
The man's demolition was divided into 15 million, and the mother-in-law asked for 13 million when she opened her mouth, and the reason made the man angry

author:History Lesson 8

In an inconspicuous town in Guangdong, Zhang Qiang's (not his real name) life was completely changed by an unexpected demolition. Originally an ordinary worker, he suddenly had a huge fortune of 15 million, which is enough to make anyone's heart move. However, before he could plan how to spend the money, a family storm crept in.

The man's demolition was divided into 15 million, and the mother-in-law asked for 13 million when she opened her mouth, and the reason made the man angry

The story takes place on a sunny afternoon, Zhang Qiang has just come out of the bank, holding the check that made him rich overnight. He is planning how to invest it, how to make this money more rich for himself. However, his mother-in-law appeared at this time, and her eyes revealed a strange firmness.

"Qiangzi, now that you have money, you should also contribute something to your family. Zhang Qiang's mother-in-law's words confused Zhang Qiang, but he soon understood her true intention - she wanted 13 million yuan to marry her son.

The man's demolition was divided into 15 million, and the mother-in-law asked for 13 million when she opened her mouth, and the reason made the man angry

Zhang Qiang couldn't believe his ears, he exploded and asked his mother-in-law if she was crazy. But what shocked him even more was that his wife and mother-in-law said in unison: "If you don't give it, you will get a divorce." ”

Zhang Qiang laughed, he thought it was a joke, he had money, was he afraid that he wouldn't be able to get a wife? But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore. The mother and daughter actually sued him to the court, asking for a divorce and taking away half of the family property.

This sudden change made Zhang Qiang feel unprecedented pressure. He began to reflect on whether there was something wrong with his attitude towards money? Did he ignore the feelings of his family? In this materialistic society, can money really buy happiness?

The man's demolition was divided into 15 million, and the mother-in-law asked for 13 million when she opened her mouth, and the reason made the man angry

Zhang Qiang's story has sparked a wide discussion in society about the relationship between money and marriage. Some people believe that marriage is based on mutual respect and understanding and should not be swayed by money. It has also been pointed out that with the development of society, economic factors have become more and more important in marriage, which is a reality that cannot be ignored.

In this controversial topic, Zhang Qiang's case is a mirror that reflects the complex relationships between people in contemporary society. It is not only a question of wealth distribution, but also a discussion of human nature, morality and values.

Dear readers, what do you think? How should we make trade-offs in the relationship between money and marriage? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section, and let's explore this thought-provoking topic together.

The man's demolition was divided into 15 million, and the mother-in-law asked for 13 million when she opened her mouth, and the reason made the man angry

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