
Cheng Lei was met by chance drinking afternoon tea, he is still handsome at the age of 52, and he has to repay the luxury mortgage with his two handsome sons!

author:Sunset after the rain

Time flies, and the years are merciless. used to be a screen star, but now it is inevitable that his life will be shaky and he will enter middle age. And in this process full of uncertainties, how do they rekindle the fire in their hearts, compromise with life or start anew? Today, let's walk into the life of Cheng Lei, the once well-known host, and see how the 52-year-old spends his current life.

Cheng Lei was met by chance drinking afternoon tea, he is still handsome at the age of 52, and he has to repay the luxury mortgage with his two handsome sons!

For many post-80s and post-90s, the name Cheng Lei is undoubtedly deeply imprinted in memory. As a banner of Dragon TV, he often appears in various popular variety shows, such as "Meet on Saturday" and "China's Got Talent". His unique hosting style, humorous and witty conversation and gentle demeanor have won the love of countless audiences and are known as "ace hosts".

Cheng Lei was met by chance drinking afternoon tea, he is still handsome at the age of 52, and he has to repay the luxury mortgage with his two handsome sons!

However, just in 2021, the high-profile host suddenly disappeared from the public's sight, as if he disappeared from the screen overnight. The cause of the incident was a party known to the outside world as the "Hongmen Banquet". At that party, Cheng Lei and some well-known figures in the entertainment industry attended together, however, soon after the party, Cheng Lei was exposed to some inappropriate words and deeds, which immediately attracted widespread attention and controversy.

Cheng Lei was met by chance drinking afternoon tea, he is still handsome at the age of 52, and he has to repay the luxury mortgage with his two handsome sons!

Although Cheng Lei and his team responded quickly and tried to clarify the facts, the pressure and negative impact of public opinion have been irreparable. Many viewers questioned his image and cast doubt on his work ethic and charisma. Dragon TV was also under pressure and had to temporarily remove Cheng Lei from his hosting position for internal investigation and review.

Now although Cheng Lei has gradually returned to the screen, the "Hongmen Banquet" incident is still an indelible mark in his career. He needs to regain the trust of the audience and reinvent his image. It's a tough challenge for him and an opportunity to prove himself again.

Cheng Lei was met by chance drinking afternoon tea, he is still handsome at the age of 52, and he has to repay the luxury mortgage with his two handsome sons!

After two years, Cheng Lei's recent situation has once again sparked heated discussions among netizens. On April 6, a number of netizens met this "old friend" in a high-end hotel in Shanghai. Surprisingly, the 52-year-old Cheng Lei still maintains a youthful and handsome appearance: black casual clothes, neat hairstyle, and a sunny and warm smile, which makes people can't take their eyes off it. Some netizens exclaimed, "Why won't you get old?"

In fact, Cheng Lei has always had a good style of life. According to insiders, Cheng Lei has two sons, and the family of four is happy. "The sons cling to him, and he's a good father. So my friend commented. At the time of the encounter, Cheng Lei was enjoying afternoon tea time with his friends, looking very leisurely.

Cheng Lei was met by chance drinking afternoon tea, he is still handsome at the age of 52, and he has to repay the luxury mortgage with his two handsome sons!

However, Cheng Lei's life was not all smooth sailing. It has been reported in the media that Cheng Lei had to take a year off in 2014 because he suffered from a family hereditary liver disease. There were even rumors that he had passed away from liver disease, although the rumors were quickly refuted by himself. And since the "Hongmen Banquet" incident in 2021, he can only do some wedding emcee work behind the scenes, and his income is far from before.

Cheng Lei was met by chance drinking afternoon tea, he is still handsome at the age of 52, and he has to repay the luxury mortgage with his two handsome sons!

The biggest burden comes from his 16 million yuan luxury mortgage. Although today's life is "not very easy", Cheng Lei was not discouraged, but chose to live hard. When some netizens met him at the Wanning Hotel, Cheng Lei chatted with people warmly and friendly in Shanghainese, with a very friendly attitude.

In front of the camera, Cheng Lei is always so calm and gentle. However, as he said in an interview: "Life has to go on, we can only go on one step at a time." Behind this sentence, there is his unknown tenacity and courage.

As a host who once had unlimited scenery, Cheng Lei encountered Waterloo at the peak of his career. However, he was not defeated by this, but proved the true meaning of life with his actions. He did not choose to escape, nor did he wallow in the glory of the past, but chose to bravely face the reality and start anew.

Cheng Lei was met by chance drinking afternoon tea, he is still handsome at the age of 52, and he has to repay the luxury mortgage with his two handsome sons!

In Cheng Lei, we see the courage and tenacity of life. He did not give up his dreams and pursuits because of a failure, but chose to start over. He told us with practical actions that life will not always be smooth sailing, but as long as we have courage and tenacity, we will be able to go through every bump in the road.

Cheng Lei's story is not only a story about career setbacks and a new start, but also a story about courage and tenacity in life. He used his life experience to explain what true courage and tenacity are. His story tells us that no matter how many difficulties and setbacks we encounter in life, as long as we face them bravely and persevere, we will be able to usher in a bright future of our own.

Cheng Lei was met by chance drinking afternoon tea, he is still handsome at the age of 52, and he has to repay the luxury mortgage with his two handsome sons!

As Cheng Lei himself said: "Life has to go on, we can only go on one step at a time." Let us remember this sentence and use our own actions to interpret the courage and tenacity of life to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Everyone's life will inevitably encounter adversity, it depends on whether you have the courage to face and embrace a new life. Cheng Lei has set a positive example for us in his own way. Even though he has left the glory of the past, he still loves life and cherishes the present. Let's applaud him for his optimism and tenacity, and look forward to him regaining his inner strength and shining again on a new stage!