
In the spring breeze, "Yu" saw 8 righteous and courageous medical workers

author:Great River Health News

When the unexpected happens, you can truly appreciate the weight of the saying that time is life.

Every minute and second wasted can make all the difference, death, or severe disability and inability to take care of oneself. No matter how fast 120 is, it will take a certain amount of time to arrive, if there is miscommunication and traffic jams......

At this time, the professional medical staff who happened to be around actively took action, and for the patient, it was really like an angel falling from the sky. They fought with death with their bare hands, saving lives that could pass away at any time.

In the first quarter of 2024, in just 3 months, there have been 8 incidents of medical personnel acting bravely in Henan. There are doctors, nurses, seniors, and post-90s trainees.

They saved the happiness of at least 8 families.

The emaciated woman immediately turned into a warrior in front of the patient

Time of incident: March 25

Righteous and brave doctors: Han Xiangqin, otolaryngologist of Yexian County People's Hospital

After: At around 12:20 on March 25, I was returning home from work, passing near the east gate of Xianghe Century on Yanhe Road, and saw a young man facing the ground surrounded by onlookers. "I'm a doctor. "Let the people around you help position the patient.

Seeing that the patient was unconscious, no breathing, no pulse, and could not breathe, I quickly gave cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and at the same time asked the surrounding people to dial 120, and after more than 10 minutes of rescue, the patient regained his spontaneous heart rate, breathing and consciousness, and transferred to the hospital for further treatment.

Indispensable treatment is the basic quality of medical staff, and if this situation is encountered again, I will still stand up!

In the spring breeze, "Yu" saw 8 righteous and courageous medical workers

Lu met the old man and fainted, and the post-90s doctor did not hesitate

Time of incident: March 14

Righteous and courageous doctors: Fu Xinjie, neurosurgeon at Mianchi County People's Hospital

Experience: On the evening of March 14, near the 10,000-person square in Mianchi County, an elderly man suddenly fainted with heart disease, and I happened to pass by.

At that time, I didn't know how long the old man had passed out, I turned the old man over, lay flat on the ground, and found that the old man's breathing and heartbeat had stopped, and the pupils were still of normal size, so I hurried to implement cardiopulmonary resuscitation until the ambulance arrived at the scene.

At that time, I didn't think much about it, I just wanted to save people first. It's my job to heal and save people, but it's in a different place, and if I encounter this situation again, I'll still come forward.

In the spring breeze, "Yu" saw 8 righteous and courageous medical workers

Righteousness and courage on the high-speed rail

When: March 7

Righteousness and courage for medical care: Wu Biao, director of the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Love Ward of Zhengzhou People's Hospital, Tang Yao, head nurse of the Pediatric Love Ward, and Shi Jie of the outpatient department

Experience: On March 7, my colleagues and I participated in a charity event and went to the Xinyang Children's Welfare Institute for medical treatment, taking the G2045 high-speed train.

From Luohe West to Xinyang East, I heard the high-speed rail radio saying that the No. 9 carriage sought medical assistance, Tang Yao and Shi Jie (both in the No. 4 carriage) rushed to the emergency (at that time, there was a young man from the Luohe Central Hospital who had arrived first, the administrative post), and found that it was a young female passenger who had an accident, dizziness, fatigue, and painful face, after a simple inquiry, auscultation, blood pressure was measured at 100/78 mm Hg, and in the case of considering that motion sickness and hypoglycemia could not be ruled out, supplementary candy and pulse were given, and the passenger gradually recovered.

In the spring breeze, "Yu" saw 8 righteous and courageous medical workers

On the way to study, I was brave and righteous

When: February 29

Righteous and courageous doctors: Guo Junnan, neurologist at Huaihe Hospital, Henan University

Experience: On February 29, I took the G1556 high-speed train from Zhengzhou East to Beijing West to Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University for further study. Hearing the radio search: a passenger in car 6 suddenly had chest tightness and sweating profusely, and was in urgent need of treatment. I was in car number 7 and arrived immediately.

The traveler was a middle-aged man, with unbearable chest tightness, sweating profusely, and almost all his clothes were soaked. I immediately checked his vital signs and took a medical history, but the patient was almost speechless in pain and his family was at a loss.

I carefully observed the passenger's illness and learned from his family that he had a history of coronary artery spasm and hypertension in the past, and that he had a carotid pulse on the touch, but the radial pulse was very weak, and it was preliminarily judged that he might have a cardiac disease. Worried about the passenger's condition getting worse, I communicated with the conductor to prepare the venue as soon as possible, ready to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation at any time, and asked the passengers around me if they were carrying nitrates. At the same time, I hurriedly took out the stethoscope from my suitcase, and found that the passenger's heart sound was weak, and I learned that the patient had taken 4 quick-acting heart-saving pills that he had prepared, and when I saw that there was a fast-acting heart-saving pill handed by an enthusiastic passenger next to me, I asked the patient to take 10 pills.

When I continued to ask the sick traveler if he had taken other medications orally, I learned that the patient had not taken his medication on time today, so I immediately instructed the traveler to take the appropriate dose of aspirin and statins. Not long after, the patient's complexion slowly recovered, and after examination, his vital signs were normal, and he was basically safe. Finally, assist the conductor in transferring the patient to Anzhen Hospital.

