
Precipitation + wind tomorrow night! Strong convective weather may appear in →

author:Xi'an release

Today during the day

The pace of temperature recovery in Xi'an has accelerated

At 4 p.m., the highest temperature in most areas

to around 25°C

Xi'an Meteorological Observatory at 16 o'clock on April 8

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In the coming week, the city will be dominated by cloudy weather, and the temperature fluctuation will rise, including weak precipitation and windy weather on the night of the 9th, thundershowers or light rain from the afternoon to the night of the 13th, and strong convective weather such as thunder and lightning, short-term gales and short-term heavy precipitation may be accompanied by thunder and lightning in the early stage of precipitation.

In terms of environmental meteorology, the atmospheric diffusion conditions have been generally good recently, and the air quality is mainly good. The specific forecast is as follows:

Tonight: Cloudy and overcast, 14°C~20°C;

9th: Cloudy to light rain or showers, easterly wind level 3, gust level 5-6, 14°C~27°C;



12th: sunny to cloudy, 14°C~30°C;

13th: Cloudy to thundershowers or light rain, southerly wind level 3, gust of about level 6, 13°C~29°C;


15th: Sunny to cloudy, 14°C~28°C.

Shaanxi Provincial Meteorological Observatory at 16:30 today

Publish the latest weather bulletin

Affected by the eastward movement of the plateau trough

Expected for the next three days

There is weak precipitation in some parts of our province


Precipitation + wind tomorrow night! Strong convective weather may appear in →
Precipitation + wind tomorrow night! Strong convective weather may appear in →
Precipitation + wind tomorrow night! Strong convective weather may appear in →

Source: Xi'an Meteorology, Shaanxi Meteorology丨Editor: Answer丨Proofreading: Wang Junwang丨Review: Han Dongchen丨Please indicate the source | Editor-in-charge: Cheng Yumeng