
As the rural saying goes, "Build a house without a pocket house, cry and cry every three years", what is a pocket room?

author:Jiang said bluntly

Housing is an obsession for Chinese.

For people living in the city, even if they take out a loan, they have to buy a house of their own, so that they can be regarded as having a home.

For people living in the countryside, building a house is just as important.

But there seem to be a lot of sayings about building a house, especially the pocket room, which is even more passed on by mouth, so what does the pocket room look like?

As the rural saying goes, "Build a house without a pocket house, cry and cry every three years", what is a pocket room?

1. What is a pocket room?

A pocket house is a building that looks like a pocket on the outside.

Most of the 3 rooms open on the south side of the first room on the east side or the 5 rooms open on the south side of the second room on the east side.

Pocket houses originated two or three hundred years ago, and were mainly built by the Manchus to withstand the cold during their living in the Northeast.

Houses are usually built with irregular raw materials such as stones, wood, and earth.

Regarding the layout of the pockets, there is only one exit in the living room location.

The daily life of the whole family is basically here.

Regarding the problem of rest in the bedroom, there are only one or two large bedrooms, which is the so-called "fire kang" in the north, and the number of people living together in the whole family is not suitable for modern people, but it is normal in the last century.

If the children in the family get married, they will move to another room on the other side of the living room, and if the conditions are slightly better, they will choose a suitable foundation nearby to build a new house.

As the rural saying goes, "Build a house without a pocket house, cry and cry every three years", what is a pocket room?

2. The origin of the saying

The reason why it is said that "building a house without building a pocket house, crying every three years" is because pocket houses do have many drawbacks.

If you build a pocket room, you may only be in tears after three years. So why is it not recommended to build a pocket house and buy it?

The biggest feature of pocket houses is that the houses are connected to the houses, which is easy to cause the lighting to be not very good.

In particular, one in the east and one in the west will directly affect the lighting in the house, making the house cold and damp.

Living in a house with poor lighting for a long time will affect your health.

The second reason is that due to the irregular shape of the house, it is difficult to build, and there are certain safety hazards, so it is not suitable for long-term living.

As the rural saying goes, "Build a house without a pocket house, cry and cry every three years", what is a pocket room?

Whether it is a safety issue or a health issue, the disadvantages of pocket rooms are still very big.

There is also a special hint of pocket room, which may not be very auspicious in some Feng Shui.

After all, in ancient China, people were still very concerned about the meaning of Feng Shui, and some people would even go out of their way to find a Feng Shui master to build a house according to the requirements of the Feng Shui master, and even decorate the interior, so as to pray for the safety and prosperity of the family.

In addition, in the eyes of most people, the door is the location of wealth, and the bigger the door of the house, the better the business will be, and the money will continue to come in.

If we look at the problem from a scientific point of view, we need to choose a suitable place to build a house.

As the rural saying goes, "Build a house without a pocket house, cry and cry every three years", what is a pocket room?

After all, when we build a house, we should choose some suitable locations, and try to avoid the vicinity of steep mountain bases, low terrain, places with strong water currents or underground undercurrents.

These problems may endanger human life and property in the event of a natural disaster.

In addition, when building a house, it is also necessary to avoid some special walls to avoid the edges and corners of the wall from hurting people.

In addition, when building a house, it is also necessary to pay attention to choosing the right building materials and adopting the right construction methods to ensure the safety of the house.

At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the ventilation, lighting and drainage of the house.

The pocket rooms we are talking about seem to be accompanied by some of the above safety hazards.

As the rural saying goes, "Build a house without a pocket house, cry and cry every three years", what is a pocket room?

3. Historical significance

For modern life, pocket rooms do have many drawbacks and are not suitable for current life, but as a product of the times, its birth must have the historical significance and important role it represents.

Because of its low construction cost, people in poverty can also have shelter.

It reflects the concept of housing in traditional Chinese society, influencing generation after generation, allowing people to find products suitable for the development of the times in continuous attempts again and again.

As the rural saying goes, "Build a house without a pocket house, cry and cry every three years", what is a pocket room?

It is because of the experience and accumulation of pocket houses and other different periods of building houses.

It will make people pay more attention to practicality, comfort and aesthetics when building houses, rather than blindly pursuing good-looking, money-saving and other construction methods.

Although, there are various drawbacks to pocket rooms, when we look back at history through pocket rooms, will we also be impressed by the wisdom of the ancients? Let me know that the ancients who did not have a modern civilization can still leave traces in their own way.

With the development of modern society, more and more young people are going out of the village to pursue a better life while yearning for a house with higher practicality and comfort.

The pocket room seems to be disappearing little by little.

In fact, while we are pursuing a better life, we should maintain the attitude of taking the essence of the culture left to us by history and removing the dross.

As the rural saying goes, "Build a house without a pocket house, cry and cry every three years", what is a pocket room?


When building and designing a house, consider the problem from many aspects according to the actual situation, reasonably plan the layout, and ensure the functions of the house.

Let everyone in the living house can experience the safety and comfort brought by the house, and live every day comfortably!