
When buying pork, you must shout these 5 words, the boss is knowledgeable when he hears it, and he doesn't dare to fool you

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Life Tips

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Pork, as one of the most common meats on the Chinese table, is loved by people. Not only is it affordable, but it is also delicious, and it is also rich in a variety of nutrients that provide our body with abundant nutrients. But did you know that pork is not homogeneous, and different parts have different characteristics and suitable cooking methods? In a busy market, people may hesitate to buy due to a lack of knowledge about the pork cuts, or feel at a loss when faced with the sales pitch of a vendor, and sometimes even buy pork that does not meet their expectations due to a lack of expertise. Actually, it is not difficult to avoid all this. As long as we know and are familiar with the names of the five key parts of pork and tell the seller out loud when we buy it, then they will understand that you are a connoisseur of pork and will not dare to fool you easily.

When buying pork, you must shout these 5 words, the boss is knowledgeable when he hears it, and he doesn't dare to fool you

1. Pork belly

When it comes to buying pork, pork belly is often the first choice for many families. The pork belly is served on pork ribs and is fat and lean with a soft texture, making it perfect for a variety of cooking styles. However, when buying pork belly, have you ever noticed that there are also "upper pork belly" and "lower pork belly"? Although they are both pork belly, the upper and lower pork belly are different in terms of taste and culinary use. Upper pork belly has more fat and less lean meat, so it is more suitable for dumpling filling or stewing, while lower pork belly has a well-proportioned fat and lean ratio, which is more suitable for braised pork or stir-fried vegetables. When buying, make it clear to the seller whether you want "top pork belly" or "bottom pork belly" to not only look professional, but also ensure that you are buying the right meat for your needs.

When buying pork, you must shout these 5 words, the boss is knowledgeable when he hears it, and he doesn't dare to fool you

2. Plum blossom meat

Plum meat, also known as scapula, plum shoulder, upper shoulder or neck and shoulder, is located above the shoulder blades of the pig's front leg and is a high-quality lean meat. The name of plum blossom meat comes from its unique texture, lean meat occupies most of it, about 90%, and between the lean meat, there are a number of filaments of fat that crisscross like plum blossoms, hence the name. Plum meat is perfect for a variety of cooking methods due to its unique meat quality and texture. Whether it's fried pork steaks, white meatballs, enema, or stuffed dumplings, plum blossom meat can show its unique deliciousness. Especially for those who love braised pork or sweet and sour pork ribs, plum blossom pork is undoubtedly the best choice on their table. When you go to the market to buy plum meat, you can easily take it home by simply saying to the seller, "Please give me a pound of plum meat".

When buying pork, you must shout these 5 words, the boss is knowledgeable when he hears it, and he doesn't dare to fool you

3. Tenderloin

Tenderloin, located on the back of the pig immediately on either side of the vertebrae, is a highly regarded high-quality pork cut. Due to the relatively low amount of muscle activity in this area, the meat is particularly tender and the fibers are fine. The tenderloin is characterized by a very low fat content and is almost entirely lean, which allows it to maintain the original flavor of the meat during cooking, with a smooth and non-greasy taste. In Chinese cooking, tenderloin is popular for its excellent texture. It is suitable for frying, exploding, frying and other cooking methods, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, sweet and delicious. Whether it's pot meat or grug meat, tenderloin is an indispensable protagonist. When you walk into a butcher shop or supermarket and make it clear to the seller that you want to buy tenderloin, it usually means that you have high quality requirements for the ingredients.

When buying pork, you must shout these 5 words, the boss is knowledgeable when he hears it, and he doesn't dare to fool you

IV. Anterior elbow meat

The quality of meat produced in the elbow area of the pig's foreleg is called foreelbow meat. This piece of meat is characterized by its thick skin and muscles, rich in gum and lean meat, so it has a delicious taste and is not greasy. A variety of cooking methods such as roasting, grilling, sauce, stewing, marinating, soup, etc., can fully display the deliciousness of the elbow meat, such as braised elbow, choy sum grilled elbow, braised elbow and other classic dishes. It is worth mentioning that the meat of the forebow meat is particularly tender and has a delicate taste. This is due to the fact that when the pig is active, the front legs are subjected to greater pressure, which makes this part of the meat more compact, with fine meat fibers and even fat distribution. This allows the elbow to better absorb the flavors of the spices during cooking, resulting in a more appealing mouthfeel. Of course, the front elbow meat also has its drawbacks, namely the longer cooking time, which requires patience and a certain amount of cooking skill.

When buying pork, you must shout these 5 words, the boss is knowledgeable when he hears it, and he doesn't dare to fool you

5. Hind elbow meat

Hind elbow meat, also known as hind hooves, is derived from the hind leg of a pig. Compared with the front elbow meat, the back elbow meat contains more connective tissue, and the outer skin appears old and tough, so it is slightly inferior in quality. This difference in meat quality results in a very different texture and cooking method from the front elbow. The fiber of the hind elbow is coarse and hard, and the proportion of lean meat is relatively high, but it is not as juicy and gelatinous as the forebow meat. However, this does not mean that hind elbow meat does nothing in the gastronomic world. Through clever cooking techniques, such as braised and slow cooking, the taste of the elbow meat can be effectively improved, making it tender and delicious, and the flavor is richer and mellow. It's worth mentioning that although elbow meat is slightly inferior in quality, it is often more affordable, making it a very practical choice when making budget-friendly dishes. If today's article is helpful to you, please follow and like, this is my greatest support.