
20 years have passed, is the "basketball girl" who once moved China doing well?

author:Changting Society

The phrase "physically handicapped and strong" is endlessly inspiring and motivating, but the process of achieving it is not easy. Qian Hongyan, a young girl from Yunnan, has been bravely and actively exploring this challenging road since she was 4 years old.

Time flies, and more than 20 years have passed in a blink of an eye. During this period of time, 4-year-old Qian Hongyan reluctantly staged a scene of pain of broken limbs due to a sudden accident.

20 years have passed, is the "basketball girl" who once moved China doing well?

Due to her poor family background, she could not afford the cost of rehabilitation and prosthetics, so she could only use a basketball half as her "stage" and walk the world with difficulty.

Qian Hongyan's deeds not only attracted wide attention from CCTV, but was also selected by the public security department as a propaganda example. Twenty years have passed, how is the "basketball girl" who moved China now? Is her life peaceful and happy? Let's walk into her world and see how this strong girl has written an extraordinary life journey.

Qian Hongyan's life path was not smooth sailing, and fate was so cruel and ruthless to her. It was an ordinary day when she was 4 years old, playing carefree with her friends, but she was tragically hit by a large truck while crossing the street.

In an instant, Qian Hongyan's lower body turned into a bloody wreckage, which was miserable.

20 years have passed, is the "basketball girl" who once moved China doing well?

It was early afternoon, Qian Hongyan and a few good friends were playing on the side of the road, and accidentally left their shoes in the middle of the road. In search of their lost shoes, they slowly walked to the middle of the road and bent down to pick them up.

Who would have thought that it was in this brief moment that an oncoming truck knocked Qian Hongyan to the ground, causing serious damage to her lower body.

The tragedy occurred when the truck driver was unable to spot the children in the middle of the road when driving at high speeds due to his obstructed vision. Another girl was killed on the spot, and although Qian Hongyan picked up her life, she paid the price for her legs.

Father Qian, who was anxiously waiting for his beloved daughter's return, saw that his daughter was gone, so he decided to go out to look for it. When he saw his daughter lying in a pool of blood, he was at a loss and tears rained down.

20 years have passed, is the "basketball girl" who once moved China doing well?

He hurriedly carried Qian Hongyan to the hospital, although it was timely, but the doctor had no choice but to make a difficult choice of life or dead limbs.

Faced with this sudden problem, Father Qian fell into great confusion and pain. He knows that saving her life is paramount, but losing her legs also means that her daughter's quality of life will be greatly reduced in the future.

In the end, under the urging of the doctor, in order to survive, Qian's father reluctantly made the choice to save his life.

In this way, Qian Hongyan, who was only four years old, was forced to undergo a high amputation, and since then she has bid farewell to her once flexible legs. After being discharged from the hospital, she became reticent for a while, holding a cat in her arms all day, and speaking extremely cold to the people around her.

20 years have passed, is the "basketball girl" who once moved China doing well?

Seeing all this, Grandpa Qian was deeply distressed, and he was determined not to let his granddaughter lose his heart.

Poor families could not afford expensive wheelchairs or prosthetics, so Grandpa Qian had to look for old objects on the street and carefully make a simple "walking tool" for his granddaughter that was converted from a dilapidated basketball.

In this way, Qian Hongyan had to hold on to this special "basketball shoe" every day, work hard, and insist on going to school.

With the patient care and help of her classmates, she gradually regained her cheerful smile.

A bumpy course of struggle

20 years have passed, is the "basketball girl" who once moved China doing well?

Since then, Qian Hongyan has started a long and arduous period of struggle. After joining the swimming team, except for the full support of Coach Zhang, all the other team members and coaches had doubts and doubts about this "disabled girl".

They believe that the average athlete can hardly withstand such high-intensity training on their own strength alone, let alone a high-level amputee like Qian Hongyan.

However, what is amazing is that "disabled and strong" has long become a distinctive label for Qian Hongyan. Driven by Coach Zhang Honghu's carefully planned and special personal training plan, Qian Hongyan's swimming skills have been rapidly improved.

Her natural athletic talent is on full display in the water, and combined with her unwavering perseverance, she has grown by leaps and bounds.

20 years have passed, is the "basketball girl" who once moved China doing well?

Although wearing a prosthetic leg brought her a lot of discomfort, and although the "basketball shoes" were constantly worn out in hard training, Qian Hongyan never had the slightest doubt about her ability.

She gritted her teeth, persevered, and persistently moved towards her dream.

Soon, Qian Hongyan exchanged her efforts for gratifying results. In 2008, she won three gold medals in one fell swoop at the Yunnan Provincial Paralympic Games, becoming a well-deserved "triple crown winner".

A year later, at the National Para Swimming Championships, she once again broke out of the encirclement, winning 1 gold and 2 silver.

20 years have passed, is the "basketball girl" who once moved China doing well?

In the next few years, Qian Hongyan won many battles, and the success of the field was reported frequently. Just as she had been waiting for the London 2012 Paralympic Games to kick off, a heavy blow struck her – the death of her family had left her in a huge mental haze and she had missed out on qualifying for this important competition.

Present life

After retiring, with the computer-related knowledge she learned, Qian Hongyan soon joined a company to work.

This "basketball girl", who was once pinned on high hopes, now lives a positive, optimistic, sunny and confident life, and is comfortable integrating into the big family of society.

Just looking at the bright smile on her face, it's hard to imagine that she has been through so many hardships.

20 years have passed, is the "basketball girl" who once moved China doing well?

Those pains and struggles have long been forgotten by Qian Hongyan. She used her own practical actions to interpret the spiritual core of "being disabled and strong", showing a positive and optimistic attitude towards life for a disabled person.

At present, she is integrating into society and living an ideal life with a confident and calm demeanor.

Comprehend the spiritual core

The unremitting pursuit of "disability and determination" and the attitude of never giving up on life have made Qian Hongyan positive today.

From being born as an orphan in a poor and backward mountain village, to being crushed by disability and poverty, to bravely chasing her dream of becoming an excellent athlete, Qian Hongyan used her life to interpret what it means to "strive for self-improvement".

20 years have passed, is the "basketball girl" who once moved China doing well?

Yes, everyone in the world will inevitably encounter some setbacks and obstacles. Faced with the sudden tragedy, Qian Hongyan once fell into a trough of despair. But she didn't give up, but gritted her teeth and re-embarked on the journey of life with perseverance.

From being questioned by society and opposed by her family, to finally succeeding with her indomitable will, she interprets the spiritual power of never giving up with her actions.

Qian Hongyan's story enlightens us that instead of living a life, it is better to work hard and move forward bravely.

Maybe we can open up a new world of our own in the unknown field! She used heavy medals to show us that as long as we never give up our dreams, no matter how big the difficulties and challenges are, as long as we persevere, we will one day be able to overcome them and shine the brightest light in the field of life.

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