
Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

author:Sakura Snow Castle 100

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Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

As soon as we met, I was fascinated by Xiaoyu's outfit that day. She was wearing a blue dress, fresh and sweet, and her smile was as warm as the warm spring sun. We chatted over coffee and the atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant. Before we knew it, our hands were naturally clasped together.

In this ambiguous atmosphere, we gradually got closer, and then kissed together. Xiaoyu's lips were soft and sweet, and my heart was about to jump out. However, at this moment of intimacy, I actually subconsciously touched her breasts with my hands! Xiaoyu was obviously startled by my action, she pushed me away slightly, and her face was flushed.

"Brother Tao, what are you doing?" Xiaoyu said with some embarrassment.

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyu, I don't know why this happened. "I felt ashamed of myself and secretly condemned my gaffes.

I began to reflect on my educational background. Although the parents do not have too strong traditional concepts, after all, they were born in the last century, and their attitudes towards women are inevitably conservative and old-fashioned. For example, they often say things like "girls should be gentle and virtuous" and "men must be manly". Over time, I also unconsciously accepted this concept and formed some stereotypes about both men and women.

However, when I actually started to fall in love, these ideas began to waver. Love is equal, and there should be no possession or dominance. What do I think of this? I urgently need answers.

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

In order to understand the doubts in my happiness, I decided to seek advice from the elders in my family first. After all, they have a wealth of life experience that may give me some inspiration.

So, one night, I mustered up the courage to tell my father about my confusion. After hearing this, the father was silent for a while, with a complicated expression on his face.

"Tao'er, I don't have an accurate answer to the question you said. "But in the eyes of my generation, it is indeed inappropriate for a boy to touch a girl's body while kissing." This stems from our traditional belief that there is a difference between men and women, and that men should restrain their desires and respect women. "

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

"But Dad, I don't have any other ideas, just impulse. I explained in a bit of a hurry.

"I know, I know. The father nodded again and again, "Your generation of young people is much more open-minded than us. Either way, it's important to respect each other. You have to communicate more with Xiaoyu and understand the other party's thoughts, rather than blindly acting according to your own ideas. "

My father's words made me think. I understand that perhaps there are some deep-rooted traditional concepts in each of us, which need to be constantly reflected and revised. And, in a relationship, the most important thing is mutual understanding and respect.

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

Although my father's explanation gave me some new understanding, the doubts in my heart were not completely solved. So, I tried to ask for help online, hoping to get different insights from more people.

Eventually, I explained my doubts in the post, hoping that people can empathize with each other, rather than just looking at the problem from a single perspective. After all, feelings are a matter of two people, and we should respect each other instead of rigidly imposing our own values on others.

Despite the insights I gained online, I still hadn't completely untied the knot. I realized that perhaps the most important thing is to communicate sincerely with my girlfriend and understand her thoughts and feelings.

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

So, on a quiet night, I mustered up the courage to make an appointment with Xiaoyu to meet. We came to a secluded park bench, accompanied only by the dim yellow glow of the street lamps.

"Xiaoyu, I've been reflecting on what happened before. I said sincerely, "I respect you very much and never have any other thoughts." It's just that I was impulsive at the time and did something that made you uncomfortable, and I'm really sorry. "

Xiaoyu looked at me with indescribable complexity in her eyes. After a while, she spoke: "Brother Tao, I know that you are a very good person and do not have any malicious intent. It's just that as a girl, in that intimate moment, I feel very embarrassed if a guy does something that makes me feel violated or disrespectful. "

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

"I totally understand your feelings. I nodded again and again, "In the future, I will definitely respect you more, communicate with you more, and understand your thoughts." We should treat each other sincerely and love each other as equals. "

Xiaoyu smiled, her smile was as warm as sunshine: "Thank you for your understanding, Brother Tao." I'm glad that we can have such a candid exchange on this. This made me feel your respect for me and strengthened my love for you. "

In this way, through sincere communication, Xiaoyu and I have a deeper understanding of each other. Our feelings were also sublimated in this exchange, becoming more pure and more equal.

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

After this series of experiences and reflections, I finally found the answer. The boy's subconscious touching of the girl's body during intimacy is not motivated by any desire for possession or other ill-intentioned intentions. It's more about an instinctive need for intimacy.

However, this need does not justify us from violating or harming the opposite sex. Each of us, male or female, should respect each other and respect each other's wishes and bottom lines. In intimate relationships, communication becomes especially important, and only by sincerely understanding the other person's thoughts and feelings can a truly equal and happy relationship be established.

This experience taught me one of the most important lessons in my life: in this world, each of us is an equal individual and should respect each other. There should be no prejudice or desire for possessiveness towards the opposite sex because of gender differences. We should all look at each other with empathy and treat the world as equals.

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

Only in this way can we establish a sincere, pure relationship; Only then can we as a society continue to move forward on the road of gender equality.

For example, at a party with friends, someone made a joke about gender. Some people unabashedly say something that is not very friendly to women, and even has an element of humiliation. However, everyone else present responded with a knowing laugh.

For example, in my workplace, although the salary of male and female employees seems to be equal, in fact, women have to work harder than men to get promotion. Some management has some biases and stereotypes against female employees.

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

I am deeply concerned by these phenomena. It seems that the gender stereotypes and inequalities that are deeply ingrained in our society have penetrated into every aspect of our lives. This not only affects mutual respect between the sexes, but also hinders the improvement of the level of civilization of the whole society.

