
【April 10】Dressing and zodiac horoscope analysis

author:Michiyama Furo

Wednesday, April 10th

-The second day of the first month of March, the year of the first month, the month of the month of the month, the day of the first month-

[Appropriate] travel, decoration, livestock, do not take the rest of the matter, teach cattle and horses

[Don't] everything is not appropriate

【April 10】Dressing and zodiac horoscope analysis

Rank of the Divine Rank

God of Wealth: Northeast Joy God: Northeast God of Fortune: Due North

auspicious time

03:00-04:59 in Bingyin, 07:00-08:59 in Wujin, 09:00-10:59 in Jisi, 17:00-18:59 in Guiyou, 21:00-22:59 in Yihai.

【April 10】Dressing and zodiac horoscope analysis


Huo Ze (睽卦)

Seek common ground in differences


This hexagram takes advantage of bad luck, just like the Taigong trade, selling pigs and cattle is fast and selling sheep late, and pigs and sheep are slaughtered. This hexagram is a superposition of different hexagrams. Separation is fire; The fire is on fire and on the bottom, and it is not mutually beneficial. Ke Zesheng, reciprocating and empty. All things are different, they must be different, they contradict each other. Contradiction in the eye.

【 Career 】It is difficult to create a career and the situation is difficult. If you can be like-minded and trust each other, the goal can be achieved. But at first the success was mostly small. Small things can go big. Success lies in cooperation, defeat in the diversity of opinions. Solidarity should be strengthened and compromises should be made in order to achieve common ground. Mutual suspicion is most avoided.

【 Business 】We should enter the market competition with a calm attitude, and seek common ground while reserving small differences. We should not be hostile to our competitors, but we should be able to make peace without flowing, and we should be group but not partisan. In particular, we should not cause disputes and try our best to avoid disasters.

【 Seeking fame 】Strive to make progress with a sincere heart. When necessary, we should not completely abstain from interacting with the wicked, but should adopt a tolerant and tolerant attitude and moderate intercourse. It is not necessary to be completely consistent with like-minded people, but to seek common ground in differences.

【 Going out 】Smooth. You can get help from good people on the way.

【 Marriage and Love 】Both parties must treat each other sincerely. Otherwise, it is very easy for a third party to intervene, and if the husband and wife suspect each other, the family will be ruined.

[ Decision-making ] is in a state of contradiction and correspondence. Care must be taken to approach life with generosity, peace, and suppleness. In this way, you can be calm, soft and motivated. Clearly recognize that there must be separation from the union, and there must be unity when there is separation, and there are differences in the same, and there are similarities in differences. Otherwise, he will be extremely irritable and suspicious. Suspicion can be fatal.

【April 10】Dressing and zodiac horoscope analysis

Wear it every day

April 10th

[1] [Daji] White, silver, gray, beige, born by the five elements of the day. The implication is that it is easy to get the help of nobles, and everything goes well.

[2] [Second auspicious color] yellow, coffee, brown, brown, orange yellow, the same as the five elements of the day. It means that luck is favored, things go smoothly, and it is conducive to cooperation and negotiation to achieve a win-win situation.

[3] [Flat color] green, cyan, turquoise, gram of the five elements of the day. It means that hard work will be rewarded, as long as we work diligently, we will get a rich harvest, which is conducive to seeking wealth.

[4] [Use color with caution] red, purple, pink, orange red, the five elements of the day of birth. The implication is that excessive consumption can easily lead to lack of energy.

[5] [Avoid using colors] black, blue. It was grammed by the five elements of the day. The implication is that many difficulties and obstacles are faced, resulting in slow progress and half the effort.

April 11th

[1] [Daji color] yellow, coffee, brown, brown, orange yellow, born by the five elements of the day. The implication is that it is easy to get the help of nobles, and everything goes well.

[2] [Second auspicious color] red, purple, pink, orange-red, the same as the five elements of the day. It means that luck is favored, things go smoothly, and it is conducive to cooperation and negotiation to achieve a win-win situation.

[3] [Plain color] black, blue, gram of the five elements of the day. It means that hard work will be rewarded, as long as we work diligently, we will get a rich harvest, which is conducive to seeking wealth.

[4] [Careful use of color] green, cyan, turquoise, emerald green, the five elements of the day of birth. The implication is that excessive consumption can easily lead to lack of energy. You need to remind yourself to avoid making mistakes due to lack of energy.

[5] [Avoid color] white, silver, gray, beige, by the five elements of the day. The implication is that many difficulties and obstacles are faced, resulting in slow progress and half the effort.

April 12th

[1] [Daji color] yellow, coffee, brown, brown, orange yellow, born by the five elements of the day. The implication is that it is easy to get the help of nobles, and everything goes well.

[2] [Second auspicious color] red, purple, pink, orange-red, the same as the five elements of the day. It means that luck is favored, things go smoothly, and it is conducive to cooperation and negotiation to achieve a win-win situation.

[3] [Plain color] black, blue, gram of the five elements of the day. It means that hard work will be rewarded, as long as we work diligently, we will get a rich harvest, which is conducive to seeking wealth.

[4] [Careful use of color] green, cyan, turquoise, emerald green, the five elements of the day of birth. The implication is that excessive consumption can easily lead to lack of energy. You need to remind yourself to avoid making mistakes due to lack of energy.

[5] [Avoid color] white, silver, gray, beige, by the five elements of the day. The implication is that many difficulties and obstacles are faced, resulting in slow progress and half the effort.

