
When buying tomatoes, pick "5 leaves" or "6 leaves"? The old vegetable farmer said: There is a big difference, and you will not suffer a loss if you understand it and then buy it

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Life Tips

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Tomatoes, a common vegetable on our table, are not only delicious, but also rich in a variety of nutrients, such as vitamin C, lycopene, carotene and dietary fiber. These nutrients have many benefits for the human body and can help us stay healthy. However, how to pick the freshest and healthiest tomatoes has left many people confused. Today, we're going to explore this question.

When buying tomatoes, pick "5 leaves" or "6 leaves"? The old vegetable farmer said: There is a big difference, and you will not suffer a loss if you understand it and then buy it

First, the number of blades to consider

First, let's talk about the number of blades. Many people ignore this factor when picking tomatoes, but in reality, the number of leaves can be used as an indicator of tomato ripeness and quality. Typically, a tomato will have five or six leaves on the pedicle, and a tomato with more leaves tends to mean that it gets more sunlight and absorbs more nutrients and water as it grows. As a result, a tomato with six leaves is generally fuller, juicier and has a better taste than a five-leaf tomato.

When buying tomatoes, pick "5 leaves" or "6 leaves"? The old vegetable farmer said: There is a big difference, and you will not suffer a loss if you understand it and then buy it

2. Observation of color

Color is another factor that cannot be ignored. Ripe tomatoes usually have a bright red or pink color, a color that is not only pleasing to the eye, but also a sign of their ripeness. When picking, you should choose those fruits that have a uniform color and an attractive luster. Avoid tomatoes that are spotted, bluished, yellowish, or unevenly colored, as these are often signs that they are not fully ripe or are starting to spoil.

When buying tomatoes, pick "5 leaves" or "6 leaves"? The old vegetable farmer said: There is a big difference, and you will not suffer a loss if you understand it and then buy it

3. Check the shape of the bottom

The shape of the bottom of the tomato is also a detail that should not be overlooked. A good tomato should have a flat bottom, which means that it is naturally ripe and not disturbed by external forces. If the bottom is misshapen or has a noticeable protrusion, this may be the result of the use of ripening agents, which may greatly reduce the taste of the tomato. Additionally, it is important to check the fruit pedicle of the tomato, if there are marks, cracks, or signs of decay on the pedicle, then the tomato may have been stored for some time and is not as fresh as possible.

When buying tomatoes, pick "5 leaves" or "6 leaves"? The old vegetable farmer said: There is a big difference, and you will not suffer a loss if you understand it and then buy it

Fourth, pinch it

Gently pinch the tomato with your fingers and feel how soft and hard it is. A naturally ripe tomato should have moderate firmness and good elasticity. If the tomato appears too hard when you press gently, then it may not be fully ripe. On the other hand, if the tomato is too weak and lacks elasticity, it could mean that it is overripe or is starting to rot. In addition, ripe tomatoes will have a slightly rough skin, which is another sign of natural ripening. Conversely, if the skin of a tomato is unusually smooth, it may be a sign of the use of ripening agents or prolonged storage, which may affect the taste and nutrition of the tomato.

When buying tomatoes, pick "5 leaves" or "6 leaves"? The old vegetable farmer said: There is a big difference, and you will not suffer a loss if you understand it and then buy it

Fifth, take a look

When picking tomatoes, you can also pick tomatoes of the same size and feel their weight. A good tomato not only looks full, but it should also feel heavy. A heavier weight usually means that the tomato is well hydrated, so the tomato will not look shriveled when cut and will have a more juicy and rich taste. So, when you're shopping for tomatoes, pick the ones that feel heavier to make sure you're taking home the best quality product.

When buying tomatoes, pick "5 leaves" or "6 leaves"? The old vegetable farmer said: There is a big difference, and you will not suffer a loss if you understand it and then buy it

6. Smell it

Fresh tomatoes usually give off a fresh, slightly sweet natural aroma. By simply smelling a tomato, you can tell if it's ripe and of good quality. If you can barely smell anything, or if you smell an unusual odor, it could be a sign that the tomatoes have been stored for a long time or have started to spoil. Fresh aromas are a sign of freshness and deliciousness, so choose those tomatoes that exude a naturally sweet aroma and you'll be more likely to enjoy the best flavor experience. If today's article is helpful to you, please follow and like, this is my greatest support.

When buying tomatoes, pick "5 leaves" or "6 leaves"? The old vegetable farmer said: There is a big difference, and you will not suffer a loss if you understand it and then buy it