
The situation in the Middle East has changed drastically, and Iran has finally "compromised."

author:Sister America

At a time when the world is struggling with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and fears that Iran's retaliation against Israel will "lead to a vicious war", Iran has made a surprising decision. Within a few days, the situation in the Middle East had taken a 180-degree turn.

Who would have thought that Iran and the United States, which used to speak harshly to each other, might join forces, and the target is still Israel?

The situation in the Middle East has changed drastically, and Iran has finally "compromised."

In the early hours of April 9, Israel said the Israeli navy had intercepted and shot down a "suspicious target" over the Israel mainland, according to the Times of Israel. The day before, more than a dozen rockets, fired from Lebanon, fell from the sky and landed in northern Israel.

The contest between Israel and pro-Iranian forces is only "thunder and rain", and the situation shows no signs of getting out of control. On the 8th, Iran suddenly told the United States that if the United States could ensure a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, Iran would no longer respond to the "bombing of the Iranian consulate".

Iran has sent a signal that as long as the United States can stop Israel, Iran can work on that basis, and that would be a great success for the White House.

The situation in the Middle East has changed drastically, and Iran has finally "compromised."

Iran's implication is nothing more than this: since the United States does not want to let the situation get out of control and does not want to get involved in direct confrontation, then it will take concrete actions to stop Israel. As long as Israel no longer besieges Gaza, Iran can give up retaliating against Israel.

In this way, both the United States and Iran will be happy to see it.

However, Netanyahu has shown with his actions that it is not so simple for both the United States and Iran to make Israel compromise.

On the 8th, Netanyahu said that there was a time for Israeli troops to enter Rafah. As for what day, Netanyahu did not disclose.

The Israeli Defense Ministry said that although the main Israeli army has withdrawn from Gaza, it does not mean that the military operation is over, and the war against Hamas continues.

The situation in the Middle East has changed drastically, and Iran has finally "compromised."

What is puzzling is that at the same time as sending a tough signal, Israel has given in.

On the 8th, Egypt revealed that an important breakthrough had been made in the negotiations between Israel and Hamas, and the United States had also participated in the negotiations. Over the next two days, Israel and Hamas will discuss a ceasefire agreement in detail.

In other words, with the intervention of the United States, although no ceasefire has been reached. But Israel's attitude has shifted from its previous rejection of a ceasefire to negotiations with Hamas.

What do you think?

The situation in the Middle East has changed drastically, and Iran has finally "compromised."

First, this time, Iran's choice seems a bit "weak", but in fact it is very clever. After leaving Oman, Iran's foreign minister went to Syria, where Iran believes that the United States needs to be held accountable for the "Israeli bombing of the Iranian consulate."

The reason given by Iran is simple: the warplanes and missiles used by Israel are all American.

On the one hand, the United States should take responsibility, and on the other hand, it should join hands with the United States to put pressure on Israel, and at the same time, it should not forget to form an "anti-Israel coalition." It can only be said that Iran is indeed very good at vertical and horizontal control.

In this way, Iran handed over the puzzle to Israel. If Israel rejects a ceasefire, it is likely that Iran will adjust and continue to prepare for retaliation against Israel.

The situation in the Middle East has changed drastically, and Iran has finally "compromised."

Second, the United States is also shrewd. It is difficult for the United States to refuse the olive branch thrown by Iran, because Biden needs to win over Arab voters.

Biden is well aware that if Israel really besieges Rafah, what awaits the Palestinians will inevitably be huge casualties. When the time comes, the White House will also be the target of public criticism.

If Biden wants to win key swing states and increase his chances of winning the White House, he will have to do everything in his power to stop Israel.

The situation in the Middle East has changed drastically, and Iran has finally "compromised."

Third, Netanyahu is going to be out of luck. For now, Netanyahu has three options.

The first is to negotiate seriously with Hamas, free the hostages, and then submit their resignations in due course. In that case, Netanyahu may be able to avoid being liquidated.

The second is to go to the black with a road, and besiege Rafa directly with a horizontal heart. The warnings of the United States, the threats of Iran, and the exhortations of the United Nations are all ignored.

The situation in the Middle East has changed drastically, and Iran has finally "compromised."

The third is to talk while fighting, and see how the United States and Iran make moves.

In such a situation, Israel may turn its heart on the side and retaliate against Iran once again. Of course, it is also possible to shake hands with Hamas.

Either way, it is almost certain that what awaits Netanyahu in the end will be a constant stream of worries. This Israeli strongman is likely to be attacked by a horde.

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