
Top 10 Things in Life: Which Do You Know?


China's long history and rich cultural traditions have given birth to many elegant art of living, and these activities, known as "elegant things", not only embody the wisdom of the ancients, but also become a way for modern people to pursue a high quality of life. This article will take you through the top 10 things to do in China.

Top 10 Things in Life: Which Do You Know?

(1) Green plum boiled wine, singing about wine - drinking wine

Top 10 Things in Life: Which Do You Know?

Have a drink with friends

(2) The beautiful scenery of the four seasons, the shade is suitable - picking up flowers

Top 10 Things in Life: Which Do You Know?

Stone flowers with lovers

(3) Boya drum and qin, aiming in the four directions - fuqin

Top 10 Things in Life: Which Do You Know?

(4) The smoke and rain are slight, and the old people are remembered for a long time - listen to the rain

Top 10 Things in Life: Which Do You Know?

Own 听雨


Top 10 Things in Life: Which Do You Know?

Burn incense with your family

(6) A cup of fragrant tea, leisurely - tasting tea

Top 10 Things in Life: Which Do You Know?


(7) Winning or losing is indisputable, and it is clear - the game

Top 10 Things in Life: Which Do You Know?

Watch others play against each other

(8) Winding paths lead to seclusion, mountains and rivers for thousands of miles - explore the secluded

Top 10 Things in Life: Which Do You Know?

Spend time in a group

(9) Brush and ink painting landscapes, landscapes are eternal - appreciating paintings

Top 10 Things in Life: Which Do You Know?


(10) A round of bright moon hangs in the sky, and the joys and sorrows are different since ancient times - Hou Yue

Top 10 Things in Life: Which Do You Know?

Hou Yue hangs high and the night is clear

You don't need to be rich and noble, I hope you can nourish your heart ❗ everywhere

These elegant events not only enrich the spiritual world of the Chinese, but also become an important carrier for the inheritance and development of Chinese culture. In modern society, these elegant events are still of great practical significance, they encourage people to find inner peace and beauty in the fast-paced life, and improve personal cultural literacy and aesthetic ability.