
The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

author:Fish love the sea


You say it's miserable, but do you know how miserable it is? An ordinary rural aunt dares to smash a luxury car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars with bricks.

Not long ago, a shocking video


It caused an uproar online. I saw an imposing old woman holding a thick brick and smashing it violently at a Mercedes-Benz car, only to hear a loud cracking sound. In just a few moments, this valuable luxury car was reduced to a pile of scrap metal.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

So, why would this aunt be so hysterical about destroying other people's cars?

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

What kind of controversy led to such a bad outcome?

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

Garlic seedlings were pressed to anger the aunt

According to the investigation, the fuse of this incident turned out to be an ordinary garlic seedling field.


It wasn't until she was summoned by the local police station that the female car owner learned that she had accidentally crushed the villagers' garlic sprouts. When she heard the news, she felt extremely guilty at that time, and immediately expressed her willingness to compensate for the loss of garlic seedlings in full.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

However, the villager chose an extremely aggressive way to express his anger. I saw that she changed her previous peace, rushed to the Mercedes-Benz worth hundreds of thousands of dollars with thick bricks in her hand, and smashed it wildly. In just a few moments, the window glass shattered to the ground, and the body was covered with noticeable dents.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

"My family has been planting garlic seedlings for decades, and we finally have a good harvest this year. Who knows, one will be crushed by accident. I was so angry that I just wanted them to know about our farmers' hard work!" The old woman wept silently and told reporters how she felt.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

One can imagine how angry and helpless a farmer who has been working silently for decades will be when he sees the crops he has worked so hard to cultivate being trampled on. The pain of being ignored and left out finally erupted at this moment.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

It is not difficult to understand that the old woman's move, although extremely irrational, also allows us to see the long-accumulated dissatisfaction and anger of the people at the bottom. Although it is true that her approach is a little too radical, it reflects a deeper social problem - the contradiction between the peasant class and the rich class.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

Temporary cramming of female car owners

This was undoubtedly an unexpected disaster for the female owner. It was obviously just an accident, but it turned out to lead to such serious consequences.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

According to preliminary statistics, the car smashing incident brought 37,000 yuan in maintenance costs to the female car owner. Although the owner expressed his willingness to compensate for the loss of garlic seedlings, the maintenance cost of 37,000 yuan is undoubtedly a heavy burden for a valuable Mercedes-Benz luxury car. What is even more worrying is that if she takes this matter to court, she may face even greater compensation.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

When asked if such a loss was unbearable, the female owner said: "At that time, I just followed the navigation, who knew that it would crush other people's garlic seedlings." I didn't mean to, I just didn't notice it for a while. I was willing to compensate for the loss of garlic seedlings, but she directly smashed my car, which is beyond the scope of compensation, and I can't accept it. "

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

It can be seen that the female car owner does feel very helpless and helpless about her loss. Although she is willing to be responsible for compensating for the loss of garlic seedlings, in the face of the old woman's crazy behavior, she can only choose to be tough to the end.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

You must know that in the legal system of the mainland, intentionally damaging other people's property has constituted a crime. According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law, if the loss exceeds 5,000 yuan, it will be punished by fixed-term imprisonment of not more than 3 years, criminal detention or a fine. In other words, the aunt's smashing of the car may face criminal liability, and I am afraid that the compensation will be even greater.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

This is undoubtedly an unprecedented nightmare for female car owners. She never imagined that an unexpected crushing would lead to such serious consequences. Now she can only bite the bullet to protect her legitimate rights and interests, hoping to resolve this dispute through legal means.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

Who is more justified in the face of justice?

From the above analysis, we can see that this matter is indeed very complicated. On the one hand, the old woman's behavior is indeed too radical and irrational, contrary to the law and social order; But on the other hand, her anger and appeals are not entirely unreasonable.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

From a legal point of view, the old woman's smashing of the car is undoubtedly illegal. Even if she did so to defend her legal rights, this does not justify her escape from legal responsibility. According to the relevant legal provisions, she is likely to face criminal liability and high compensation.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

Let's talk about the female car owner, she did inadvertently crush the old woman's garlic seedlings, which is a negligent act. However, she also expressed her willingness to compensate for the loss of garlic seedlings, which can be regarded as doing her duty. The old woman, on the other hand, took extreme measures directly, which was clearly beyond the scope of legitimate defense.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

Therefore, from the point of view of legitimacy and legality, female car owners seem to be more reasonable. After all, even if her actions caused damage to the garlic seedlings, she did not mean to, and she expressed her willingness to compensate. In contrast, the old woman's smashing of the car has already seriously violated the law and is likely to face severe legal sanctions.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

However, if we think deeply about the social issues behind this, it is not difficult to find that the anger of the old woman is by no means unreasonable. As a vulnerable group that has been marginalized for a long time, farmers have been suffering from neglect and discrimination from all walks of life. The wealthy class represented by female car owners often occupy most of the social resources by virtue of their capital advantages. This kind of unfairness in the social structure will inevitably lead to the resentment and dissatisfaction of the masses at the bottom.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

In this context, the old woman's move is undoubtedly sending a strong signal to the whole society: the rights and interests of the peasants should also be given due attention and protection. They have endured it for too long, and finally chose to express their demands in extreme ways.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

Therefore, I believe that this matter is not just a simple legal dispute, but also represents a deeper social problem behind it. If we rest on our laurels and look at this matter from a legal point of view, it will be difficult to reach a solution that satisfies both parties. On the contrary, we should pay more attention to the social contradictions reflected behind them and find a fair and reasonable solution to them.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

What is the root cause of this social contradiction? What is the way to resolve it? Should more policy preferences be given to the disadvantaged groups? These questions deserve our in-depth discussion.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

Waiting for the ruling of the law

In any case, this aunt's behavior has obviously been seriously illegal, and she is likely to be punished accordingly. Even if they protect their own legitimate rights and interests, they must not abuse violent means. This not only damages the property of others, but also brings more serious consequences to oneself.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

So, what will be the final outcome of this event?

Judging from the current development, female car owners have chosen to call the police. This means that the relevant authorities will step in and investigate and adjudicate in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

In addition, on the basis of compensating for the loss of garlic seedlings, the female owner may also ask the elderly woman to compensate for the cost of repairing her vehicle. According to the market price, this is enough to burden the old woman with heavy civil liability.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

Therefore, this aunt is afraid that she will suffer a heavy double blow. On the one hand, you may face prison time, and on the other hand, you will have to bear a huge amount of compensation. For an ordinary farmer, this is nothing less than adding insult to injury.

The two sides reached an understanding on the property loss

Therefore, the dispute between the old woman and the female car owner does not reflect some deep-seated problems in our society?

Friends, do you have any thoughts on this?

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