
Ma Ying-jeou Lu Gouqiao voiced: There are no winners in war, and there are no losers in peace!

author:Lucky Tiger Piran
Ma Ying-jeou Lu Gouqiao voiced: There are no winners in war, and there are no losers in peace!

On a day of spring breeze, an extraordinary figure stepped on the soil of Beijing - Mr. Ma Ying-jeou, the former leader of the Taiwan region. This time, he not only came for sightseeing, but also came to Lugou Bridge with a heavy historical responsibility, which witnessed the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation.

Ma Ying-jeou Lu Gouqiao voiced: There are no winners in war, and there are no losers in peace!

On the side of Lugou Bridge, the historical situation seems to be gently turning those dusty chapters. Ma Ying-jeou stood at the head of the bridge, facing the sparkling river, and delivered his speech with affection. He mentioned that both on the mainland and in Taiwan, the people on both sides of the strait have been bullied and persecuted by Japanese warlords. This sentence is like a hammer that hits the heart of every Chinese son. Our common historical memory is a link between our blood and blood, and it is also a pain that we cannot forget.

Ma Ying-jeou Lu Gouqiao voiced: There are no winners in war, and there are no losers in peace!

Subsequently, Ma Ying-jeou visited the Memorial Hall of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. There, he saw the families and relics of the martyrs who died heroically for the sake of national independence and the happiness of the people. At that moment, his face was solemn, and he almost burst into tears. These martyrs, who wrote the dignity and glory of the Chinese nation with their lives and blood, will always inspire us to move forward.

Ma Ying-jeou Lu Gouqiao voiced: There are no winners in war, and there are no losers in peace!
Ma Ying-jeou Lu Gouqiao voiced: There are no winners in war, and there are no losers in peace!

The KMT's attitude toward Japan in Taiwan has always been complex and sensitive. But in any case, we must not forget the great contribution made by the Kuomintang in the War of Resistance Against Japan. They fought side by side with the Communist Party, jointly resisted foreign aggression, and made tremendous sacrifices for the cause of the liberation of the Chinese nation. This historical achievement should be remembered by the people on both sides of the strait.

Ma Ying-jeou Lu Gouqiao voiced: There are no winners in war, and there are no losers in peace!

Ma Ying-jeou's visit is not only a review of history, but also a hope for peace. He is well aware that there are no winners in war and no losers in peace. Only when the people on both sides of the strait work together can we jointly create a better future. His arrival has undoubtedly injected new impetus into the development of cross-strait relations.

We cannot help but ask: Can Ma Ying-jeou's current visit to Beijing become a new starting point for the development of cross-strait relations? Can it pave the way for the peaceful development of the two sides of the strait? There may not be a clear answer to these questions, but what we can affirm is that the hearts of the people on both sides of the strait are the same, and we all share common aspirations and expectations.

History is a mirror that reflects our past and guides our future. Ma Ying-jeou's visit to Beijing is like a mirror that allows us to see the past, present, and future of cross-strait relations. We should cherish this hard-won opportunity for peace and development and jointly promote the development of cross-strait relations.

Ma Ying-jeou Lu Gouqiao voiced: There are no winners in war, and there are no losers in peace!