
If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: The heart, often described as the source of life of a fist or pump, is only the size of a fist, but its inner strength is enough to shock people's hearts. Imagine that it is performing about 70 contractions per minute and up to 100,000 beats per day, as if it were a tireless dancer, performing an eternal melody on the stage of life.

This amazing beating not only gives vitality to life, but also pushes the blood to flow endlessly throughout the body, and every beating symbolizes the continuity and tenacity of life.

The role of the heart in the human body is irreplaceable, it is like a tireless worker, as long as life continues, it will work day and night, even when we are immersed in sweet dreams, it is silently sticking to its post, delivering life nutrients to every cell in the body.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?

However, if this "worker" has a problem, the whole body will be affected, and various diseases will follow.

According to recent reports, heart disease has become the leading cause of death worldwide over the past 20 years. In 2020 alone, nearly 9 million people died from heart disease, an increase of more than 2 million compared to 2000.

One out of every 16 deaths worldwide is due to heart disease. It's a shocking number that reminds us that we must pay more attention to our heart health and cherish this source of life that we have quietly dedicated.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?


Why is there a high incidence of heart disease in recent years?

Modern lifestyle

With the advancement of science and technology and economic development, people's life rhythm is getting faster and faster, and the work pressure is also increasing. Long working hours, lack of exercise, irregular work and rest, and poor eating habits can all lead to an increased burden on the heart, which can increase the risk of heart disease.

environmental pollution

Air, water and soil pollution not only affects people's health, but can also cause damage to the cardiovascular system. Long-term exposure to polluted environments, the accumulation of toxins in the human body can lead to a decline in heart function, which can lead to heart disease.

Genetic factors

Some familial heart diseases, such as congenital heart disease, arrhythmias, etc., have a significant genetic predisposition. If you have heart disease in your family, the other members are at increased risk of heart disease.

Advances in medical technology

In the past, many patients with heart disease may not be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner due to limited medical conditions. Now, with the continuous advancement of medical technology, the diagnosis rate of heart disease has increased significantly, which also makes the incidence of heart disease seem higher.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?


A sudden "tingling" in the chest, is it a heart attack?

A sudden "tingling" in the chest could indeed be a sign of a heart attack, but it is not the only possibility.

In medical practice, this symptom can be associated with a variety of diseases or conditions, including but not limited to muscle or nerve pain, digestive problems, and even psychological stress.

Therefore, in the face of this situation, we first need to remain calm and then follow the scientific steps to deal with it.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?

If the tingling persists or worsens, seek medical assistance immediately, and try to note the location, nature and duration of the pain while you wait for first responders to arrive, as this information is essential for your doctor to diagnose the condition.

Also, if possible, try to avoid any behaviors that may exacerbate the pain, such as strenuous exercise or deep breathing.

However, even if the pain is not severe or has subsided, the symptom should not be easily ignored. In the next few days, other symptoms of the body such as difficulty breathing, fatigue, nausea, etc., should be closely watched, which are all signs of a possible heart attack. If symptoms persist or recur, you should go to the hospital for a check-up as soon as possible.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?


If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?

Purple lips

The heart is the center of our circulatory system, responsible for transporting oxygen-rich blood to tissues and organs throughout the body, as well as carrying carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products away.

When heart function is impaired, this process is affected, resulting in various parts of the body not getting enough oxygen, including the lips.

The lips are one of the more sensitive parts of the human body, and the response to hypoxia is very obvious. When the heart is not able to efficiently deliver oxygen to various parts of the body, the lips can turn purple due to lack of oxygen. This purple phenomenon is medically known as "cyanosis" and is a clear sign of a lack of oxygen in the body.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?

Facial pain or pressure

Facial pain or pressure caused by heart problems can be caused by the effects of heart disease on the nervous system or from impaired blood circulation due to abnormal heart function.

The heart acts as the body's pump and is responsible for transporting oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body, including the face. When there is a problem with the heart, this blood circulation may be disturbed, causing pain or pressure in the face.

Heart disease can lead to abnormalities in the heart's neuromodulation, which may further affect the nerve sensation in the face. For example, in angina pectoris or myocardial infarction, pain signals from the heart may be transmitted to the face through nerves, causing pain or pressure on the face.

There are horizontal stripes on the bridge of the nose

When the heart is not functioning well, blood circulation may be affected, resulting in an insufficient supply of blood to the bridge of the nose. In this case, the skin on the bridge of the nose may develop horizontal lines due to lack of oxygen and malnutrition.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?

Secondly, the horizontal lines on the bridge of the nose may also be associated with symptoms of heart disease. For example, when the heart is overburdened or the blood supply is insufficient, the human body may experience a series of symptoms, such as facial puffiness, sagging skin, etc. These symptoms may appear as horizontal stripes on the bridge of the nose.

However, it's important to note that horizontal lines on the bridge of the nose don't necessarily mean there's a heart problem. Because the skin on the bridge of the nose is relatively thin, it is susceptible to the influence of the external environment, such as ultraviolet rays, cold, etc., which leads to aging and dryness of the skin, resulting in horizontal lines.

