
Jessica Weekly Horoscope April 8 - April 14, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

author:Angel Horoscope

Jessica Weekly Horoscope April 8 - April 14, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

Jessica Weekly Horoscope April 8 - April 14, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

Aries weekly forecast

Aries – Diana is in Leo, in your teens, millennials, and young adults (like your son, or the class you teach) zone. She is in opposition to the lucky planet of Pisces, which is a rather unrealistic, unrealistic sign. When someone else is immersed in their own little world, how do you keep him/her grounded?

You have to think about it carefully. Like in the TV series, tap, tap. If you rush in and try to bring this generation to its senses and roll up your sleeves and go back to Earth, you may get nowhere. Therefore, you have to pack it smartly. It really depends on how much you care and even what good you have. This somewhat bohemian creature holds potentially great value. An up-and-coming gift. A possible abundant result. However, however, it doesn't belong to you, and you have to think hard about how to deal with it all.


Taurus Weekly Forecast

Taurus – Walk away or go back and try again? Uranus in Taurus is precisely conjunct Panan in Taurus this week. You have to really look at what you call stability, security, and so on. Is it really that stable for you in terms of the emotional feelings it gives you? Sometimes, things look vaguely solid on the outside, but you know, at the heart of it all, there's something that's frankly quite hard for you.

Only you can choose Taurus. Uranus tends to bring abrupt choices. For a moment you realize, 'That's the past, this is the present, this is the unknown future.'" A huge blank space can be tempting because you can create new lives. Or, as a pragmatist, you might decide to turn around and try to renovate, rebuild, reorganize, rethink – everything that once was and who was once.


Gemini Weekly Forecast

Gemini – Pluto in Aquarius shows you life-changing options in other places, other faces, other spaces. At the same time, Diana in Leo makes you think about your projects, plans, and ideas. They can be local, regional, or international. Diana is a great symbol of freedom, ease, space, and roaming space. Leo is in your third house and represents the internet, publishing, connection, communication, information, and transportation – she is showing you what is possible. Focused, focused, focused. Remember, there's more than one potential success.


Cancer Weekly Horoscope Predictions

Cancer – Pisces transit is all about big ideas, big projects, big concepts. The aspect of Virgo is associated with commitment. Put them together, and if you want this week's brainstorming or big plan to work, you have to combine it with it. You have to marry yourself to it. If you drag it out for too long, prevaricate, or downplay, you won't succeed. In fact, there's a good room for your idea to grow. This requires rapid research and firm determination.


Leo weekly horoscope predictions

Leo – well, Minerva is located in your group, circle, community, social media networks, teams, and other areas – and it is wise that you are on the right side. It could be a community of local residents who are shunning a greedy property developer. It can also be the multitude of feminists (men and women) across the globe who isolate and exclude those they see as enemies. It's been a pretty big week for tactics, group psychology, hive thinking, and all things advanced strategy-related. What happens if the excluded (and excluded) become accepted and accepted?

Leo, I mentioned that Minerva in Gemini is located in your group psyche zone this week. Groups do tend to shy away from those who don't fit in or have a collective hurt to them. Pluto is also in Aquarius in your chart – also in your group area, which is a very powerful thing. I suggest you make a hypothesis and see what happens if this hurt, rather resentful party can approach in some kind of compromise. Or – if the person recovers from this little episode and makes adequate amends and amends. It's going to be very interesting because, of course, when you get to this point, the basic points that all hold are so similar.


Virgo weekly horoscope predictions

Virgo – You have money this week, or are strongly influenced by a woman who does. The great astrological signs of Aries are unfolding in your eighth house of finance, business, possessions, and charity. At the other end of the chart, the South Node is in Libra, a sign that governs your own values, your own life budget. Aries is also the zodiac sign that rules your sexual relationships (in terms of a house, bank account, or apartment). Thus, in the larger story, sex is a lingering question mark. What will she do? What will you do? Of course, it does mean that money comes first.


Libra weekly horoscope forecast

Libra – Forever peacemaker or keen supporter of peacemaker, you are now in a truce. There are plenty of Aries modes in your dueling area this week. Duels, of course, are a waste of time. The point has already been raised, rather sharply (or soon). One person is on top, the other is not. Here comes the emotion. What do you, him, her, or them get? Now, if you need a middleman, you can welcome him, and if you feel like you should pick up the pieces, you can also be a middleman.


Scorpio weekly horoscope prediction

SCORPIO – This week is of course about total solar eclipses, as well as understanding how the moon phase cycle affects you. If you have to leave to rediscover the meaning of your relationships, do so. Ceres in Capricorn is in your area for excursions, vacations, and outings. This is where control returns. Therefore, this week you may decide that when you let distance add charm to the scenery, you will once again think about socializing with people.


Sagittarius Horoscope for the Week

Sagittarius – Ceres in Capricorn is your second house of money, which is a big compromise. Some for you, some for me. Half saving, half spending. Half debt, half credit. Ceres is associated with half-and-half trading. One of the reasons why all this is so capricious is that in your chart, Uranus is also in your second house. So you're going to get angry at both ends. The good news is that you can fix this. Stop dancing as soon as possible and build a system that can withstand endless pushing and pulling.


Capricorn weekly horoscope predictions

Capricorn - You can get a lot of money. Maybe you've made a deal with a rich man or a big company. Maybe you feel like you can get more money, but you're not sure whether to accept it. Large sums of money usually elicit a strong reaction from people. The trick is to believe in it and fight for it. Unless you do that, it is, oddly enough, this hypothetical wealth does not happen. But, let's face it, Pluto is in Aquarius, in your second house, in charge of big money.


Aquarius Weekly Predictions

AQUARIUS – Sometimes, Pisces weather can make a very big, dramatic view in your values and money zone. So you may have a lot of money to be able to help your parents or brothers. Or you will find yourself in real need of help and reach out your hands for help, perhaps from the government, your father, your philanthropist. This week's weather in Pisces is about the need to control, but it's also about control. Oddly enough, those in need are also in control. This week you'll have big choices to make about what to do with donations, loans, payments, or gifts.


Pisces Weekly Horoscope Predictions

Pisces – Diana is in Leo, and in your healing zone, doctors, dentists, psychologists, and spiritual healing – emotional help – are coming. Diana is a symbol of independence, so if you're a nurse, surgeon, or therapist, you tend to get a "don't squeeze me" response during a week like this. At the same time, you can also be a person who doesn't want to depend on anyone. Let Diana do her own thing, get out of the way, and let the transformation happen. You can change others. Or be changed.

Your tarot card is "power", showing that a lion is being healed by a spiritual person. Diana is in Leo this week, and Leo rules your physical and mental health. It shows that you may be the answer. However, you may also be looking for answers. It's a two-way street. Becoming a healer can be therapeutic. If someone is proficient in prescription drugs, or can help you turn things around, it can also change your entire state of existence. Sometimes, getting rid of dependency can be liberating, and independence is not far away.

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