
Have you found that many girls are now ruined?


I know a 92-year-old girl who works in Sanlitun, Beijing, and is 32 years old this year. She works as an administrative worker in a beauty agency, and the work is not so hard, earning about 6,000 yuan a month.

Have you found that many girls are now ruined?

In order to make it easier for her to go to work, she shares a house with several other girls not far from her workplace. And the rent of light is more than 2,000 per month, in addition, she also has to buy cosmetics, go shopping, often make appointments to eat out, KTV singing, etc. In time for the holidays, I will also make an appointment with friends to go on a trip, go camping in the suburbs, etc. In this way, there is no money left over almost every month, and sometimes it is not enough to spend. There was never a concept of saving money.

Have you found that many girls are now ruined?

Her concept is that I can take care of myself alone, and I don't ask my family for money, and I don't cause trouble to my family, I just have to be happy every day, why bother so much.

But after all, she is over 30 years old, and her parents still hope that she can find a partner to marry as soon as possible, although 32 is not very old, but it is not young for having children. When relatives and friends at home introduced her to her, she resolutely refused every time.

Have you found that many girls are now ruined?

She always said, "Why should I talk about getting married? I live a free and easy life, I don't want to be constrained, I want to eat and play whatever I want, I don't have to think about others, I can buy what I like, I want to travel, I want to travel, isn't that bad? If I choose the wrong person, find a man to take care of me, and don't let me do this and that, then I will be very miserable."

Because her work can support herself without causing trouble to the family, and she lives outside by herself, her parents can't control her, and they can't take care of her.

Have you found that many girls are now ruined?

She also told her parents, relatives and friends: "I make my own decisions about my life, and I decide what kind of life I want to live." If I get married or not, you don't have to interfere, so many people have all kinds of problems when they get married, domestic violence, quarrels, cheating, divorce, etc. Marriage is not necessarily happy, sometimes it is still torture, and I would rather live alone than have such a situation.

Have you found that many girls are now ruined?

And the girls who live with her are probably like this, they are all over 30 years old, basically graduated from junior colleges and universities, and the salary level is not too high, but the consumption level together is not low. When I catch up with the break, I chase Korean dramas and watch variety shows every day, and I basically don't have a boyfriend, and ordinary boys can't watch it. There are often luxury car drivers who come to pick them up and go out to play.

Have you found that many girls are now ruined?

One of the girls is still a bachelor's degree, and she is also very beautiful, but after breaking up with her first boyfriend, she became sensitive, and she didn't look down on boys of the same age, thinking that they had low salaries and didn't have a house or a car. When someone introduces her to a partner, she directly asks about her height, income, etc., and even the income of the other party's parents.

Have you found that many girls are now ruined?

And when her parents wanted to introduce her to the son of a comrade-in-arms, she said: "I used to want to find someone to live a good life, but emotionally I was hurt, and I didn't want to find an ordinary man.

Have you found that many girls are now ruined?

By observing these single girls, I found that they only care about the present, only focus on their own lives, and at the same time have surprisingly high requirements for men, and never think about the future and do not plan. But now although he is still young, he is not young in his 30s, and he is said to be old very quickly, and after this good age period, if there is no partner in the future, he will not be able to earn money when he is old, and there will be no one to take care of him, so it is conceivable that it will be very bleak.