
After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion


Run Run Shaw: The glory of the film and television empire and the rift of the family

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

In 2014, the bright star of the film and television industry, Run Run Shaw, fell. However, his death did not make waves in the film and television industry, but caused a lot of shock at the family level. Shockingly, none of his heirs were willing to inherit it, and his four children did not even want to see him for the last time. Why did this tycoon, who is calling for wind and rain in the film industry, end up like this in his family life?

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

Run Run Shaw, a name that is thunderous in the film and television industry. His life can be said to be a history full of legends and controversies. He single-handedly created a huge film and television empire, made countless stars popular, and left countless classic works. However, behind this brilliance, there are hidden family rifts.

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

The marriage between Run Shaw and Huang Meizhen was once a good story. The two met in Singapore, knew each other and fell in love, and finally entered the palace of marriage. Wong Mei Chun is Run Run Shaw's virtuous helper, not only beautiful and generous, but also smart and capable. She accompanied Run Run Shaw through the difficult years in the early days of entrepreneurship and witnessed the rise of the film and television empire together.

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

However, with the rapid development of his career, Shaw's mentality has also quietly changed. He began to pursue more excitement and freshness, and the appearance of the singer Fang Yihua just met his needs. Fong is young, beautiful, talented, and shares common interests with Run Run Shaw. The two soon fell in love and couldn't help themselves.

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

For the marriage of Run Shaw and Huang Meizhen, this is undoubtedly a huge crisis. Although Huang Meizhen was heartbroken, she chose forbearance and forgiveness for the sake of her family and children. She hoped that Run Run Shaw would be able to find his way back and return to his family. However, Shaw did not cherish this tolerance and forgiveness, but maintained an intimate relationship with Fang Yihua even more unscrupulously.

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

This act of betrayal and indifference has caused great harm to the children of Run Run Shaw. They can't accept their father's betrayal of their mother, let alone their father's relationship with Fang Yihua. They left Shaw one after another, returned to their mother, and disowned their father.

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

After Huang Meizhen's death, the relationship between Run Run Shaw and Fang Yihua became public. Regardless of the outside world's discussions and accusations, they resolutely came together. This move completely angered his children, who all announced that they had severed ties with Shaw and did not even want to see him on his deathbed.

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

Shaw's career success is undoubtedly remarkable, but his family failures are also an indelible stain on his life. Before his death, he made a will to leave his huge inheritance to his children, but none of them wanted to inherit it. This is undoubtedly the best irony of what Shaw did during his lifetime.

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

Looking back on Shaw's life, we can't help but wonder: how should success and happiness be balanced? For Shaw, he spent his life pursuing career success while ignoring the importance of family. He may have thought that money and status would bring happiness, but he was wrong. True happiness does not lie in having much wealth and status, but in having a warm and harmonious family.

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

The story of Run Run Shaw teaches us that no matter how successful we are in our careers, we should never ignore the importance of family. Family is our warmest harbor and our most solid backing. Only by cherishing and caring for the family can we truly realize the value and meaning of life.

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

At the same time, we should also recognize that the maintenance of family relationships requires the efforts and dedication of both parties. Shaw's betrayal and indifference in marriage are undoubtedly one of the important reasons for the breakdown of the family. Although Huang Meizhen chose to forgive and forbear, the pain and damage she suffered in her heart were irreparable. Therefore, we should cherish the people in front of us, manage family relationships carefully, and avoid repeating the mistakes of Run Run Shaw.

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

In addition, we should also note that Shaw's children chose to leave and disown themselves in the face of a family crisis. Although their approach may be radical and resolute, it also reflects the importance they attach to their family relationships and their anger at their father's betrayal. It also reminds us that when facing family problems, we should remain calm and rational, and use a rational and tolerant attitude to solve the problems, rather than taking drastic actions.

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

Finally, we should learn from Shaw's story to cherish and care for our families, and to manage family relationships with care. At the same time, we should also pursue success in our careers, but not at the expense of our families. Only by finding a balance between career and family can we truly achieve happiness and success in life.

After Run Run Shaw died, his four sons and daughters refused to die for him, and no one wanted an inheritance of more than 20 billion

Run Run Shaw's life is not only a glorious film and television legend, but also a family history full of regrets. His story makes us deeply reflect on the relationship between success and happiness, and also makes us cherish the family and family around us even more. May we have a happy family while pursuing career success.

After Shaw's death, his film and television empire continued to function, and his works are still celebrated by the world. However, the rift in his family has become an irreparable regret in his life. It also reminds us that no matter how much we achieve in our careers, we must not forget the importance of family. Only by cherishing and caring for our families can we truly realize the value and meaning of life.

At the same time, we should also note that Shaw's story is not unique. In real life, many people often ignore the importance of family in the pursuit of career success. They sacrifice time with their families for work, and neglect to care for and accompany their families for the sake of their careers. However, when they look back, they often find that those