
I was suspended from receiving benefits for my retirement advice, my leaders were asked to change my files, and I was driven away by giving gifts in the middle of the night


After retirement, the benefits were suspended for giving opinions, and the leader begged me to change the file: justice and choice in the workplace

I, a veteran employee who has worked diligently in the unit for decades, should have enjoyed his old age after retirement, but because of a suggestion on the management of the unit, the due benefits were suspended. I was puzzled and angry, but I had nowhere to complain. What I didn't expect was that the former high-ranking leader, when power was overthrown, came to the door in the middle of the night, with a generous gift, and begged me to tamper with the file to cover up his crimes.

It was a quiet night, and I was drinking tea and reading a book at home when there was a sudden knock on the door. I opened the door in confusion, only to see the leader standing outside the door with an anxious face, holding a heavy gift box in his hand.

"Old comrade, I'm sorry to disturb you so late. The leader barely squeezed out a smile, but his tone revealed a nervousness that could not be concealed.

I frowned, knowing that this was not a trivial matter, so I asked coldly, "Is there something wrong? It's so late, and I still have something." ”

The leader smiled awkwardly, stuffed the gift box into my hand, and whispered: "Old comrade, I know that some things were done wrong in the past, and you were wronged. Now, I have something I want to ask you for help with. ”

I was suspended from receiving benefits for my retirement advice, my leaders were asked to change my files, and I was driven away by giving gifts in the middle of the night

I glanced at the gift box in my hand, didn't take it, just looked at him coldly, waiting for his next step.

Seeing my resolute attitude, the leader had to put away the gift box and said, "I know that you have some of my files in your hand, and some things in them may not be very glamorous." Right now, I'm under investigation and I hope you can help me change things up and make things look less serious. ”

When I heard this, I was furious and angrily rebuked: "You are asking me to commit perjury! Although I am retired, my conscience has not yet retired! When you stopped me from paying benefits, did you ever think that there would be today?"

The leader's face changed, and he hurriedly defended: "Old comrade, don't misunderstand. I just hope you'll help me make things lighter and not make you perjury. I know you're in trouble, but as long as you're willing to help, I won't treat you badly. ”

I snorted coldly and flatly refused: "I can't take care of your affairs, and I don't want to take care of it." I only know that there must be principles in life and a bottom line in doing things. What you did to me, I will do to you now. Please go back, you are not welcome here. ”

Seeing my resolute attitude, the leader sighed helplessly and turned to leave. I closed the door, and an inexplicable sense of pleasure welled up in my heart. I know that I have stuck to my principles and bottom line, and I have not lost my way because of temporary interests.

I was suspended from receiving benefits for my retirement advice, my leaders were asked to change my files, and I was driven away by giving gifts in the middle of the night

This incident made me deeply reflect on justice and choice in the workplace. In the workplace, we often face various temptations and challenges, but no matter what, we must not forget our original intentions and principles. Only in this way can we keep a clear head and make the right choices in a complex workplace environment.

At the same time, I also saw the struggle for power and interests in the workplace. In order to cover up the crime, the leader did not hesitate to turn to retired employees like me in a low voice. Behind this behavior is the drive of power and profit, and the greed and selfishness of human nature. However, in the end, such behavior will only harm others and themselves, and make people lose trust and respect.

In this story, I chose to stick to justice and principles, and refused the leader's request. While this may cost me some immediate benefits, I believe that it is the right choice in the long run. Because only by adhering to justice and principles can we earn the respect and trust of others, and can we stand and succeed in the workplace.

In addition, this story also teaches us that although the rules and routines in the workplace are complex and changeable, as long as we keep a clear head and firm principles, we can cope with various challenges and temptations. At the same time, we also need to continuously improve our abilities and qualities in order to better adapt to the changes and developments in the workplace.

In my future career, I will continue to uphold justice and principles, and constantly improve my abilities and qualities. I believe that only in this way will I be able to establish myself and succeed in a complex workplace environment. At the same time, I also hope that more people in the workplace can adhere to justice and principles like me, and jointly create a fair, just and healthy workplace environment.

In closing, I would like to say that no matter where we are in the workplace, no matter what challenges and temptations we face, we should keep a clear head and firm in our principles. Only in this way can we go further, more stable and better in the workplace.

I was suspended from receiving benefits for my retirement advice, my leaders were asked to change my files, and I was driven away by giving gifts in the middle of the night