
Cancer cells and normal cells are born from the same root, not foreign, but because your body's "water and soil" have changed

author:Professor Li Zhong, an expert in traditional Chinese medicine oncology

In order to understand the state of cancer, we must first know what the health status is. To put it simply, the state of health means that the body is strong, the heart is healthy, the body is free of diseases, and the mind is harmonious and healthy.

Cancer, in fact, is also a state. This is a state of imbalance between man and nature, and between the five internal organs of the human body.

Click on the video below to see my full explanation


Cancer is not foreign, it is produced by our own body. For example, if an orange is born in Huainan, it is an orange, and if it is born in Huaibei, it is an orange.

Why? The water and soil are different.

Our body is the same, our cells are just a seed, and this seed will produce different results in different soils.

Your cancer cells and normal cells are born from the same root, one is good, and the other is "bad". Modern medicine explains that cancer is the result of abnormal mutations in the body's cells. Actually, the principle is the same.

Cancer cells and normal cells are born from the same root, not foreign, but because your body's "water and soil" have changed

Why did the seed go bad? Your internal environment has changed. There are many factors, but most of them are related to long-term poor lifestyle eating habits, bad mood or environment.

Therefore, the key to fighting cancer is not to eliminate the "bad seeds", if the "soil" of the body does not change, it will not be eliminated at all. The key to fighting cancer is to change the "soil" of the body that is suitable for the survival of tumors. In this way, we can fundamentally prevent cancer, prevent recurrence and metastasis, and restore health.

And this happens to be the advantage of traditional Chinese medicine in anti-tumor.

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Cancer cells and normal cells are born from the same root, not foreign, but because your body's "water and soil" have changed

Through traditional Chinese medicine, we can effectively control the development of tumors by changing the patient's "soil" environment and changing his "cancer state", so that his qi, blood and viscera are harmonized, yin and yang are balanced, and the meridians are unobstructed.

If the soil of your body does not change, recurrence and metastasis are often a matter of time, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery, targeted drugs...... These have temporarily removed the lesions and eliminated the cancer cells, but how many patients still metastasized and spread, could not be controlled, and collapsed?

This is also the reason why the clinical effect of integrative medicine is better.

Finally, medication is one aspect, and the doctor's "word therapy" is also very important. During daily consultations, our "cancer status" experts will also give advice and precautions on diet, lifestyle and other aspects based on the patient's individual situation.

Cancer cells and normal cells are born from the same root, not foreign, but because your body's "water and soil" have changed
Next Preview: Episode 2 of "Cracking the Imbalanced Cancer State": These Lifestyle Habits Call for Cancer!

If you need help with traditional Chinese medicine and want to find me to fight cancer, you can click on the right to make an appointment with Professor Li Zhong!

What is the use of my anti-cancer Chinese medicine?

1/ Change the "cancer" constitution, change the patient's internal environment suitable for the growth of cancer cells, and improve the immune function of cancer patients. Fundamentally prevent recurrence and metastasis, and truly succeed in fighting cancer!

2/ Anti-cancer tumor, TCM anti-tumor treatment, while protecting normal cells and enhancing autoimmunity. Eventually, you can suppress the recurrence of cancer on your own!

Cancer cells and normal cells are born from the same root, not foreign, but because your body's "water and soil" have changed

3/ Improve and alleviate clinical discomfort symptoms, enhance and reduce toxicity of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, alleviate bone marrow suppression after chemotherapy, solve digestive system reactions, prevent and treat peripheral neurotoxicity, reduce radiation inflammation, etc., and delay targeted drug resistance!

4/ Promote the recovery of cancer patients after surgery and prevent tumor recurrence and metastasis.

5 / Topical use of Chinese medicine can also control and relieve cancer pain.

6 / Relieves pain and improves quality of life and length of life. Extending the life of cancer patients and living as well and as long as others is a success in fighting cancer!

If you encounter any questions in the process of fighting cancer, you can ask me at any time, and I will answer them as soon as possible after the visit. Follow me to the cancer state and successfully fight cancer!

Cancer cells and normal cells are born from the same root, not foreign, but because your body's "water and soil" have changed
