
Compared with Genghis Khan, who relied on force to seize power, Zhu Yuanzhang paid more attention to cultural inheritance and system construction!



In the history of Chinese civilization that stretches for thousands of years, many heroes and heroes have left a strong mark. In these lists of illustrious sages, Zhu Yuanzhang and Genghis Khan are undoubtedly the two most eye-catching warriors. Although they come from different backgrounds, they are all able to turn the tide and turn the tide, and they can really be described as all-round leaders who are politicians and military strategists.

However, judging from the overall performance and contribution, Zhu Yuanzhang is indeed better than Genghis Khan. Let's compare and analyze the differences between the two: Genghis Khan is known as "Wan Shi Danyu", and his great talent and courage are really unmatched. With his superb riding and archery skills, he gave full play to the advantages of the nomads, destroying the withering and decaying, and was invincible.

Compared with Genghis Khan, who relied on force to seize power, Zhu Yuanzhang paid more attention to cultural inheritance and system construction!

In addition, the world situation at that time also gave him an opportunity to take advantage of it, so he was able to eventually build a huge Mongol empire that spanned Eurasia. However, Genghis Khan also stopped there. He was able to conquer such a vast territory, mainly relying on the nomadic culture and armed invasion of the horseback people.

But at the end of the day, he lacked a true sense of governance and culture, so his empire was doomed to a violent rule cast of iron from the beginning. Although this power can be sustained for a while, it will inevitably lead to precarious chaos and turmoil. It is precisely because of this in history that Genghis Khan's empire, although once brilliant, still could not escape the fate of falling apart.

Compared with Genghis Khan, who relied on force to seize power, Zhu Yuanzhang paid more attention to cultural inheritance and system construction!

Therefore, to evaluate Genghis Khan, we should not only look at his temporary achievements in conquest, but also carefully analyze his concept of governance and his contributions to human civilization. From this point of view, he is indeed slightly inferior. On the other hand, Zhu Yuanzhang, although he is also from a humble background, has a deep understanding and inheritance of Chinese culture.

In the process of rising up against the Yuan, he not only possessed outstanding military command ability, but also outstanding political wisdom and national pride. Zhu Yuanzhang understood that in order to build a country with long-term peace and stability, it was far from enough to rely on force alone. Therefore, after pacifying the world, he adopted a series of wise systems, focusing on strengthening the centralization of power, improving the civil service system, and greatly consolidating and developing the government.

Compared with Genghis Khan, who relied on force to seize power, Zhu Yuanzhang paid more attention to cultural inheritance and system construction!

For example, he implemented the military health law, maintained the integrity and the province, and prevented the warlords from starting a rebellion; He also vigorously revitalized the imperial examination system, used Confucianism to educate the world, purified the morale of the people, and promoted social stability and order. These far-sighted strategies laid a solid foundation for the long-term stability of the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, Ming Taizu also focused on the development of agricultural production, overhaul of water conservancy, and communication of trade routes, which made the economic strength of the early Ming Dynasty stand out and the society prospered. Especially in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, China has far surpassed Europe in navigation technology and military equipment, and can be said to be a leader in the development of civilization.

Compared with Genghis Khan, who relied on force to seize power, Zhu Yuanzhang paid more attention to cultural inheritance and system construction!

In contrast, Genghis Khan has always stopped at simple military conquest and has not been fully prepared for the next stage of civilization construction. This doomed his achievements to be more short-lived, and ultimately difficult to last. Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang is not without flaws. For example, in order to prevent a repetition of the mistake of "Sima Yi's fraud",

He actually killed all the former cronies and some loyal and brave generals. This behavior is undoubtedly a bit too bigoted and violent. But in any case, Zhu Yuanzhang is indeed a generation of Ming Jun. He was able to create a large and civilized feudal dynasty in extremely turbulent times, and his statesman's ambition and wisdom are beyond doubt.

Compared with Genghis Khan, who relied on force to seize power, Zhu Yuanzhang paid more attention to cultural inheritance and system construction!

It can be seen that compared with Genghis Khan, who simply relied on force to seize power, Zhu Yuanzhang paid more attention to cultural inheritance and system construction, which is the foresight and sagacity that a true leader of a great country should have. If judged only from this point of view, Zhu Yuanzhang is definitely higher than Genghis Khan. Of course, we can neither underestimate the unique contribution of Genghis Khan, both military and strategic,

There is also no need to deify heroic figures. Every historical figure is a microcosm of the times, and their achievements and mistakes are worthy of our serious reflection and reference. The story of Zhu Yuanzhang and Genghis Khan tells us that in order to build a country of long-term peace and stability, military conquest is important, but it is more important to uphold the concept of enlightened governance and unite people's hearts with cultural self-confidence and personality strength.

Compared with Genghis Khan, who relied on force to seize power, Zhu Yuanzhang paid more attention to cultural inheritance and system construction!

Only in this way can we truly move towards eternal glory. In this sense, the tradition of Chinese civilization represented by Zhu Yuanzhang is obviously more conducive to the prosperity and strength of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation. Therefore, our evaluation of Zhu Yuanzhang is naturally higher than that of Genghis Khan.

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Disclaimer: The content of this article, video, pictures, and articles are all from the Internet, for reference only!

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