
Ge Siqi tore the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S was the "inner ghost" of the S family, and there was a huge turmoil for a while!

author:Sleepy faint huhu


In the live broadcast room, Ge Siqi's remarks set off huge waves. He not only recounted the conflict between Wang Xiaofei and Big S in detail, but also hinted that Xiao S may be the ghost of the S family. This accusation was like a bombshell, shocking the entire entertainment industry and netizens.

Ge Siqi tore the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S was the "inner ghost" of the S family, and there was a huge turmoil for a while!


The conflict between Wang Xiaofei and the black man was mentioned in Big S's statement, but the descriptions of the two sides were completely different. Ge Siqi's revelation further complicated the incident, and he made it clear that there were six people present at the time: Wang Xiaofei, the nanny, the "black" couple, and the S sisters.

Ge Siqi tore the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S was the "inner ghost" of the S family, and there was a huge turmoil for a while!

He ruled out the possibility of someone else as a source of information, implying that someone among the S sisters had leaked the details of the incident.

Ge Siqi tore the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S was the "inner ghost" of the S family, and there was a huge turmoil for a while!

This hint undoubtedly made people more suspicious of Xiao S. And Wang Xiaofei has also publicly accused Xiao S before, saying that she is dissatisfied with Big S and provokes the relationship between the two behind her back, which provides some "evidence" for Ge Siqi's remarks.

Ge Siqi tore the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S was the "inner ghost" of the S family, and there was a huge turmoil for a while!
Ge Siqi tore the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S was the "inner ghost" of the S family, and there was a huge turmoil for a while!

My own unique opinion:

This incident once again highlights the complexity and grievances of the entertainment industry. In this era of information explosion, the public is always curious about the private lives of celebrities, but we need to maintain a rational and objective attitude. Although Ge Siqi's revelations are eye-catching, more evidence is needed to prove whether they are completely true. In addition, gossip rumors in the entertainment industry are often unpredictable, and we should avoid jumping to conclusions or over-interpreting them too early.

Depiction and analysis of the psychology of the characters:

Ge Siqi may have exposed the incident for the purpose of pursuing journalistic authenticity and public interest. He tried to let the public know some unknown sides of the S sisters through his own exposure, so as to maintain the transparency and fairness of the entertainment industry. As for the S sisters, as public figures, if Ge Siqi's revelations are true, they will face huge damage to their image and reputation.

Ge Siqi tore the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S was the "inner ghost" of the S family, and there was a huge turmoil for a while!

Social Impact:

Ge Siqi's live broadcast exposure incident has attracted widespread social attention and heated discussions, not only because it involves two well-known artists, but also because this incident touches the bottom line of privacy protection and media ethics. In the era of information explosion, how to balance news reporting and privacy has become a social problem that needs to be solved urgently.

Ge Siqi tore the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S was the "inner ghost" of the S family, and there was a huge turmoil for a while!

This incident has once again aroused the public's curiosity and concern about the grievances and complex relationships within the entertainment industry. People have begun to re-examine the authenticity of information and reporting ethics in the entertainment industry, and have put forward stricter requirements for the behavior of paparazzi.

Ge Siqi tore the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S was the "inner ghost" of the S family, and there was a huge turmoil for a while!

Netizens hotly discussed:

This incident has set off a huge heated discussion on the Internet. Some netizens expressed support for Ge Siqi, believing that his revelation of the truth was a responsible act for the public. They believe that Ge Siqi's revelations will help the public understand the truth of the matter and avoid being misled by false reports.

However, many netizens questioned and criticized Ge Siqi's behavior, believing that his exposure may involve the infringement of other people's privacy, which is too intense. They emphasized the complexity of grievances and entanglements in the entertainment industry, believing that Ge Siqi's behavior may be an over-interpretation and speculation.

Ge Siqi tore the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S was the "inner ghost" of the S family, and there was a huge turmoil for a while!

Some netizens have a neutral attitude, believing that in the absence of conclusive evidence, no party should be prematurely characterized or condemned, and hope that the relevant parties can release more information as soon as possible, so that the public can fully understand the truth of the matter.

In general, the heated discussion among netizens caused by this incident reflects the different views and opinions of the society on the events in the entertainment industry, and also reminds us that in the era of information explosion, we need to maintain a rational and objective attitude to look at the problem, and do not believe or spread unverified news.

Ge Siqi tore the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S was the "inner ghost" of the S family, and there was a huge turmoil for a while!

Ge Siqi's revelation in the live broadcast this time undoubtedly brought a storm to the entertainment industry. His remarks have attracted widespread attention and have also given people a deeper understanding of the relationship between the S sisters and the complexities of the entertainment industry. But in this era of information explosion, we need more evidence to fully understand the truth of the matter, and avoid gullible or spreading unverified information.

Ge Siqi tore the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S was the "inner ghost" of the S family, and there was a huge turmoil for a while!


What do you think about this, please share your opinion, thank you!


Ge Siqi tore up the S sisters live, implying that Xiao S is the "inner ghost" of the S family, and the turmoil is huge! The details of the conflict between Wang Xiaofei and Big S are exposed, what do you think? The gossip about the private lives of celebrities is always eye-catching, but we need to look at it rationally and avoid jumping to conclusions too early. Share your views!