
Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

author:73 Divine Cow

#清明节游玩日记# "It's another year of green grass, still ten miles of apricot blossoms", tomorrow will officially enter the spring March, and the lunar calendar March can be called the best time of the year, this season is everywhere a peach and willow green, warblers singing and dancing good scenery.

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

March of the lunar calendar is also the time when late spring begins to transform like early summer, so this season not only the climate and scenery are particularly heavy in late spring and March, and the spring water is full of peach blossoms and the pond is pleasant, and it is also a good time to maintain the body and adapt to the changes of the season.

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless.

Tomorrow on the first day of March, remember that "1 place is going to go"

"The day of March in late spring is three, and the peach blossoms in the spring water are full of ponds", the lunar calendar March is a good season for spring rippling, this time the water side air is fresh, and the river bank is the time when the peach willow green and grass are fragrant, so go to the water's edge to walk and exercise, not only can breathe fresh air, but also make your mood more relaxed.

The third month of the lunar calendar is a good time to play in the water and get in with the water, so tomorrow on the first day of the third month, don't stay at home, you can choose to walk and play by the waterside with mountains and rivers, which has the meaning of removing bad luck and welcoming good luck.

Tomorrow, the first day of March, remember to "eat 2 things"

I. Vegetables

Entering the third month of the lunar calendar, it is the time when a large number of wild vegetables are on the market, which also attracts a lot of people who like to try fresh, but after all, wild vegetables belong to wild meat, which is greatly affected by the growth environment, so in addition to choosing a safe place to grow wild vegetables, it is best to blanch and steam and cook thoroughly when eating, and to do it in moderation.

Recommended recipe: Scrambled eggs with toon

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

1. Pick and wash the toon and set aside.

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

2. Boil water in a pot Add a little salt and a few drops of cooking oil to the water, put in the washed toon after the water boils, blanch until the color of the toon is green, and then remove it to cool.

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

3. Dry the cooled toons and cut them into fine pieces, crack the eggs into the toons, add chopped green onions, salt, cooking wine and pepper and stir well.

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

4. Put oil in the pot, after the oil is hot, put the stirred toon egg liquid into the pot, push and fry until the egg liquid solidifies, and then you can enjoy it out of the pot.

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

Second, small seafood

"Borrowing money to eat seafood, not counting will not pass", the lunar calendar begins to rise with the rise in water temperature in March, this season is the time when many seafood are fresh and tender with seeds, but this season is also the breeding period of bacteria, so eat small seafood, especially shellfish must choose fresh, and steamed and cooked after eating, stale seafood and half-cooked seafood should not be eaten.

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried cockle meat with leeks

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

1. Pick and wash the leeks and cut them into small pieces, and scrub the cockles for later use.

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

2. Put the washed cockles into the pot, add ginger slices and cooking wine, and cook until the cockles are opened.

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

3. Remove the shell of the boiled cockles and take the meat, remove the remaining foot filaments on it, and wash them with a clear boiled cockle soup.

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

4. Put oil in the pot and fry the ginger shreds, first add the leek stalks and stir-fry evenly, then add the cockle meat, cook in cooking wine and a fresh soy sauce, add a little salt to taste, sprinkle in the leek leaves and stir-fry evenly, then you can enjoy it out of the pot.

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

Tomorrow, the first day of March, remember "3 things not to do"

One, don't do anything about drinking in the morning

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

I don't know where to start some people like to get up early to drink, and the beautiful name is "morning wine culture", in fact, most of the people who drink morning wine are night shift workers, after a night of hard work after work to drink some wine to warm up, and then go home to sleep, and people with normal work and rest time to drink morning wine is more hurtful.

Yang spring March is the time when yang qi rises, this season is the golden period of liver nourishment and liver protection, and just wake up in the morning, all body functions are recovering, at this time drinking morning wine not only hurts the body, but also affects the spirit of the day.

Second, don't do things that have been in cold water for a long time

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

Although the temperature is already very high in some places in March, the water temperature is still relatively low at this time, and it is easy to let the cold and moisture enter the body for a long time, which will cause harm and impact on the body, so it is better to dip less cold water in this season.

Although there is a Songkran festival to celebrate on the third day of the third lunar month every year in some areas, this is limited to some areas with high temperatures, and you can play by the water at this time, but dipping in cold water and cold water for a long time will still cause harm to the body, so you must pay attention.

Three, do not do anything to rest under the flowering tree

Tomorrow, on the first day of the third month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season and don't be careless

After entering the third month of the lunar calendar, it is the time when many trees are in full bloom, and everyone also likes to enjoy the flowers and rest under the trees when they go out.

Flowering trees can attract insects, and pollen can cause allergies when it falls on the skin or inhales, so it is better not to rest under the flowering trees at this time of year to avoid being infested by insects and pollen.

Sunny spring March, is a good time of the year lukewarm, tomorrow will enter the first day of the third lunar month, remember: 1 place to go, eat 2 things, 3 do not do, conform to the season do not be careless, comfortable and safe spring.