
The "whisper" mailbox allows students to open up

author:Palm Qujing

"Teacher, my table mates will give me nicknames and rummage over my desk, I'm so distressed. "Mom and Dad are out working, and I want to see them every day when I get home. What can I say to get them back?" "When I encounter a problem that I don't understand in my studies, I don't dare to ask the teacher or my classmates, what should I do......?" The "whispering" mailbox of the Yanfang Township Nuo Primary School in Zhanyi District contains one little secret after another of the children.

The "whisper" mailbox allows students to open up

In order to effectively do a good job in students' psychological intervention and counseling, guide students to improve their self-psychological adjustment level, and promote the development of students' mental health, in February this year, Nuonuo Primary School set up a "whisper" mailbox to build a bridge of communication between teachers and students. The "Whisper" mailbox is in charge of a special person and is opened once a week.

Every Friday afternoon after school, Ms. Li Yimei, who is in charge of receiving letters, will open the "whisper" mailbox to carefully record the children's little secrets, and timely feedback the relevant information to the students' homeroom teachers.

"Through the small window of the 'whisper' mailbox, the children can freely express their inner thoughts and feelings, and the teachers can also have a deeper understanding of the children's psychological conditions and identify potential problems. Li Yimei said.

The "whisper" mailbox allows students to open up

Less than two months after the opening of the "Whisper" mailbox, more than 30 letters were received from students, which recorded the problems and confusions encountered by students in the process of growing up. In response to the problems and confusions reported by the students, the class teacher will solve them in a timely manner, and if they cannot solve them, they will work with the teacher in charge of mental health education to study and solve them as soon as possible.

"On weekdays, I don't know who to say something, and I'm always afraid that my classmates will laugh at me if I say it. This mailbox gives me a place to speak from my heart. A student said in an interview with reporters.

"From documenting student issues to solving them, we are strictly confidential. Guo Jiasheng, the principal of Nuonuo Primary School, said that keeping secrets can make children let go of their worries and open their hearts. In the next step, the school will actively take measures to guide more students to participate in it, especially special groups such as left-behind children, students from single-parent families, and poor students, and effectively manage and use the "whisper" mailbox well, and continuously improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the school's mental health education work.

The "whisper" mailbox allows students to open up

The "whisper" mailbox is a vivid epitome of the school's efforts to protect the healthy growth of students. In recent years, the school attaches great importance to mental health education, actively builds a mental health work mechanism, continuously enriches mental health education activities, strives to improve the awareness of teachers and students on the importance of mental health, and comprehensively builds a high-quality mental health education system.

Qujing financial media reporter Wu Chahong special reporter Gu Zhenghui text/photo