
"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

author:Lao Fan said entertainment

This is a story that makes people cry and laugh, and it makes people laugh when they listen to it.

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

Recently, the hit drama "Walking with the Phoenix", which has swept countless book fans, has confused netizens. You must know that this protagonist Xingzhi Shenjun is an ancient god who is "high", and with a wave of his hand, he can freeze the entire time and space, and the heavenly punishment can also be carried hard, and he has always been a mighty existence. Who would have thought that this time, even the phoenix, who had been imprisoned for a thousand years, was belittled and disliked as "too weak"? This is to be replaced by you, watching the male god who is in your heart being ridiculed, your heart will be pinched!

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

The crew is also very interesting about this, and they have done enough "slapping in the face" scene. At that time, when all netizens saw the scene of Xingzhi being beaten, they were all shocked, and the group ridiculed his "vast supernatural powers" too much like a big eagle. It's really laughable! Many melon-eating netizens directly suspect that the crew is doing something, is it arranged?

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

Don't be in a hurry to ridicule, the truth is far more interesting than you think! In fact, everything does have a reason, this is simply a drama level of "coriander as sweet"! That's it: In order to protect the Three Realms, the Xingzhi Divine Monarch tried his best to suppress all the six ghosts in a "super prison" in the ruins of the abyss. And in this long process, his divine power has long been suppressed and withdrawn by the Heavenly Dao, and his strength has deteriorated.

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

Therefore, when he finally fought a lonely battle against Na Fenglai, he was defeated and embarrassed. Do you think, as gods, that they can't be as reckless as we mortals, and that if they are moved by selfishness, they will be punished by the way of heaven, and even their lives will be taken! Isn't that funny? The thought that that the high gods and Buddhas would be tortured for love is really thought-provoking.

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

However, if you listen to the whole cause and effect, you will find that the plot design is really meticulous. Because although Xingzhi was down for a while, he was also desperate to protect the Three Realms, which was moving. What's even more interesting is that even the director arranges such a plot reversal, which is to guide the audience to think deeply about the plight and struggle of gods and Buddhas and mortals.

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

You think, though the gods are high, they are all made of mortals. They also have seven emotions and six desires, and they will also be disturbed by selfish desires, and fall into a painful situation for love. However, unlike us, the gods have the responsibility of protecting all things in heaven and earth, and the slightest violation will be severely punished by the heavens. It can be seen that responsibility and freedom are a pair of eternal contradictions, and even the gods and Buddhas cannot escape the blame.

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

The god of action in the play is such a pathetic character who is trapped in his own contradictions. In order to protect the world, he had to suppress himself, and for the sake of his selfish love, he could not escape the punishment of God. In the end, he had to make a sacrificial choice and die with the evil beast, but he also redeemed a new life for love. The whole plot is full of ups and downs and gripping, and it is the source of energy drawn from this contradiction.

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

Now, with the advancement of the plot, what will be the new fate of Xingzhi Shenjun? How will Shen Li face his reborn lover? I believe that the crew will definitely give us more exciting storylines. In any case, "Walking with the Phoenix" has become a classic with a philosophical core, let's wait and see what happens next.

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

Speaking of what happened to Xingzhi Shenjun, it seems that more netizens are eating melons with the mentality of watching the excitement. After all, as an ancient god, he is an arrogant existence, how could he be bullied by Feng Lai so easily? But the reason why the plot is arranged like this is that it has ulterior motives.

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

From the very beginning, Xingzhi Shenjun was the character image who was high up and ruthless. With a wave of his hand, he can freeze the entire East China Sea, and it is also a small case to resist the punishment of heaven. But who would have thought that even such a powerful god and Buddha would be scolded by Feng Lai's sentence "too weak"? This goes against our perception of gods and Buddhas, and it is exactly what the director wants to break through.

In fact, the crew wants to take this opportunity to let the audience face the true side of gods and Buddhas - they are also mortals, they will also be weak, and they will also suffer for love. It's just that unlike us, they have to take on more responsibilities and missions, which is why they are punished so harshly by the Heavenly Dao.

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

Think about it, although the gods have superpowers, they are also created beings. They also have seven emotions and six desires, and they will also be disturbed by selfishness. It's just that once you violate the way of heaven, you will have to suffer severe punishment, and even be deprived of your divine power and die. Isn't this the eternal contradiction between human nature and responsibility?

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

Many viewers empathize with the final fate of Xingzhi Shenjun, because he represents the inner contradictions and struggles of each of us. Do we often wander between self and responsibility? Do we also sacrifice selfishness for the sake of ideals? The crew vividly reproduces this human subject in a humorous and intriguing way, which is endlessly evocative.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is not by chance that the Xingzhi Shenjun is in such a predicament. From the very beginning, he was burdened with the heavy responsibility of guarding the Three Realms, so whether it was eradicating monsters or imprisoning the Six Realms, he was ruthless and went all out. But no one would have thought that if he made a selfish mistake for love, he would be punished so severely by the way of heaven.

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

It's no wonder that the way of heaven is, after all, the gods and Buddhas have the rules of the gods and Buddhas, and if they violate it slightly, they will suffer. It's just that many viewers also feel a little unjust for the Xingzhi Shenjun: as the existence that guards the heavens and the earth, the gods should also have the freedom of love! They are also made of mortals, how can they be deprived of their seven emotions and six desires? Isn't this contrary to the original intention of human beings?

"Walking with the Phoenix" It wasn't until Xingzhi was too weak by Feng Lai that Shen Li discovered how ruthless Tiandao was to Xingzhi

From this point of view, perhaps the Heavenly Dao is indeed a bit too harsh. It requires the gods and Buddhas to be tense and self-appreciative at all times, and not even the slightest selfishness, otherwise they will be punished. But this is inevitably too high to look at the gods and Buddhas, and too unkind.

Thinking about the Divine Monarch of the past, he worked hard for the Three Realms, and it took several hardships to suppress all the six evils of Warcraft. Who knew that love would come, and he would suffer the curse of heaven as soon as he stumbled. In the end, he was forced to die with the evil beast, and the whole process can be described as ups and downs and exciting. Fortunately, in the end, he was redeemed and reborn, and he grew old with his beloved, which can be regarded as a heartwarming ending.

It is not difficult to see that the crew hopes to use myths and fables to guide the audience to reflect on the contradictions and struggles of human nature. Each of us has also been torn between responsibility and freedom, and will we also have to sacrifice our selfishness for the sake of our ideals? Through the discussion of his fate, we also have a new understanding and feelings about life.