I realized that in order to dispel these stereotypes, it is not enough to work alone, but requires the joint efforts of the whole society. So, I made up my mind to contribute to this goal.

To address gender inequality, education is a top priority. We need to eliminate gender bias in children's minds from an early age and cultivate their equal respect for the sexes.

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

In family education, parents should lead by example and treat their children equally, regardless of gender. At the same time, it is also necessary to explain the physiological and psychological differences between the sexes to children in the right way, so that they can establish a scientific concept of gender.

Gender equality education should be compulsory in school education. Schools should systematically teach students the idea of gender equality and eliminate gender stereotypes in their minds. At the same time, the school should also pay attention to the real fairness and justice in the curriculum and teacher allocation, and there is no gender discrimination.

Only by planting the seeds of gender equality in education from an early age can our next generation truly establish a sense of mutual respect and ultimately achieve harmonious coexistence between the sexes.

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

In addition to education, eliminating gender inequality also requires the participation and efforts of the whole society.

In addition, the government should provide strong guarantees for achieving gender equality at the legal and policy levels. For example, laws have been introduced to punish gender discrimination; Intensify advocacy for gender equality; provide the necessary social security, and so on.

It is only through the concerted efforts of society as a whole that we can finally make equality between men and women no longer an unattainable ideal, but a tangible reality.

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

I firmly believe that with the joint efforts of the whole society, we will be able to truly achieve equality between men and women in the near future. At that time, sexism and gender stereotypes will cease to exist, and there will be mutual respect and appreciation between the sexes. Everyone can develop according to their own wishes and realize their self-worth without being shackled by gender.

I will continue to work hard for this goal. In family life, I will set a good example for my children with my own behavior; At work, I will do my part to create an equal working environment; In social interactions, I also take the initiative to spread the concept of gender equality to the people around me.

I hope that through the joint efforts of each and every one of us, one day, the world will become a more civilized and tolerant place. Only then can we truly respect each other, live in harmony, and enjoy the happiness brought by equality.

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

That's my story. A seemingly ordinary little thing has triggered me to think deeply about life and the relationship between the sexes. I grew from a person with traditional gender stereotypes to an advocate for gender equality. It wasn't an easy process, but it gave me an important life lesson.

Let us work together to achieve the goal of gender equality! Only when everyone contributes to this goal with mutual respect and actions can we finally make gender equality no longer an empty word, but a real reality.

Therefore, in the process of pursuing gender equality, I also began to improve my inner cultivation. I began to learn some psychology and philosophy, hoping to better understand the nature of human nature and understand the contradictions and struggles in my own heart.

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?

Gradually, I found myself becoming more tolerant and accommodating. I no longer be too my impulses or inappropriate thoughts, but try to accept them with peace. Because I understand that it's just human nature, it doesn't mean I'm a bad person. It is important that we learn to control our actions and not be dominated by negative thoughts.

With this self-contained attitude, I have also become more confident in my relationships. I no longer focus on other people's small flaws or imperfections, but try to understand their situation with empathy. I've found that in this way, both parties feel more comfortable and respect each other.

Even if there are occasional small disagreements or contradictions, we can resolve them through peaceful communication. Because we all uphold an attitude of mutual respect and tolerance, and we are willing to listen to each other's ideas, rather than resting on our laurels and arbitrarily asserting right and wrong.

In addition to self-cultivation, I have also tried some new ways and ideas in the process of promoting the concept of gender equality.

I've found that mere preaching or appealing can easily lead to offensiveness. Because everyone's growth environment and experience are different, it is natural that they will have different views and perceptions on the topic of gender. If we only use our own opinions to preach or blame others, it is easy for the two sides to have antagonistic feelings, which can be counterproductive.

Therefore, I started to try to spread the idea of gender equality in a more interactive and relatable way. For example, I organize small seminars or salons where people from different backgrounds participate. In this egalitarian and friendly atmosphere, everyone can speak freely and express their views and doubts about gender issues.

Through such interactive exchanges, you will find that each of us has some biases or blind spots in our perception of gender. However, as long as we listen to different voices with an open and inclusive mind, we will be able to expand our horizons and gain new inspiration.

Gradually, everyone will realize that gender equality is not a simple slogan, but requires each of us to understand the situation of different groups with empathy and treat each other's differences with respect. We are all independent individuals, and we should all have the right to pursue happiness in our own way, and we should not be restricted or discriminated against by gender.

I believe that as long as we promote the concept of gender equality in an open, inclusive and interactive way, more and more people will be able to join the ranks. One day, gender equality will no longer be a slogan that needs to be deliberately appealed for, but a natural awareness and pursuit in everyone's heart.

In the process, I also realized the importance of self-cultivation. Each of us should first learn to respect ourselves and tolerate our inner thoughts and feelings, so that we can truly treat others with empathy. At the same time, when we promote the concept of gender equality, we should also try to be more interactive and friendly, listen to different voices in an open and inclusive manner, and expand our horizons and cognition.

Finally, I sincerely hope that through the joint efforts of each and every one of us, gender equality will no longer be a slogan that needs to be deliberately appealed to, but a natural awareness and pursuit in everyone's heart. At that time, our entire society will move towards true civilization and progress, and people will also respect each other and live in harmony. Let's work together for this beautiful goal!

Why do guys like to touch their breasts when kissing?