Zodiac Horoscope 2024/04/10

【April 10】Dressing and zodiac horoscope analysis

Teji Zodiac: Rooster

Zodiac signs: monkey, rat

Zodiac signs with decay: dog, rabbit, dragon

Zodiac nobles: people who belong to the dragon

NO.1 Chicken

Zhengcai is in charge, and the "Liuhe" auspicious star is in his fate

Rooster people have excellent fortune today, and they are prosperous in wealth, which is a good time to invest and manage their finances, as long as they grasp the opportunity, they can have good returns. In addition, your fortune will not only be of substantial help to your work, but it will also bring some good news in terms of money.

NO.2 申猴

Partial to wealth, "Sanhe" auspicious star into the fate

Monkey people have excellent financial luck today, easy to have unexpected gains, and may also receive gifts from others, career luck is also very good, external help is strong, and it is easy to get praise from leaders. In addition, it is a good day of interpersonal communication, so communicate well with friends and colleagues.

NO.3 子鼠


Rat people are capable, innovative thinking, passionate about their work, able to accept and complete important tasks, and receive congratulatory applause from their colleagues. In addition, today's interpersonal relationship is harmonious, and under the guidance of the nobles, I can wander around the major important occasions in a chic manner, and everything is very smooth.

NO.4 Afternoon Horse

Principal Seal

Centaurs have excellent luck today, are quick-witted, energetic, suitable for giving full play to their talents, and are easy to complete tasks with high quality and high efficiency, so they have a great sense of achievement. In addition, the increase in party and entertainment activities can lead to more good luck and happiness.

NO.5 未羊

Regular Secretary

On the day when the fortune of the sheep people is rising, you can put the plans that you dare not implement for various reasons on the agenda at work, and take advantage of your good luck to rush forward boldly. The popularity is good, everyone is willing to be close to you, you can contact more to increase your network, and lay the foundation for starting your own business in the future.

NO.6 巳蛇

Biased to the main thing, "Tianxi" peach blossom into the fate

It is a calm day for the snake people, getting along harmoniously with colleagues and leaders, even if discussing problems can go smoothly, there will be no conflicts, and even can play at an extraordinary level. Love luck is good, singles have the opportunity to meet new people and start a wonderful relationship, and those who have a partner can take the time to prepare gifts or love dinners for each other to make each other more affectionate.

NO.7 寅虎

Shoulder to shoulder

Tiger people are bold in their ideas today, stubborn, not only in the work with colleagues in conflict, but also in the behavior is more extreme, easy to be angry, noisy with others, need to restrain their emotions, lenient to others. In addition, you should maintain your previous boldness and adjust your mental state as soon as possible.

NO.8 丑牛

The official is in charge, and the ugliness is broken

Ox people are more stressed today, life and work make you anxious, if friends have something to ask for a tactful refusal, it is better to be reckless, and it will only make things worse. In addition, the luck of interpersonal relationships has declined, and it is best not to interject when others discuss things, and be a quiet listener, so as not to cause a dispute between words.

NO.9 亥猪

The god of food is in charge, and the "red luan" peach blossom is in his fate

Pig people are a little stressed today, they are easy to speak without brains, their tone is a little heavy, and they are prone to quarrels with others. Love luck is average, the object that single people like is also paying attention to you, easy to fall in love, and those who have a partner are easy to ignore the other half, remember that feelings need to be communicated and managed with heart in order to last for a long time.

NO.10 Chenlong

Seven killings, Chenchen punished himself

Dragon people have bad luck today, the original scheduled things have changed, and there are troubles in work and life, and they need to deal with them calmly. Interpersonal relationships are not ideal, and there will be small conflicts, especially for first-time people, you must be patient to avoid leaving a bad impression.


rob the wealth of the principal, "commit" the decay star into the fate

The good fortune of the rabbit people today has taken a sharp turn, and there will be a lot of troubles and problems in the work, and it is completely beyond your ability, so you might as well humbly ask your seniors. In addition, the cost increases, so you should pay attention to the money problem and be careful of the stretch.

NO.12 戌狗


The fortune of the dog person has plummeted, and the whole person feels particularly depressed, lacks calmness, and loves to do things impulsively. It is recommended to think of a good way in your mind before dealing with things, and pay attention to the way you speak. It's a great place to relax, get out and about, or just talk to someone.

【April 10】Dressing and zodiac horoscope analysis

Birth Eight Characters - Today's Birth Horoscope


Baobao Personality Analysis

Enterprising, but a little impatient. Have a competitive heart, refuse to admit defeat, can accumulate wealth and have a certain social status. is a careerist, authoritarian, tenacious-willed, and will not settle for the status quo forever. Flexible, easily moved, impatient and prone to anger when plans are not achieved, very fond of the sea, willing to sacrifice for those they love.


Life horoscope

People born on April 10, 2024 are enterprising, confident in their abilities, and always want to show their ambitions when they get the chance. Moreover, he has the ability to reason, and his imagination is full of creative inspiration, and he often presents his unique and revolutionary ideas to friends and colleagues. If he does something wrong, he has the courage to admit it, but at the same time he is very demanding of others.


Chong Sha: Long Ri Chong (Wu Xu) Dog Sha Nan

Because April 10, 2024 is the day of the dragon, according to the principle of the genus phase opposition, so April 10, 2024 is the zodiac dog, and the dog is rushed. Fight with dogs, punish with dragons, harm with rabbits, break with cows, triple with monkeys and rats, and six with chickens.