
To avenge the incident in southern Anhui, the division commander lost 5,000 soldiers, Chen Yi said: Only by being good at using tactics can you defeat the enemy

author:Lemon green tea

As a veteran history blogger, I am often attracted by the grandeur of history, and I am also moved by the heroes who have left a strong mark in the long river of history. Today, I want to tell you a historical chapter full of blood and fire, wisdom and courage - Peng Xuefeng's Fourth Division's bloody battle against Tang Enbo.

This period of history took place during the turbulent period of the Anti-Japanese War, when the 4th Division of the New Fourth Army, under the leadership of Peng Xuefeng, waged a desperate struggle against the Kuomintang diehards. The Kuomintang army led by Tang Enbo, with several times the strength of the New Fourth Army, attempted to annihilate Peng Xuefeng's troops in one fell swoop. However, just as the two sides were in the midst of fierce fighting, the Japanese army's sudden attack upset the balance of the battlefield. Under the fierce offensive of the Japanese army, Tang Enbo's troops retreated in a hurry, leaving the New Fourth Army alone in the difficult situation of facing a strong enemy.

In the face of sudden changes, General Peng Xuefeng displayed outstanding command skills and firm revolutionary conviction. He quickly adjusted his tactics and led his troops to launch a counterattack against the Japanese. However, when the cunning Japanese army saw the fierce offensive of the New Fourth Army, they secretly colluded with Tang Enbo's department and tried to kill people with a knife. In addition to being frightened, Tang Enbo also saw an opportunity to counterattack, so he immediately turned his gun and launched a fierce counterattack against the New Fourth Army.

To avenge the incident in southern Anhui, the division commander lost 5,000 soldiers, Chen Yi said: Only by being good at using tactics can you defeat the enemy

In this bloody battle, the 4th Division of the New Fourth Army suffered huge losses. But General Peng Xuefeng and his soldiers did not succumb to the enemy's obscenity. With firm faith and tenacious perseverance, they fought to the death against the enemy. Although there were heavy casualties, the bravery and fearlessness of the soldiers of the New Fourth Army deeply affected everyone.

After seven days and seven nights of fierce fighting, the New Fourth Army finally succeeded in repelling the enemy's attack, although it paid a huge price. Although the battle ended with the victory of the New Fourth Army, it also exposed some problems. For example, the New Fourth Army still needs to be improved in terms of tactical use and troop deployment, and at the same time, the frictions and contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party have also been fully exposed in this battle.

After the war, General Peng Xuefeng summed up the lessons and lessons in a timely manner, adjusted his strategy and tactics, and made full preparations for the next battle. And this battle has also become an unforgettable memory in the history of the New Fourth Army, inspiring those who come after to continue to advance and bravely scale new heights.

To avenge the incident in southern Anhui, the division commander lost 5,000 soldiers, Chen Yi said: Only by being good at using tactics can you defeat the enemy

Looking back on this period of history, we can't help but be moved by the heroism and firm faith displayed by General Peng Xuefeng and his soldiers. They defended the dignity of the nation and the interests of the country with their blood and lives, and erected an immortal monument for us. At the same time, we should also deeply reflect on the problems and lessons exposed by this period of history, so as to provide reference and enlightenment for future development.

As a history blogger, I am well aware of my responsibility and mission. I will continue to dig deeper and share more wonderful stories and deep thoughts about Chinese history, so that more people can understand history, love history, and draw wisdom and strength from history. At the same time, I also hope that readers can actively participate in discussions and exchanges, and jointly contribute to the inheritance and development of Chinese history.

In conclusion, I would like to say that although history has passed, the wisdom and value it contains are eternal. Let's walk into the long river of history together, explore those corners that have been forgotten by the years, and feel the heaviness of those precipitation by time. I believe that in the days to come, we will cherish and inherit this precious historical heritage even more, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

To avenge the incident in southern Anhui, the division commander lost 5,000 soldiers, Chen Yi said: Only by being good at using tactics can you defeat the enemy

Of course, we can't just look back and remember history. History, which is both a witness to the past and a revelation of the future. The history of Peng Xuefeng's Fourth Division's bloody battle against Tang Enbo not only shows us the heroism and firm belief of the soldiers of the New Fourth Army, but also allows us to see the spirit of the Chinese nation in the face of adversity and forging ahead bravely.

This spirit is something that we need to constantly absorb and carry forward in the face of various challenges and predicaments in the world today. Whether it is the complex and changeable international situation or the arduous and arduous development of China, we need to maintain firm faith, dare to face difficulties, and have the courage to meet challenges like Peng Xuefeng and his soldiers.

At the same time, we should also draw lessons from history, strengthen national unity, and promote national reunification. The frictions and contradictions between the KMT and the CPC in history have left us with a profound lesson. In the new historical period, we should adhere to the concept of peace, development, cooperation, and win-win results, promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, and realize the complete reunification of the motherland.

To avenge the incident in southern Anhui, the division commander lost 5,000 soldiers, Chen Yi said: Only by being good at using tactics can you defeat the enemy

In addition, we need to remember history and cherish peace. The history of Peng Xuefeng's Fourth Division's bloody battle against Tang Enbo is a microcosm of the tremendous sacrifices made by the Chinese nation for national independence and people's liberation during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. We should always bear in mind this period of history, cherish the hard-won peace and tranquility, and contribute our strength to safeguarding world peace and development.

As a history blogger, I will continue to devote myself to disseminating historical knowledge and promoting the spirit of history. Through vivid brushstrokes and in-depth analysis, I will present more little-known historical stories to you, so that history is no longer boring words and distant memories, but becomes a part of our lives, and becomes the driving force and guide for us to move forward.

I believe that as long as we bear history in mind, cherish peace, and carry forward the national spirit, we will certainly be able to write a more brilliant chapter in the new historical period. Let us work together for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

To avenge the incident in southern Anhui, the division commander lost 5,000 soldiers, Chen Yi said: Only by being good at using tactics can you defeat the enemy

Here, I would also like to thank our readers for their support and attention. Every comment and every like from you is my motivation to keep going. I will continue to work hard to bring you more interesting, in-depth and enlightening historical articles. Let's walk into the long river of history together, explore those corners forgotten by the years, feel the heaviness of those precipitated by time, and write our own historical legends together!