
A famous prescription for the ages, skillfully cured prostatitis, and cured hundreds of people in more than 10 years

author:Director Yang Fengxiang
A famous prescription for the ages, skillfully cured prostatitis, and cured hundreds of people in more than 10 years

I have been a doctor for more than ten years, and I have seen many patients. As I practiced medicine for more and more years, I found that the prescriptions left by the ancients were really useful!

There was a patient who came to me, he was 43 years old, the hospital examination was prostatitis, usually not urinating smoothly, sometimes the urethral opening felt astringent pain, and the problem of frequent urination, after taking the medicine prescribed by the hospital, it will be relieved at first. But before it was good, it became serious again, and it didn't get better for several years.

I heard from a friend that I could be optimistic about prostatitis, so I made an appointment to come to me.

A famous prescription for the ages, skillfully cured prostatitis, and cured hundreds of people in more than 10 years

I listened to the patient's symptoms, and according to his situation, I chose a recipe that has been handed down from ancient times - Zhu Ling soup. This recipe comes from the ancient book "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" of the Han Dynasty.

The recipe is composed of Zhu Ling, Poria cocos, Ze Yuan, talc, Ejiao and several flavor medicines, decoction in water, which has the effect of diluting water, clearing heat and nourishing yin. It is suitable for patients with symptoms such as water and heat, evil heat hurting yin, poor urination, fever, thirst and wanting to drink water, or upset, unable to sleep and so on.

A famous prescription for the ages, skillfully cured prostatitis, and cured hundreds of people in more than 10 years

Fangzhong Zhu Ling and Poria cocos have the effect of infiltrating water and dampness, talc and Ze Epsom can facilitate urination, dissipate heat in the bottom, the two drugs are compatible, can separate water vapor, and dissipate heat evil; Ejiao can nourish yin and nourish the yin fluid in the body.

The combination of various medicines is good for water but does not hurt yin, nourishes yin but does not love evil, and plays the effect of benefiting water, damp heat and nourishing yin.

I'm still using this recipe for more than 10 years, and the effect is still as good.