
On the small island of Yangpu, immerse yourself in the charm of music and poetry

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

When the spring overture sounds, Fuxing Island Park opens a romantic and poetic time. On April 6, the Party and Mass Service Station of Fuxing Island Park joined hands with Shanghai Najia Nature Sound Parent-Child Choir to invite nearly 100 groups of families to carry out an immersive music and poetry garden party full of poetry and rhyme.

On the small island of Yangpu, immerse yourself in the charm of music and poetry
On the small island of Yangpu, immerse yourself in the charm of music and poetry

Ancient poems are intertwined with modern melodies, and immature children's voices resonate with natural breathing. During the event, children unlock the secrets of the island by collecting colorful cards. Different parent-child families and volunteers started music games together, from "planting a spring" to "childhood time machine...... Every corner is filled with laughter. The children jumped in the melody, grew up in the harmonious rhythm, and the warmth and companionship of the family were intertwined into the most beautiful spring music.

On the small island of Yangpu, immerse yourself in the charm of music and poetry

After the warm-up of the game, the climax of the event was the beginning of the concert. From popular songs to modern interpretations of classic poems. The members of the choir felt the breath of spring in the melodious "Village House", appreciated the magnificence of the country in the rhythm of "Quatrain", and the songs and poems echoed among the treetops of Fuxing Island Park. Poetry is no longer the lead words in books, and music is integrated with it, like spring breeze and rain, quietly nourishing the hearts of the next generation, allowing them to grow up in a beautiful environment and feel the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture.

On the small island of Yangpu, immerse yourself in the charm of music and poetry

The parent-child families who participated in the activity sighed: "A rare leisurely holiday, walking into nature and getting close to nature is the best relaxation." For children, it is more meaningful here than watching the computer at home. Li Changshu, head of the Party and Mass Service Station of Fuxing Island Park, said: "This is not only a concert, but also a cultural journey through time and space, allowing the audience to feel the love of the ancients for nature and life. In the end, the concert ended perfectly with the melody of Fuxing Island's "Song of the Isle", with the notes and cherry blossom petals fluttering.

On the small island of Yangpu, immerse yourself in the charm of music and poetry

The second journey of this activity took place at the Party and Mass Service Station on Fuxing Island. The children learn to make paper daisies with the staff, feel the fun of handicraft, and relax their minds in the natural aroma. In addition, the children also increased their understanding of plant ecology in the micro-guided tour of natural plants. The event not only enriched everyone's cultural life, but also enhanced their perception of nature and art.

Text: Wang Xinyu

Editor: Zhou Mengzhen

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu

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