
Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

author:Tech Avril 6O6e

Xiaomi SU7 is completely popular, whether it is a deposit or a foreign object falling from the booth, it will be taken to the microscope by almighty netizens for careful observation.


Even when Mr. Lei was test driving, there was a bottle of Nongfu Spring mineral water in the car that he had not drunk, and it was discussed as Lei Jun's platform for Zhong Sui.

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

Recently, some netizens received Xiaomi's own mineral water at the SU7 delivery ceremony, and posted it on the Internet, with the text saying: As long as you spend 215,900 yuan to buy a Xiaomi car, you can enjoy a bottle of millet mineral water full of technology and a better life.

The bottle cap is printed with the words "Arctic Spring", which seems to inform people that the source of this mineral water is pure and natural, away from industrial pollution.

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

This bottle of water is from the Mohe Arctic Spring Nature Reserve in Daxinganling, Heilongjiang.

The blogger of the video is very proud to say: This water is so sweet, and it tastes really good with my SU7.

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

When did millet come out with mineral water?

I don't know what the taste of this mineral water is, strong or pure?

Originally, I thought it was a stalk deliberately played by netizens, but I logged in to "Xiaomi Youpin", known as a grocery store, and searched for the keyword "mineral water", and what caught my eye was the bottle of "Arctic Spring" in this netizen's video.

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

The mineral water is sold in a whole box, and the price is 69 yuan per box, and there are 24 bottles in a box, each bottle is about 2.87 yuan, which is slightly more expensive than Nongfu Spring. The shape of the mineral water bottle is different from the mineral water bottle in our cognition, with a slender posture, which is biased towards the shape of the wine bottle.

The copywriting in the description introduces the sweet taste of this mineral water, which is the natural water source of the Arctic Spring, I don't know why, seeing such a copy, I naturally thought of the familiar advertising slogan of Nongfu Spring: a little sweet.

The outer packaging is packed in cartons, which are better protected from light than transparent plastic film packaging and avoid the influence of sunlight on mineral water, which seems to be the same as Wahaha.

The manufacturer is a company in Mohe, and Xiaomi's mineral water should be an OEM product, not Xiaomi itself has set up a production line to produce mineral water.

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

At present, some netizens have been sent to the SU7 exhibition hall, hoping to rub a bottle of Lei Zong's mineral water, but this netizen said that when he went, the water was all gone, and it was obviously not enough, it seems that if you want to drink this bottle of mineral water, you either have to spend more than 200,000 yuan to buy a SU7, or you can buy a box at the Xiaomi grocery store.

Another netizen said in the comment area: Isn't this just customized water? I don't remember whether it was 200 or 20 boxes, it was very cheap, as long as you were willing to spend money, you can customize it at your wedding.

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

Some netizens have found that as early as 2018, Xiaomi has applied for a patent for the appearance of this mineral water.

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

Some netizens sent out design drawings, this mineral water bottle is not only slim, but also has a concave design at the bottom.

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

When netizens saw this, they began to be calm, it is really worthy of a millet grocery store, since millet even has mineral water, I don't know if there will be cola, yogurt, mango juice next?

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

But some netizens regretted that Xiaomi SU7 really couldn't afford it, so they had to buy a pack of Xiaomi Guoba to support Mr. Lei.

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

There are also netizens who met a flash delivery brother on the road, he was very shocked by the goods transported by the little brother, at first glance, he only saw the three words SU7, and thought it was Xiaomi out of the toy version of SU7.

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

After clicking on the big picture, I was really shocked! It was actually SU7 for the ancestors, and Mr. Lei's popularity actually crossed the two worlds of yin and yang, and even the ancestors were going to open SU7?

Some netizens said that they don't know if they can get a Xiaomi car when they buy millet mineral water?

Others don't know, but if Mr. Zhang Songwen speaks, Mr. Lei should be fine.

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

There are also netizens who are very fond of learning and asked weakly: I don't know when Xiaomi will be able to go to college?

Xiaomi has not invested in running a school at present, but Mr. Lei donated 1.3 billion to his alma mater, Wuhan University, and this netizen can consider being admitted to Wuhan University.

Xiaomi SU7 fire! Lei Jun paved the way for millet mineral water, and he couldn't sit still when he looked at the words on it

Not long ago, Mr. Lei's test drive had no intention of letting Nongfu Spring break into the video, and it is estimated that Zhong Sui was still very grateful in his heart, and now it hasn't been long before Xiaomi began to place Millet's Arctic Spring in his own exhibition hall, and the water source seems to be better than Nongfu Spring, I really don't know what kind of mood Zhong Sui will have after he knows?

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