
Why are more and more elderly people dying of heart failure? The doctor regretted that if you avoid four things, you will not listen to persuasion

author:39 HealthNet

"I don't know what strange disease he has, his belly is getting bigger and bigger day by day!"

Uncle Li came to the hospital accompanied by his lover, and every step was very difficult, and he finally lay on the hospital bed, and the doctor measured his abdominal circumference, which reached 94.5 cm.

It turned out that something was wrong with Uncle Li six years ago, and he was often short of breath after the event, but it disappeared after a while, so he didn't feel at ease. Until half a year ago, the shortness of breath was significantly worsened, and I was out of breath when I climbed the second floor, and my stomach and legs began to swell.

As my belly got bigger and bigger, I couldn't eat at home, I couldn't sleep well, and I could only rest on the quilt every night.

I regretted going to the hospital, and after a series of tests, I was diagnosed with "mitral valve prolapse and extremely severe regurgitation".

Why are more and more elderly people dying of heart failure? The doctor regretted that if you avoid four things, you will not listen to persuasion

The doctor said that this is a kind of heart valve disease, because it has not attracted attention and treatment, the burden on the heart is getting heavier and heavier, causing heart failure, and the "big belly" is also caused by this.

1. There are more than 10 million heart failure patients in mainland China, what is the problem?

According to the latest epidemiological survey data, the incidence of heart failure in mainland China is 1.3%, and the number of people affected is about 13.7 million, of which 1.3 million are in the stage of end-stage heart failure, and the value is still rising.

Heart failure refers to a disease in which the heart's contraction and diastolic function are abnormal, resulting in the inability of the heart to supply blood to meet the body's needs, resulting in a series of abnormal symptoms in the body.

The incidence increases with age, but in recent years, the incidence in young people is not low, and one-third of heart failure patients are young people. Heart failure is eventually induced by diet, genetics, and a lack of attention to the three highs.

Why are more and more elderly people dying of heart failure? The doctor regretted that if you avoid four things, you will not listen to persuasion

Kong Lingqiu, deputy chief physician of the cardiovascular department of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that there are four main causes of heart failure.

One is respiratory tract infection, which is the most common cause of heart failure, which generally occurs in autumn and winter;

In addition to atrial fibrillation, bradyarrhythmia and tachyarrhythmia may also induce heart failure;

The third is the increase of cardiac workload, such as renal failure leading to a decrease in urine output, excessive fluid intake, high-sodium diet, infection, fever, emotional agitation, etc., which may make the heart's load heavier, and then induce heart failure.

In addition, people who suffer from myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction, alcoholism, and inappropriate use of diuretic drugs and antihypertensive drugs may also develop heart failure.

Why are more and more elderly people dying of heart failure? The doctor regretted that if you avoid four things, you will not listen to persuasion

2. If there are 4 strange manifestations in the body, be alert to heart failure knocking on the door

In the past half century, the medical community has made great progress in the prevention and management of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and the mortality rate in developed countries has dropped by two-thirds, with the exception of heart failure.

When heart failure strikes, the body will have a series of abnormal manifestations, and these 4 symptoms should be paid attention to once they appear.

1. Fatigue

After a few minutes of activity, you feel out of breath, which is caused by the inability of muscles and tissues to get congested blood supply due to decreased heart function.

Why are more and more elderly people dying of heart failure? The doctor regretted that if you avoid four things, you will not listen to persuasion

2. Unstoppable coughing

Long-term incurable cough, in addition to being associated with respiratory diseases, can also be caused by heart failure.

Patients with heart failure usually cough at night, but the cough is relieved when sitting or standing, and the sputum coughed up is white foamy and may be bloodshot.

3. Difficulty getting a good night's sleep

Patients with heart failure will feel obvious symptoms of dyspnea due to the presence of fluid in the lungs when lying down, and will often be awakened during sleep at night, and the symptoms will be relieved after a few minutes of sitting up, but they will soon reappear when they continue to fall asleep.

4. Anxiety and depression

Clinical data show that the probability of suffering from depression in people with heart failure is 2~3 times higher than that of ordinary people.

Because such people have greater worries about their own health, and their bodies are affected by the symptoms of heart failure, they are prone to depression under the combined pressure of body and mind.

Why are more and more elderly people dying of heart failure? The doctor regretted that if you avoid four things, you will not listen to persuasion

3. To protect heart health, 4 things should really be done less

Heart failure can be divided into four stages of ABCD, once the symptoms and signs of heart failure appear in the patient, it means that the course of the disease has entered stage C.

Among patients with heart failure, the 5-year survival rate of stage A ~ B is 98~99%, while the survival rate of stage C patients is less than 75%, which is a very large gap.

Through staging, we can also know that the occurrence of heart failure is not overnight, but becomes more and more serious with the development of time, and we can prevent and treat heart failure through some measures in life.

Zhang Shiwen, attending physician of the Department of Cardiology of the Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, said that the heart is most afraid of these 4 things, and if you are still doing it, you must change it as soon as possible.

1. Overwork

Overexertion can lead to a heavier heart load, and in severe cases, it can also lead to myocardial infarction, acute heart failure, and even sudden death.

We must pay more attention to rest and pay attention to the combination of work and rest.

Why are more and more elderly people dying of heart failure? The doctor regretted that if you avoid four things, you will not listen to persuasion

2. Not paying attention to keeping warm

In the case of low temperature, it will cause vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate, which will increase the load on the heart to varying degrees, and it is easy to catch a cold when it is cold, which will also aggravate heart disease.

3. Emotional

Violent mood swings, anger, etc. will cause blood pressure to rise, heart rate to increase, significantly increase the burden on the heart, people with a bad heart must control their emotions.

4. The taste is too strong

Excessive intake of heavy food can lead to abnormal nervous excitement, increased blood pressure, and a heavier burden on the heart. The daily diet should be mainly light, and eat less high-salt and high-oil foods.

Why are more and more elderly people dying of heart failure? The doctor regretted that if you avoid four things, you will not listen to persuasion

As a progressive disease, heart failure will eventually endanger life if it is not taken seriously and allowed to develop. In daily life, we must protect our heart and avoid increasing the burden on our heart, so that we can prevent it from happening and stay away from heart failure.


[1] "Heart failure is a matter of middle-aged and elderly people, and it is already "younger"!", Journal of Family Medicine, 2022-09-08

[2] "Doctor Xiao Zhang Says | The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University 2024-01-19

[3] "6 "Strange" Symptoms of Heart Failure, Don't Be Careless!", China Medical Tribune Today Cycle 2019-08-28

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