
What's going on with corn albino seedlings

author:Seed bank app

Generally from the 4-leaf stage, the leaf color of the base of the new leaf becomes light and yellowish-white, the 5-leaf ~ 6-leaf stage, the 1~3 leaves under the heart leaf appear light yellow and light green stripes, but the leaf veins are still green, the base appears purple stripes, after 10 days ~ 15 days, the purple gradually turns yellow-white, the mesophyll becomes thin, showing "white seedlings", and the whole field is white when it is serious. Zinc-deficient corn plants are short, with short internodes, overlapping leaf pillows, stunted growth of heart leaves, and look flat-topped, while in severe cases, white leaves gradually dry up and even die as a whole.

What's going on with corn albino seedlings

Prevention and control measures

Use zinc fertilizer as seed fertilizer, 1.5 kg ~ 2 kg of zinc sulfate per mu, mix well with 15 kg ~ 20 kg of fine soil, and sprinkle next to the seeds when corn is sown.

Zinc fertilizer seed dressing, 1 kg of zinc sulfate mixed with 25 kg of corn seeds. The method is to use 2 kg ~ 3 kg of warm water to dissolve 1 kg of zinc fertilizer, and after all are dissolved, the zinc fertilizer solution is evenly sprayed on the corn seeds, so that the surface of the seeds is stained with zinc fertilizer, and the seeds are sown after drying.

What's going on with corn albino seedlings

Foliar zinc fertilizer, for the seedlings with zinc deficiency, spray Demer Tianye leaf alcohol chelate zinc, spray 1 time every 7 days, generally spray 2 times ~ 3 times to make the seedlings return to normal.

What's going on with corn albino seedlings

Corn albino seedlings are introduced here, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield corn seeds, you can download the seed bank App, and the country's excellent corn varieties are available for everyone to choose.

What's going on with corn albino seedlings

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