
"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

Text: Lao Yan Kanshi

Editor|Lao Yan Kanshi

Is it true that domestic products are not as good as foreign products?

In the past, many people may have thought that this sentence was an affirmative sentence, but as Chinese youth unveiled layers of masks of foreign-funded enterprises, domestic things have once again returned to the public's field of vision, and the rise of domestic products will be unstoppable.

In fact, in the last century, the mainland's domestic products also had a glorious period, but because of the intervention of foreign-funded enterprises and the sale of "domestic moles" in the domestic market, four once smash hit brands were consumed alive.

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

So, which are the four national brands that have died out in the torrent of the times? How were they completely destroyed by foreign-funded enterprises?

Speaking of the first one, we have to mention our prince's milk.

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

Empty gloves white wolf

In 1996, Li Tuchun, the founder of Prince Milk, established the base camp of Prince Milk in Zhuzhou.

In order to increase the consumption of prince's milk, the scale of prince's milk will be expanded. In that era when the per capita salary was not 100 yuan, Li Tuchun spent a lot of money to advertise for Prince Milk, which was as high as 88.88 million, and in the same year, Li Tuchun couldn't even pay the wages of employees.

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

But Li Tuchun's move was undoubtedly successful, and after CCTV advertised, Prince Milk became famous and won hundreds of millions of orders. In less than a year, Prince Milk has sold well in 29 provinces and cities across the country. By 2005, Prince Milk accounted for 70% of the market share of China's lactic acid bacteria beverage market.

It can be said that this is the year when Prince Milk stands at the peak of the dairy industry. But after this year, the prince's milk went to the road of decay.

There is never a shortage of worshippers behind a successful company, and there is never a shortage of competitors. The success of Prince Milk has indeed led to the development of lactic acid bacteria drinks, but at the same time, it has also diverted the interests of the rest of the dairy branches. And high-tech dairy is one of them.

In 2006, Li Tuchun wanted to put Prince Milk on the market. Be prepared to take out a loan to make your financial statements beautiful. As a result, Li Tuchun borrowed tens of millions of dollars from foreign investment banks such as the British Union, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs.

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

But these investment banks have long reached a consensus with the high-tech dairy industry, and now lending to Prince Milk is just a trap set for them to pull Prince Milk off the altar.

Sure enough, after the prince milk won their loan, they helped the prince milk to match, so that the prince milk won a loan of hundreds of millions of yuan.

After getting the loan, Prince Milk just put the money into production and was ready to show off its skills. In the next second, I didn't expect that the banks that had lent money to me before would actually demand money from me in advance. Where can the prince's milk have the money to pay back? As a result, the problem of the rupture of the capital chain fell on the prince's milk's head.

At the same time, these foreign-funded enterprises began to spread rumors about Prince Milk, and the credibility of Prince Milk has dropped significantly. In order to prevent Prince Milk from going out of business, Li Tuchun had to sell his shares to find the next buyer for Prince Milk.

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

And that's where the high-tech dairy industry comes in. The high-tech dairy industry has realized the change of ownership of the prince's milk by means of empty gloves and white wolves. Although in 2023, Li Tuchun will restore the truth of the events of that year, but the fall of the prince's milk is irreversible.

And the second national brand is Yinlu. You may say, isn't it very common in the life of the silver heron, how can it be disintegrated?

But in fact, the current silver heron is no longer the silver heron of the past.

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

The Arctic Ocean and the loneliness of the silver heron

In 2000, Yinlu was founded. Because of its portability and convenience. The market size of the silver heron is expanding rapidly. In ten years, Yinlu's annual turnover has reached as much as 5 billion yuan.

At this time, Nestle is ready to enter the Chinese market. When conducting market research, Nestlé found that Yinlu's products were exactly the missing part of their current value chain. So he proposed an olive branch of a joint venture to Yinlu.

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

Even Chen Shuiqing, the boss of Yinlu, does not want the brand he founded to be held by foreign capital. However, due to the lack of innovation at that time, Yinlu's sales were declining year by year, and for the sake of long-term development, Chen Shuiqing finally decided to transfer most of the shares to Nestle.

But Nestle only coveted the influence of the silver heron, and did not think about the future of the silver heron at all. After Nestlé relied on Yinlu to gain a foothold in the Chinese market, it sold Yinlu.

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

The market vacancy of Yinlu for more than ten years has also greatly reduced the status of Yinlu. The once beautiful silver heron is now covered with a layer of dust.

The third national enterprise is the Arctic Ocean.

In those nostalgic TV dramas now, the drink that often appears is the Arctic Ocean. The Arctic Ocean was more popular than Coca-Cola in the last century. But it was precisely because of this that Coca-Cola stopped drying.

In order to pull down the local brand of Arctic Ocean and give more market to foreign-funded enterprises. Coca-Cola and Pepsi have made a rare team-up, and they have cracked down on domestic soda brands through various methods.

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

Rumors, suppression is the foundation, technical blockade, and production line restrictions are the back. and then Coca-Cola and Pepsi joined forces to suppress it. The Arctic Ocean soon became unsustainable and was acquired by these two companies.

Although the Arctic Ocean was unwilling afterwards, after various efforts, he "ransomed" himself back. But Coca-Cola has long since gained a foothold, and even if the Arctic Ocean is helpless, there is no way to save the defeat.

And the last brand is the well-known Chinese toothpaste.

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

The rise of domestic products is unstoppable

In the fifties of the last century, Chinese toothpaste was a brand independently founded by the people of the mainland. However, like Yinlu, Unilever, a foreign cleaning and care brand, found that Chinese toothpaste was very popular in the mainland when it was preparing to enter the mainland market.

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

Therefore, in order to squeeze out the Chinese market, Unilever began to hand out its "olive branch", and after merging with China toothpaste, it began to use the identity of China toothpaste to make money for itself in the Chinese market.

After such a long period of development, only one shell of Chinese toothpaste remains, and there is still a shadow of the past. Today's Chinese toothpaste, although called Zhonghua, has actually become a shell for Unilever to make money in the mainland.

"Internal traitors" colluded with foreign capital to disintegrate four national brands, resulting in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

Therefore, it is not that domestic products are inferior to imported things. However, the means of foreign-funded enterprises are really endless, which makes our national brand unguardable. What is even more odious is that these foreign-funded enterprises even spread rumors about mainland brands, making Chinese money while slandering China.

Fortunately, with the passage of time, those original truths have been exposed. Today's young people are choosing to support domestic products. I believe that in the near future, domestic products will become more and more brilliant.

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