
Frequent urination, inadequate intercourse, don't use Rehmannia pills as a savior, this trick is the key

author:Dr. Andro Kodu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction~ Frequent urination, inadequate intercourse, don't use Rehmannia Pill as a savior, this trick is the key

There are many male friends who want to go to the toilet to urinate frequently after drinking some water, and they get up at night a lot of times, and it is difficult to act, the corpora cavernosa is not only weak and sensitive, and they think it is kidney deficiency, and they have also used all kinds of them, six flavors, Jin Kui Kidney Qi, etc., to make up, but in the end, they either get on fire or have diarrhea, what is going on?

Frequent urination, inadequate intercourse, don't use Rehmannia pills as a savior, this trick is the key

Personally, I think that this situation is often due to the stagnation of liver qi, and the yang qi is stagnant and unobstructed. According to traditional Chinese medicine, if the ability of the liver is reduced, the yang energy will be blocked in one part of the body, and the subtle distribution of the water valley in the body will have problems, and the water will become wastewater, which will flow into the bladder, so I want to go to the toilet after drinking a little water, especially when the weather is cold.

Frequent urination, inadequate intercourse, don't use Rehmannia pills as a savior, this trick is the key

Therefore, if you want to replenish the kidney, you must soothe the liver and regulate the qi, otherwise the liver qi will stagnate, and no matter how good the kidney essence is, it will not be able to replenish it, and the cavernous body will not be able to get the nourishment of yang qi.

Frequent urination, inadequate intercourse, don't use Rehmannia pills as a savior, this trick is the key

In addition, the tonic of the kidney should follow the principle of warmth and moistness, and only moistening can be supplemented for a long time without problems. If it is too greasy, it will be easy to have loose stools, and if it is too hot, it will be easy to get angry.

Frequent urination, inadequate intercourse, don't use Rehmannia pills as a savior, this trick is the key

Mr. Liu, from Shandong, complained: frequent urination plus ED. Symptoms:

1. The urine is dripping, bifurcated, and the urge to urinate is obvious

2. It's difficult to act, you have a lot of ideas, but you can't afford it, and even if you are reluctant to get up, you will quickly turn back

3. Depressed personality, habitual pessimism and disappointment, sighing more and more often

4. Don't dare to be alone, think and be suspicious

5. Soreness and weakness in the waist and knees

6. Tinnitus, dizziness, memory loss

7. The quality of sleep decreases, and it is easy to wake up from dreams

8. The tongue is light, the base of the tongue is sunken, the petechiae is heavy, and the pulse is weak

Frequent urination, inadequate intercourse, don't use Rehmannia pills as a savior, this trick is the key

Syndrome differentiation: liver and kidney deficiency, qi stagnation, and weak tendons


You can use yam, mountain cornwood meat, Ze Yuan, Rehman, Danpi, Poria cocos, Sichuan hyssop, boiled licorice, wolfberry, dodder seed, raspberry, actinolite, epimedium weed, raw malt, centipede. Tell him to keep a peaceful mind, not to be too anxious because of this disease, and to maintain a healthy and regular work and life. After a period of conditioning, the tendons are tough and powerful, and they can reach a state of free control.

Frequent urination, inadequate intercourse, don't use Rehmannia pills as a savior, this trick is the key

In order to allow its qi and blood to nourish the cavernous body and maintain it for a certain amount of time, it is necessary to clear the obstacles on the road to the cavernous body, so that it can be replenished. The doctor's enlightenment to the patient is not only to say some good words to comfort, but also to calm the mind, the qi will not be stagnant, always in a smooth state, the Zongjin will stretch and not decay, on the contrary, the worse the mood and the more anxious the Zongjiu will be weak.