
82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

author:International looking for Pei Ge
82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

One day, Mr. Cai Lan accidentally fell at home

The pain spread throughout his body, and he realized he needed rehabilitation

The hearty old man did not complain in the slightest

He always smiled and said, "Living one day is one day"

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

Mr. Cai Lan, an old man who has experienced ups and downs, still maintains an optimistic attitude

His smile was like a ray of sunshine that illuminated everyone around him

Even when he fell, he never lost his smile and never got down, because he knew that when he fell, he had to get up with a smile

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

Mr. Cai Lan experienced the most painful moment in his life - his favorite wife left him

They chose to live in separate rooms in their later years, but their love for each other has always been so strong that they can't be separated

Fate was so cruel that his wife left him, leaving him alone to face the world

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

Mr. Cai Lan's heart hurt to the extreme, and he tried to rush into his wife's room, trying to say the last thing to her, but his steps stumbled and unfortunately fell to the ground

This fall not only injured him physically, but also traumatized his soul

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

The old man's heart was cut like a knife, and his tears rolled down like beads with broken threads

The departure of his wife made his world lose its color and meaning

He felt as if he had been thrown into the abyss of darkness, unable to extricate himself, unable to find a single ray of light

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

Mr. Cai Lan made a big decision - in order to welcome a new life, he decided to move into a hotel

This decision not only changed his living environment, but also allowed him to take the first step in his journey of rebirth

This hotel is extraordinary, it offers all the conveniences of life, and there is a full-time assistant to take care of all his needs

This assistant not only helps him with his daily life, but also accompanies him through his lonely time, giving him meticulous care and attention

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

In this strange environment, Mr. Cai Lan felt a kind of warmth and comfort, he knew that he was no longer alone, and someone was around to care about him

Mr. Cai Lan's mood also became happy

He no longer dwells in the sorrows of the past and faces a new life positively

Mr. Cai Lan listened to the persuasion of his friends, began to release the pain in his heart, learned to forget, and began to enjoy a free life

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

This decision not only made him feel a sense of relief, but also allowed him to regain the joy and beauty of life

The pain of the past was like a thorn in his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe and unbearable

But with the company and encouragement of his friends, he slowly released the pain in his heart, learned to let go, and learned to forget

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

He knows that the pain of the past cannot be changed, but he can choose to face it, choose to release, choose to start over

Although some people in the outside world did not understand his choice, and some people thought that he should change his lifestyle, Mr. Cai Lan still insisted on his decision and chose to enjoy a free life

He knows that everyone has their own way of life and that everyone has the right to choose their own happiness

He doesn't want to be tied down, he doesn't want to be manipulated by others, he wants to live his own wonderful life and live his own happiness

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

Mr. Cai Lan's story is full of emotion and expressiveness

His positive attitude is touching and admirable

He is no longer haunted by the pain of the past, but bravely faces it and bravely takes a new step

This optimistic attitude is deeply inspiring and makes people sigh at the greatness and beauty of life

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

Mr. Cai Lan, who is not in good health, does not sit at home and wait for the arrival of old age, but actively participates in various interesting activities

Although his body is a little overwhelmed, his mind still burns with a fire, longing for novelty and surprise every day

Have you ever thought that no matter how old you are, life can still be full of vitality and fun? Mr. Cai Lan is the best proof of this! He told us that an active life is not the exclusive domain of young people, and that the elderly can also live a full and meaningful life.

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

Imagine that Mr. Cai Lan is strolling down the corridor of the bookstore, his eyes sparkling, constantly flipping through books, as if exploring the mysteries of life

Perhaps in these books, he found a new understanding of life and a new expectation of himself

Imagine the scene of Mr. Cai Lan attending the commemorative ceremony, he was dressed in neat clothes, standing in the crowd, silently lighting a heart lamp for those memorable figures

Perhaps in these memorials, he found a new insight into life and a new respect for the past

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

Mr. Cai Lan is really a different person! He and his wife have no children, but he thinks that this is enough, and he doesn't want to leave too much to worry about

He feels that life is good enough and he doesn't need to be burdened by too much fame and fortune

Mr. Cai Lan is a person who knows how to be indifferent to fame and fortune

He does not chase fame and fortune like others, he prefers to enjoy life with a calm heart and feel the beauty of life

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

He feels that having a clear heart is more important than anything else, because only in this way can he truly appreciate the true meaning of life and truly live freely

Other so-called "four talents" are drifting away, but Mr. Cai Lan still takes their spirit as his creed and continues his life

He believes that although fame and fortune can make people get temporary glory, real happiness comes from inner satisfaction, from the love and enjoyment of life

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

Mr. Cai Lan sat in his small courtyard, sipping a cup of tea and enjoying the afternoon sun

He closed his eyes and felt the breeze on his face, filled with peace and contentment

At this moment, he felt that he was the happiest person in the world, because what he had was not only material enjoyment, but also spiritual freedom and peace

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

Mr. Cai Lan's story tells us that life is not about how much you have, but about knowing how to be satisfied and grateful

Although fame and fortune can make people happy for a while, true happiness comes from inner peace and contentment

May we all be like Mr. Cai Lan, know how to be indifferent to fame and fortune, enjoy the beauty of life, and live a truly happy life

82-year-old Cai Lan has arranged the funeral, sold assets to cash out and live in a hotel, and smoked cigarettes and lived day by day

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