In the spring breeze, "Yu" saw 8 righteous and courageous medical workers

On the way out, I was brave and brave

Time of incident: February 17

Righteous and brave nurse: Xia Yanan, the nurse in charge of the rehabilitation department of Ruzhou People's Hospital

By: At about 9 p.m. on February 17, when my husband and I drove through the east end of Xi'er River Bridge on Xiangyang Road in downtown Ruzhou, we saw many people gathered there. Through the window, I could see someone lying on the ground. As soon as I got out of the car, I heard someone shouting, "Is there a doctor, is there a nurse?"

I squeezed into the crowd and saw a man lying on the ground, and someone tried to give him CPR. I immediately went to check on the patient and found that he was unconscious, breathing on his own, and his carotid pulse was gone. Knowing that 120 had been called, he persuaded the onlookers to keep a safe distance while turning the patient's head to one side.

I perform CPR on the patient and check the patient's condition every time I do it...... After a few minutes, the patient regained consciousness and opened his eyes. "Look, I've opened my eyes, and I'll be fine. I've met a nice guy. The onlookers said. After that, the ambulance arrived, and my husband and I took the patient onto the stretcher.

In the spring breeze, "Yu" saw 8 righteous and courageous medical workers

When he returned to his hometown for a wedding, Gui Peisheng bravely rescued three neighbors

When: February 2

Righteous and courageous doctors: Wang Zhen, a resident trainee of Huaihe Hospital

After: On the evening of February 2, my neighbor built a charcoal stove at home to keep warm, and due to the small size of the room, carbon monoxide quickly accumulated, and three people in the family fainted one after another. When the neighbor's daughter found out about the situation, she immediately called for help and subsequently contacted me.

I hurried to his house. I performed CPR with my father, Wang Huazhong, quickly opened the doors and windows for ventilation, and dialed the 120 emergency number. At the same time, I organized the crowd to carry the three people outside and continued to rescue them.

Since long-term cardiopulmonary resuscitation will consume a lot of physical strength, I organized the young people in the village to imitate my first aid method and continue to rescue people.

After nearly an hour of hard work, the three people gradually showed vital signs and were sent to the Piyang County People's Hospital by 120 ambulance for further treatment. The last three were out of danger.

In the spring breeze, "Yu" saw 8 righteous and courageous medical workers

The high-speed rail station that went out was brave and brave

Time of incident: February 1

Righteous and courageous doctors: Dr. Shao Qiu, Cerebrovascular Disease Hospital, Henan Provincial People's Hospital

After: At 10 o'clock in the morning on February 1, Zhengzhou East Railway Station, I had to take the train to go out for consultation that day, and just arrived at the station to wait for the train, I heard the station staff calling for help: "A young passenger suddenly fainted and fell to the ground, is there a doctor in the station to come and see." ”

I immediately rushed to the scene and found a young man fainting on the ground, his whole body convulsed, blood and white foam spitting from his mouth, and there was no response to the call, and his condition was very critical. I went up to check the patient's breathing and pulse, and checked his pupils with my phone's flashlight and found that his vital signs were temporarily stable.

Then, together with the railway police, I turned the man's face up, tilted his head to one side, quickly cleaned his mouth and nose secretions with my hands, kept his airway open, and kept a close eye on his vital signs.

After emergency rescue, when the ambulance arrived at the scene, the sick man's consciousness gradually recovered. After explaining the situation to the emergency doctor, I put the man in an ambulance and left.

In the spring breeze, "Yu" saw 8 righteous and courageous medical workers

Brave in the lunch break

When: January 21

Brave Nurses: Han Yali and Wan Liuliu, ophthalmology nurses of Zhengzhou Yihe Hospital

By: At around 1 p.m. on January 21, my colleague Wan Liuliu and I took a walk near the hospital after lunch. On the way, I saw a black car stuck in the separation zone on East Agricultural Road and East Longhu Outer Ring Road. Through the window, we found that the driver was a middle-aged man with his neck tilted to one side, foaming at the mouth and twitching......

We realized that the patient might have had a sudden onset of illness and was in a critical condition, so we tried to open the car door, but the door was locked. In a hurry, a takeaway boy and I banged on the car window and called loudly, while Wan Liuliu urgently dialed 119 and 120 for help. However, no matter how loud the window snapped, the driver still did not respond!

Later, a passing driver saw that we were in an urgent situation and immediately got out of the car to help! This kind passer-by forcefully opened the trunk of the vehicle, curled up into the car, and opened the front door. Immediately, we took emergency measures, taking breathing, feeling his pulse, and looking in the man's pocket for emergency medicine. After repeated patting, the patient responds slightly, but remains confused.

We found the patient's mobile phone and called the family to explain the patient's condition, ask the patient if he has a history of epilepsy, high blood pressure, etc., and take appropriate measures. Soon, our hospital emergency personnel rushed to the scene with a flat cart and explained the situation to the emergency personnel before we left.

In the spring breeze, "Yu" saw 8 righteous and courageous medical workers

(Manyanagi Willow)

In the spring breeze, "Yu" saw 8 righteous and courageous medical workers

(Han Yali)

Source: Medical and Health News


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