
It is said that Wang Ying is greedy for women, and this is what makes him valuable!

author:Bugs all over the world

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Speaking of the role of Wang Ying in the novel "Water Margin", what may leave the deepest impression on everyone is that he is more greedy for women.

For example, when he met Mrs. Liu Zhizhai, Wang Ying forcibly plundered people up the mountain, if he hadn't met Song Jiang, it is estimated that Mrs. Liu Zhizhai would have been finished long ago.

For example, when attacking Zhujiazhuang, Wang Ying saw Hu Sanniang, his eyes were not enough, and no matter what his strength was, he insisted on leaning on Hu Sanniang's side, and was finally captured alive by Hu Sanniang.

Even after Hu Sanniang married Wang Ying, Wang Ying didn't seem to be satisfied, on the battlefield, as long as she met the other party's female general, she still wanted to drool.

It is said that Wang Ying is greedy for women, and this is what makes him valuable!

For example, when conquering the Liao Kingdom, when Wang Ying saw Princess Tianshou, he forgot who he was, and directly wanted to use the method used to deal with Hu Sanniang to mess with Princess Tianshou again. If Hu Sanniang hadn't made a timely move, it is estimated that Wang Ying would have been captured alive or killed at that time.

And when everyone said that Wang Ying was greedy for women, I don't know if everyone had ever thought about such a question, that is, maybe this is valuable?

You must know that Wang Ying's asterisk is the earth microstar, and the "micro" in this earth micro star, in addition to indicating that Wang Ying is relatively short, the other main meaning is to explain that in Wang Ying's body, what is embodied is the so-called true temperament in the subtleties.

First of all, Wang Ying is indeed greedy for women, but in the specific time and space scene in the book, is Wang Ying's approach wrong?

Not to mention what kind of environment Wang Ying was like after he went to Liangshan, just say that Qingfeng Mountain, where Wang Ying was at the beginning, except for Yan Shun, Wang Ying and Zheng Tianshou, everyone else is also a big man. Therefore, when Liu Zhizhai's wife finally went up the mountain, Wang Ying seized the opportunity.

It is said that Wang Ying is greedy for women, and this is what makes him valuable!

In other words, Wang Ying's covetousness for Liu Zhizhai's wife is completely a normal person, or a normal man's reaction.

On the other hand, Yan Shun, as the big leader of Qingfeng Mountain, didn't he want to have his own family, didn't he want to have his own wife? Zheng Tianshou's heart, didn't he think so?

Since everyone thinks the same, why criticize Wang Ying alone?

Secondly, from another point of view, Yan Shun and Zheng Tianshou may not want to have their own wives, but they are oppressed by secular ideas and dare not show it in their hearts. And Wang Ying is different, he may really be a master who is not afraid of heaven and earth, no matter what the situation, no matter who he is in front of, he dares to show his truest side.

Even when Wang Ying has Hu Sanniang, but it is the so-called nature, so when Wang Ying meets other female generals, he still does not change his original true temperament, and still covets female generals.

Looking at the entire Liangshan, looking at all the heroes of Liangshan, except for Wang Ying, who else dares to present his truest side in front of everyone?

It is said that Wang Ying is greedy for women, and this is what makes him valuable!

Does Song Jiang dare? I don't think he dare, and he can't even settle a Yan Po pity, which shows that he really doesn't dare.

Does Lin Chong dare? I don't think he dare, people who can't even protect their own wives dare to mention the things that show their hearts again?

Even people like Li Kui, Lu Zhishen and Wu Song, who have almost no selfishness, or people who are recognized by everyone as frank and unrestrained, are not they all secretive and dare not face each other directly when facing female generals or women?

Therefore, the so-called subtleties see the true temperament, although Wang Ying is a person who is greedy for women, but the so-called flaws do not hide Yu, the reason why Wang Ying makes everyone feel this way is completely due to his true temperament.

This is what Wang Ying is so valuable!

Do you think the bugs are right? If not, what do you think is the case? Please leave your comments!

In the next issue, Worm World would like to continue to talk to you about the story of Hu Sanniang in "Water Margin"! Welcome to pay attention to Worm World and see more literary story reviews!