
Fortunately, I did a strategy in advance, and it was too timely to travel during the May Day holiday "8 with 8 without bringing".

author:Xiake in the clouds

Traveling is an exciting thing to do, not only to take a break from the daily hustle and bustle, but also to enjoy the scenery and culture of different places. However, a successful trip is not accidental, and it requires thorough preparation and planning. As the saying goes, "the soldiers and horses have not moved, the grain and grass go first", it is particularly important to do a good job of strategy before departure. Especially when it comes to what to bring, knowing clearly that "8 with 8 without it" can make our trip more relaxed and enjoyable. Luckily, I did the tips in advance, and these tips came at a good time during my trip.

Fortunately, I did a strategy in advance, and it was too timely to travel during the May Day holiday "8 with 8 without bringing".
Fortunately, I did a strategy in advance, and it was too timely to travel during the May Day holiday "8 with 8 without bringing".

### 8 Bands:

1. **Necessary documents**: passport, ID card, driver's license (if you need to rent a car), these are the proof of your identity and should not be forgotten at any time.

2. Cash and bank cards: Although many places now accept credit cards or electronic payments, there are always places or situations where cash is required.

3. **Mobile phone and power bank**: Mobile phone is not only a communication tool, but also a good helper for taking pictures, navigating and checking information. The power bank ensures that the mobile phone can be used continuously.

Fortunately, I did a strategy in advance, and it was too timely to travel during the May Day holiday "8 with 8 without bringing".

4. **Basic medicines**: Basic medicines such as headache medicine, motion sickness medicine, and band-aids should be carried with you to deal with minor situations that may arise during the trip.

5. **Appropriate clothing for the local climate**: Find out about the climate of your destination in advance, bring appropriate clothing, and avoid discomfort due to weather changes during the trip.

6. **Simple toiletries**: toothbrushes, toothpaste, small packets of shampoo and shower gel, hygiene is the most basic need when you go out.

7. **Small snacks or dry food**: When traveling, especially when traveling long distances, carrying some small snacks or dry food with you can solve temporary hunger.

8. **Paper Maps or Travel Guides**: Although maps on mobile phones are convenient, in some remote areas or when there is no Internet, paper maps or travel guides are especially important.

Fortunately, I did a strategy in advance, and it was too timely to travel during the May Day holiday "8 with 8 without bringing".

### 8 without:

1. Excess cash: Carrying large amounts of cash is unsafe and unmanageable.

2. **Valuables**: Avoid carrying too many valuables, such as jewelry, watches, etc., to avoid loss or accidents.

3. **Original of important documents**: If it is not necessary, avoid carrying the original of important documents such as real estate certificate and marriage certificate.

4. **Lots of makeup**: When you travel, you only need to bring basic makeup, no need to bring your entire makeup case.

Fortunately, I did a strategy in advance, and it was too timely to travel during the May Day holiday "8 with 8 without bringing".
Fortunately, I did a strategy in advance, and it was too timely to travel during the May Day holiday "8 with 8 without bringing".
Fortunately, I did a strategy in advance, and it was too timely to travel during the May Day holiday "8 with 8 without bringing".
Fortunately, I did a strategy in advance, and it was too timely to travel during the May Day holiday "8 with 8 without bringing".

5. **Excessive electronic devices**: In addition to mobile phones and necessary chargers, try to bring other electronic devices to avoid burdening your luggage.

6. **Impractical clothing**: Avoid bringing clothing that is not in line with the climate of your destination or is not practical, such as taking a down jacket to the beach.

Fortunately, I did a strategy in advance, and it was too timely to travel during the May Day holiday "8 with 8 without bringing".

7. **Fragile items**: Luggage may be subject to bumps during travel, and fragile items can be easily damaged.

8. Oversized suitcase: Choose a suitcase that is moderately sized and lightweight for easy carrying and movement.

A well-prepared travel strategy will not only allow us to avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles, but also make our trip easier and more enjoyable. Remember the principle of "8 with 8 with 8 don't", travel and have a good time.

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