
Characteristics of boys' growth: trust and freedom, so that boys grow up in responsibility

author:Positive life in Beijing

A sense of responsibility is a trait in men. Look at the successful men now, they have a common characteristic, that is, no matter how big or small, they will take responsibility and be very responsible.

Characteristics of boys' growth: trust and freedom, so that boys grow up in responsibility

There is a mother who wrote an article on her blog, which resonated with many parents. She said that her family is also a "6+1" family model, where grandparents help take care of the children. But she still chose to take care of her son by herself and was very attentive to him. When her son was sick, she was so worried that she went to the doctor everywhere. Once, for the sake of her son, she stayed in the hospital for two days and one night, did not sleep, and almost fainted.

Characteristics of boys' growth: trust and freedom, so that boys grow up in responsibility

However, once she was sick herself, and she was very uncomfortable lying in bed, and wanted her son to pour her a glass of water. But the son said, "Don't you see me doing my homework?" and when he heard this, his mother's tears flowed.

Many parents ask, why are today's children so irresponsible? In fact, the reason lies with the parents. You see, some parents often say to their children, "Hurry up and eat breakfast, and I'll help you pack your school bag." Or, "Kid, I'll help you with your flyer assignment, just wait." "There are also parents who give their children what they want, and only care about their children's scores, and don't care about anything else.

Characteristics of boys' growth: trust and freedom, so that boys grow up in responsibility

If this goes on for a long time, how will children know how to take care of themselves, how will they know how to be responsible for others and society?

Therefore, parents should start with the small things in daily life, so that children have the opportunity to experience the wind and rain, to care for others, and to love the collective. In this way, the child can slowly grow into a responsible person.

Characteristics of boys' growth: trust and freedom, so that boys grow up in responsibility

When children are just starting their journey in life, what they need most is the guidance of their parents. Cultivating their sense of responsibility from an early age will be good for them throughout their lives. This is the true love that parents have for their children.

Characteristics of boys' growth: trust and freedom, so that boys grow up in responsibility

How do you develop a sense of responsibility in boys? Let me give some tips to young parents:

The first trick is to start from the "small". This "small" has two meanings, one refers to starting from a child, and the other refers to starting from small things. When a child is young, we have to teach him to eat and dress on his own. When he is older and goes to school, I will teach him to carry his school bag, sweep the floor, and take out the garbage. Every time you give him a task, tell him why he is doing it, and make him understand that it is his own responsibility. In this way, he will be able to do it proactively and without being offended.

Characteristics of boys' growth: trust and freedom, so that boys grow up in responsibility

The second trick is to respect the boy's choice and give him the opportunity to take responsibility. For example, there is a mother who owns an online store, and she often asks her son to help fill out delivery orders. At first, my son may not fill in very well, but she will teach him patiently. In this way, the son not only learned to fill in the form, but also helped his mother a lot. In this way, boys can learn to think and make choices independently. Today's parents often arrange too much for their children, and as a result, their children don't know how to choose and are unwilling to take responsibility. So, we need to believe in boys, give them some trust and freedom, give them the opportunity to exercise themselves and develop a sense of responsibility.

Characteristics of boys' growth: trust and freedom, so that boys grow up in responsibility

The third trick is that parents should be good role models. Fathers, in particular, have a particularly strong influence on boys. If parents are not responsible, then how can children learn a sense of responsibility? Therefore, we must be conscientious and responsible in life, study, and work, so that children can learn good qualities from us and become a responsible person when they grow up.

Characteristics of boys' growth: trust and freedom, so that boys grow up in responsibility

In general, cultivating children's sense of responsibility is not achieved overnight, and requires us to guide patiently and step by step. As long as we teach with our hearts, children will definitely become responsible people.

Characteristics of boys' growth: trust and freedom, so that boys grow up in responsibility

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