
The Spears report: Griffin and Ade interceded for Harden, and then the two were hidden by Nash

author:The frightened bird did not dare to stop

The Spears report: Griffin and Ade interceded for Harden, and then the two were hidden by Nash

In the world of basketball, every detail can be the difference between victory and defeat. And in the 2021-22 season of the Brooklyn Nets, a seemingly ordinary locker room turmoil became a turning point in the team's decline. According to well-known journalist Brian Windhorst (spears), the two veterans of the team at that time, Griffin and Aldridge, tried to intercede with head coach Nash for Harden, but were "hidden" by Nash. This incident not only revealed the complex contradictions within the Nets, but also raised widespread questions about Nash's coaching ability.

The Spears report: Griffin and Ade interceded for Harden, and then the two were hidden by Nash

Looking back on that season, the Nets were star-studded. The "Big Three" of Durant, Irving, and Harden has attracted countless eyeballs, and the addition of Griffin and Aldridge has brought the team's strength to its peak. However, just when everyone thought the Nets would go on and win the championship, they suffered a waterloo in the playoffs. All of this is inseparable from Nash's coaching and the turmoil in the locker room.

As the new head coach, Nash has had a brilliant career as a player, but he is inexperienced in coaching. He relied too much on star players and lacked the planning and arrangement of the team's overall tactics. In games, we can often see that the Nets' offense is too one-dimensional, over-reliant on the singles of Durant and Harden. This tactic may work against weaker opponents, but it often seems ineffective against strong teams.

The Spears report: Griffin and Ade interceded for Harden, and then the two were hidden by Nash

What's more serious is that the contradiction between Nash and Harden has gradually intensified. As an experienced player, Harden has his own understanding and requirements for the game. He wants to be able to play a bigger role in the game, and Nash doesn't seem to fully understand his needs. That rift came to a head in the middle of the season, when Harden's relationship with Nash broke down completely, eventually leading to Harden being traded to the 76ers.

In this process, two veterans, Griffin and Aldridge, played a key role. As veterans of the team, they know the importance of togetherness. After the conflict between Nash and Harden erupted, they tried to mediate for both sides in the locker room, hoping to defuse the situation. However, their efforts were not recognized by Nash. Instead, Nash thought they were "interfering" with their own coaching, so they were "hidden".

The Spears report: Griffin and Ade interceded for Harden, and then the two were hidden by Nash

Since then, Griffin and Aldridge have significantly fewer appearances with the Nets. They are no longer an important rotation player for the team, but are marginalized. This treatment is undoubtedly a huge blow to them, because they are all former All-Stars with a lot of game experience and excellent quality. However, under Nash's coaching, they can only sit on the bench and watch the team decline step by step.

Nash's approach not only sent chills down the shoulders of Griffin and Aldridge, but also raised questions about his coaching abilities among other players. How can a head coach lead the team to victory if he can't even trust and respect the veterans on the team? In the playoffs, the Nets performed poorly and ultimately missed out on the championship. And after the season, the Nets also officially announced the termination of Nash's contract.

The Spears report: Griffin and Ade interceded for Harden, and then the two were hidden by Nash

Looking back on this history, we can't help but think: If Nash had been more rational in dealing with Harden, and if he had trusted and respected the opinions of veterans like Griffin and Aldridge, the Nets' fate might have been different. However, history has no ifs, and we can only learn from it and prepare for future competitions.

No matter how strong the lineup and strength are, there is no guarantee that they will win the championship. Because basketball is not only a competition of skills and tactics, but also a contest of mentality and will. Only by remaining calm and determined in the critical moment can the ultimate victory be achieved.

The Spears report: Griffin and Ade interceded for Harden, and then the two were hidden by Nash

For Griffin and Aldridge, what happened to them may be a bit regretful and unwilling. However, as professional footballers, they still need to maintain their love and dedication to basketball. After all, there are no eternal winners on the basketball court, only brave people who constantly challenge themselves. I hope they can continue to show their strength and value in future competitions, and bring us more exciting games and memories."

And for us fans, this history is also a reminder to look at the game and the players rationally. We can't deny a player's value and contribution because of momentary success or failure. In the world of basketball, every player has their own story and experience, and they are all working hard and sweating to win. We should respect their efforts and cheer them on, and witness the joy and emotion brought to us by this passionate and charming sport.

The Spears report: Griffin and Ade interceded for Harden, and then the two were hidden by Nash

The story of the Nets' Big Five period has become a part of basketball history. It allows us to see the complexity and uncertainty of the basketball game, but also the hard work and fighting spirit of the players. Whether it's Nash, Harden, Griffin, or Aldridge, they all write their own basketball legends in their own way. And we, as fans, should also cherish these precious memories and experiences, and continue to support and love this sport.

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