
When you feel that life is particularly boring, you might as well do it!

author:The sky is clear
When you feel that life is particularly boring, you might as well do it!

If you are thirty-nine years old, have no money, no family, no children, and have lost your beloved wife, do you think this is not bad, or will you lose hope in life, feel that life is particularly boring, and your heart is particularly hopeless?

Or are you in a state of collapse at this moment because of other things, and you feel that you are suffering from sin, but you don't know what to do to make yourself feel better, so that you can see hope in your life again?

So, let's take a look at the thirty-nine-year-old man just mentioned, how he changed his terrible state, from a desperate person in his heart, to a person full of hope in life. How he healed his heart and changed his life.

When you feel that life is particularly boring, you might as well do it!

This man is the owner of a bookstore, and he opened this bookstore because his girlfriend felt that there was a lack of a bookstore on his hometown island, so he gave up the idea of continuing to read and followed his girlfriend to this small island.

He was very happy, with his beloved, doing what he liked, but a year ago, his wife had an accident in his car, and he couldn't accept it in his heart, that is, since then, he has completely changed as a person, drinking every day, and he doesn't care much about the business in the store, he plans to sell a book of some value, close the bookstore, and live like that.

When life makes a person particularly desperate, and perhaps it is also a time for his life to turn around, a two-year-old girl is put in his bookstore, this little girl is called Maya, her mother committed suicide after putting her in the bookstore, no one knows who the father of this child is, so when he called the police, the only place that this little girl can go is to find a foster family.

However, after a few short days of spending time with the girl, he noticed that something had changed in his heart, and he found that he had a certain sense of responsibility for the little girl, and he was afraid that she would not have a good time in the future, because he had heard that Maya's mother had lived in foster care.

So, do you know what he did in the end?

He chose to take Maya in and became her father.

When he chose to do so, he found that there was something that was being produced in him, and that was love, just as all fathers in the world love their daughters, and he loved this little girl, and because he loved Maya, he fell in love with other things in life, and he was no longer as decadent as before, and the idea of closing the bookstore and drinking himself to death was a thing of the past after he became a real father.

He loves Maya, so he wants to live well, run the bookstore well, he wants to be a good father, he wants to let her grow up healthy in love.

He did it, he took care of her life, and at the same time ran the bookstore seriously, although it was impossible to make a lot of money, but it was enough to support himself and Maya, he was very satisfied, Maya's appearance, for him, was to give him a chance to be reborn.

When you feel that life is particularly boring, you might as well do it!

So, why he has such a big change is actually the word mentioned earlier, love.

He gave his love to a girl who was not related to him by any kind, he loved Maya like all fathers do to their daughters, for fear that she would be hurt, he cared about Maya and was willing to do a lot for her.

It can be said that it was love that saved him and healed him, it was love that made him an excellent father, it was love that made his life another possibility, and it was love that made him happy.

Later, he also met the girl he liked very much, and they lived happily ever after with Maya.

If he hadn't met Maya, if he had met Maya, but he was cold to her, without the slightest empathy, if he had only cared for himself, then he would not have been able to come out of despair.

When you feel that life is particularly boring, you might as well do it!

But how can a person who is in pain because of the loss of his wife be a selfish and indifferent person, such a person is often the most emotional. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why he can adopt Maya and try his best to be good to her, because he is a person who loves in his heart, but the death of his wife hit him so hard that he thought that he would never be able to come out again, and he would never meet the person he wanted to love again.

But the appearance of a two-year-old girl reawakened the love in his heart, so he began to live a good life again.

The above story is the plot of a novel, this novel is called "Island Bookstore", this is a book I like very much, after reading it, my first feeling is that there must be love in a person's heart, as long as there is love, then you can live well.

When you feel that life is particularly boring, you might as well do it!

At this moment, if you are still in despair, and you still think that life is particularly meaningless, then you might as well try to arouse the love in your heart, you can love a thing, you can also love a person, as long as the love in your heart is aroused, then you can devote yourself to it, and your life will change from despair to hope, from meaningless to soulful.

You can love the blue sky, love the flowers on the side of the road, love all the beautiful things, love all the things that have vitality, you can love work, you can love reading, you can also love someone, be good to someone, as long as you take the initiative to dedicate your love, then, your heart will love more and more, and these loves will nourish you, make you feel happy, feel that everything is very beautiful.

So, go love, love some people, love something, and your heart will be healed.


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