Puffy face

When we mention that a bad heart can cause puffiness in the face, we are actually talking about a pathological phenomenon called "cardiogenic edema".

The heart, as the heart of our circulatory system, is responsible for transporting oxygen-rich blood to various tissues and organs throughout the body, while recycling blood that contains carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products. When heart function is impaired, this balance of blood flow and recycling is disrupted, leading to a range of health problems, including puffiness of the face.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?

Veins are the tubes that carry blood from all parts of the body back to the heart, and when the heart can't pump blood effectively, it becomes trapped in the veins, increasing the pressure in the veins. This increased pressure can block blood flow to the heart, causing blood to become trapped in low-hanging areas of the body, such as the feet, legs, and even the face, eventually causing puffiness.

Earlobe creases

The earlobe crease sign, also known as the Frank sign, is a specific skin fold that appears on the earlobe. This fold appears as a distinct diagonal line that starts at the tragus and extends to the pinna, and presents an angle of about 45 degrees.

In recent years, the medical community has conducted in-depth research on this phenomenon and found that there is a certain association between it and cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. Although the presence of the earlobe crease sign does not necessarily mean that the individual necessarily has heart disease, it can indeed serve as a clue in some cases that should not be overlooked.

When an individual develops this symptom, combined with other relevant physical symptoms or signs, the doctor can assess the individual's health more fully and determine whether further medical testing is needed.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?


How to stay away from heart disease?

Maintain a healthy diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is essential for heart health. It is recommended to eat foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats (e.g., olive oil, fish oil).

At the same time, reduce your intake of foods high in salt, sugar, and fat to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Be physically active

Regular aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can help strengthen the heart and lungs and improve blood circulation.

In addition, strength training can also strengthen the heart muscle and improve the efficiency of the heart. It is recommended to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?

Control your weight

Obesity is an important risk factor for heart disease. Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, and the risk of diabetes. Strive to maintain an ideal weight range through a sensible diet and exercise.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol

Both smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can cause damage to the heart. Quitting smoking can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, while limiting alcohol intake can help keep your heart healthy.

Reduce stress

Long-term psychological stress can lead to an increased risk of heart disease. Learning to cope effectively with stress, such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and other methods to relax and unwind, can help maintain heart health.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?


The 4 types of "heart disease" do not need to be overtreated, otherwise it will be a waste of money, don't scare yourself

Mild valvular heart disease: Heart valves are important structures inside the heart that are responsible for ensuring the proper flow of blood within the heart. Mild valvular heart disease may not have a significant impact on heart function and therefore does not require overtreatment. In some cases, regular observation and monitoring of changes in the condition is sufficient.

Stable angina: Angina is a symptom of chest pain caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart. For people with stable angina, lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and medications can often be effective in controlling symptoms without overtreatment.

Mild arrhythmias: Arrhythmias are abnormalities in the rhythm, rate, or electrical signaling of the heart's beating. Mild arrhythmias may not be severe for the patient, so there is no need to overtreat. In some cases, lifestyle changes and medications are all that is needed.

Asymptomatic patients with myocardial hypertrophy: Myocardial hypertrophy is a thickening of the walls of the heart muscle, which may lead to abnormal heart function. However, in asymptomatic patients with myocardial hypertrophy, overtreatment is usually not necessary. Just monitor your condition regularly and take action if necessary.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?


Extension: Is the heart a forbidden place for cancer cells? Why the heart rarely gets cancer, tell you the truth

Heart tumors, a name that is not common in the clinical community, have an incidence of less than 0.33% and can be described as an extremely rare heart disease. However, from the data from random autopsies, we know that about 75% of these heart tumors are benign, while the remaining 25% are malignant.

Cancer is a disease that usually originates in the epithelium, while the heart is mainly made up of muscle tissue and blood vessels, so the chance of developing a primary cardiac cancer is extremely low.

In addition, the heart, as a "pumping station" for the body's blood circulation, continuously pumps blood, which makes it difficult for cancer cells to "take root" in the heart after entering the heart, because the cancer cells are quickly carried by the blood circulation to other parts.

If you have a bad heart, there may be 5 manifestations on your face, check yourself, how many do you have?

Although the incidence of heart tumors is low, the mortality rate cannot be ignored. Taking right-sided heart tumors as an example, when the location of the tumor changes, it may cause symptoms such as inferior vena cava syndrome, superior vena cava obstruction syndrome, and tricuspid valve occlusion, which may lead to fainting and even sudden death.

If the tumor is located in the pulmonary artery, it may also induce right-sided heart failure, but this symptom can easily be mistaken for pulmonary embolism.

The heart, as the "headquarters" of the human body, is of great importance to its health. Once the heart is damaged, it will pose a serious threat to the whole body.

Therefore, each of us should learn to cherish and protect this vital organ to ensure that it continues to serve our body in a continuous and stable manner.