps them in a state of high stress for a long time, which can lead to bone problems such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?

Obesity is harmful to the digestive system

Obese people have too much belly fat, which may press on the stomach, leading to indigestion, acid reflux and other problems. In addition, obesity may also cause digestive diseases such as gallstones and cholecystitis.

Dangers of obesity to the endocrine system

Obesity may affect the body's endocrine system, leading to hormone secretion disorders, such as insulin resistance, excessive male hormones, etc., which in turn can lead to diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome and other diseases.

The Mental Health Hazards of Obesity

Obesity not only affects physical health, but it can also have a negative impact on mental health. Obese people may feel low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and other emotions due to body image problems, which affect social and daily life.

The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?


The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?

There is a strong correlation between an adult's weight and height, and it's not just a numbers game, it's a reflection of health and beauty. Want to know your standard weight?

Below, we provide you with a standard weight reference table for men, covering different height ranges from 152 cm to 188 cm. This chart will help you know if you are at your right weight.

The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?

First, find your standard weight range based on your height. You'll find that each height band has a corresponding weight range, which is based on the scientific results of human physiology and medical research. Within this range, your weight is considered healthy and appropriate.

Next, let's talk about the floating range of body weight. The standard weight fluctuates by 10%, which is a relatively reasonable range. If your weight fluctuates within this range, congratulations, you have very good weight control and you don't need to deliberately lose weight.

However, if you weigh more than 20% of the norm, or even more, then you need to pay attention. This means that your weight is already out of your healthy range, which may have some impact on your health.

Therefore, we recommend that you pay attention to your weight changes in your daily life, and arrange your diet and exercise reasonably to maintain a healthy figure. Remember, health is the most beautiful body, let's work together to pursue health and beauty!

The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?


What are the dangers of excessive weight loss?

Excessive weight loss can lead to malnutrition

In the process of losing weight, many people will adopt extreme diets in order to pursue rapid weight loss, such as excessive dieting, picky eating, etc. Such a diet can lead to a lack of essential nutrients in the body, affecting the normal functioning of the body.

Excessive weight loss can cause a decrease in immunity

The lack of necessary nutrients and energy in the body will reduce the function of the immune system, causing the body to be susceptible to viruses and bacteria, which can lead to various diseases.

The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?

Excessive weight loss can lead to muscle loss

In the process of weight loss, if you only focus on reducing fat intake and ignore protein intake, it will lead to muscle loss. Muscle is an important tissue for maintaining the body's metabolism, and excessive loss will lead to a decrease in the body's metabolic rate, affecting the effect of weight loss.

Excessive weight loss can cause psychological problems

In the process of losing weight, many people will bring a lot of psychological pressure to themselves in order to pursue a perfect body. Long-term stress and anxiety can lead to endocrine disorders in the body, which in turn affects physical health.

Excessive weight loss can lead to a rebound effect

After some people lose weight successfully, they will let their guard down and return to their original eating habits, resulting in weight regain. Such a rebound will not only make weight loss futile but also cause more damage to the body.

The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?


How can men lose weight healthily?

Rational feasting

When men lose weight, they should pay attention to a balanced and varied diet, and do not over-diet or picky eating. It is recommended to eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and high-quality protein foods such as fish, chicken breast, tofu, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to control the intake of high-calorie, high-fat and high-sugar foods, such as fried chicken, French fries, candy, etc.

Increase your physical activity

When men lose weight, they should appropriately increase the amount of exercise, such as running, swimming, fitness, etc. Exercise can not only help burn excess fat, but also enhance the body's metabolic capacity and immunity, which helps to maintain good health.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption

Men often need to drink alcohol in social and business situations, but excessive alcohol consumption can lead to body fat accumulation and liver damage, which is not good for weight loss and health. Men are advised to drink alcohol in moderation and choose healthier beverages such as low-alcohol or red wine.

Maintain a good routine

When men lose weight, they should maintain good work and rest habits, such as getting up on time, going to bed, and avoiding staying up late. Good work and rest habits help regulate the body's biological clock and metabolic rhythm, which helps to lose weight and maintain good health.

The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?


If you want to lose weight, you may want to include the following foods in your diet


Fruits are one of the foods that are very suitable for weight loss, such as apples, bananas, oranges, etc., they are rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which help promote intestinal peristalsis and reduce fat absorption.

In addition, fruits can also provide a variety of nutrients needed by the human body to maintain good health.


Vegetables are also a good helper for weight loss, such as spinach, lettuce, celery and other green leafy vegetables, rich in vitamins and minerals, can promote metabolism and accelerate the breakdown of fat.

The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?

In addition, some root vegetables, such as carrots and white radish, also contain lower calories and higher nutritional value, which is very suitable for people who are losing weight.

High-protein foods

For example, chicken breast, fish, tofu, etc., these foods are rich in protein and a small amount of fat, which can provide the body with the energy it needs without allowing the body to accumulate too much fat.

In addition, high-protein foods can also increase muscle mass and increase basal metabolic rate, further promoting weight loss.

The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?


Studies have found that weight is related to longevity, and after the age of 65, don't compete with weight, and a little fatter may be healthier

It is often said that "it is difficult to buy old and thin", and it seems that weight loss is a symbol of health and longevity. Recent findings, however, have upended this conventional wisdom. The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention has released a remarkable study involving 359,000 people over the age of 65.

The results showed that the risk of death was the lowest among the elderly with a BMI (body mass index) in the range of 24~29.9kg/m2. This means that moderately obese older people are more likely to enjoy a healthy old age than those who are too thin or overweight.

This discovery is undoubtedly a challenge to traditional notions of health. In our common sense, obesity is often seen as the enemy of health, and is closely linked to deadly diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and digestive diseases. However, this study tells us that to a certain extent, obesity may be a guarantee of the health of the elderly.

The standard weight comparison table of 152-188cm for men was announced, and self-check to see if it has exceeded the standard?

So, why is this happening? It may have something to do with the physiology of older people. As we age, the body's metabolism gradually slows down, and the ability to absorb and utilize nutrients also decreases.

Moderately obese older adults may have more energy and nutrients stored in their bodies to cope with various challenges in their daily lives. In addition, the body fat tissue of obese older adults may also have a certain protective effect, which can reduce external damage to the body.

Of course, this doesn't mean that we should let ourselves be overweight. Maintaining a healthy weight range is still very important. However, it may not be wise for older people to pursue a skinny figure too much. Conversely, moderately obese older adults may be able to enjoy better health and quality of life.

Therefore, we should respect the physiological characteristics of each age, manage our weight scientifically and reasonably, and let health accompany us through every stage of life.

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