
长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

author:Chongqing Science City in the west
长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

Recently, sponsored by the Chongqing Photographers Association and the Propaganda Department of the Party Working Committee of Chongqing High-tech Zone, the "Perception of New Chongqing, Walking Photography Science City" photography exhibition was successfully completed, and a total of 10 excellent award works and 50 selected works were selected after expert review. From now on, we will launch an exhibition of award-winning works in the "Telephoto Science City" column to enjoy the ever-changing cityscape of Science City with you. In this issue, let's take a look at the spring scenery of Science City~


长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

"The Past and Present Life of Fengming Lake" by Huang Wei|

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

"Charming Fengqi Lake" by Li Jianwei

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

"Jiufeng Yao Chi" by Ao Yuting

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

"Green Trees and Fragrant Flowers" by Zeng Yong

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

"Art Beauty" by He Chao|

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

"Beautiful Hailan Yuntian Panorama" by He Wanquan|

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

"Secluded" by Li Bin|

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

"The Beauty of the Sunset on Xi Street" by Song Jun|

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

"Lakeside Flowers" by Sun Li|

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

"University Town Central Park" by Zhou Yuan|

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

"Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Center" by Wu Kongbo

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

Photo by Xiong Jing of "Shangbang International Community".

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

"Livable City" by Feng Yiyan

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

《美丽凤栖湖》曾勇 | 摄

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

《醉美大学城》刘抒 | 摄

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

《金凤实验室》武孔波 | 摄

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

《科学城之眼》朱建新 | 摄

Editor-in-chief: Deng Xiaowei丨Deputy editor-in-chief: Li Haoyang

Editor-in-Chief: Li Tongtong丨Editor-in-charge: Wang Qian

Source: Chongqing Photographers Association | Editor: Fan Xingxin|Proofreader: Zhou Yi

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!

Produced by Chongqing High-tech Zone Financial Media Center

It may not be reproduced without permission

Copyright Notice: In addition to the original content and special instructions, the text and pictures of the push manuscript are from the Internet and major mainstream media. The copyright belongs to the original author. If you believe that the content is infringing, please contact us to remove it.

长焦科学城 | 看,春日胜景!