
24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

author:Small group love fun picture
Human history was once as elusive as a fog, with words, paintings, and songs intertwined, making it difficult to get a glimpse of the whole picture. However, the birth of the camera is like a magic wand, with a slight wave, the fog of history will dissipate without a trace, showing a clear and vivid picture. With just a flick of the shutter, we can travel back in time and experience the magnificent history firsthand, not just the legends. It's a fantastical journey through history, and we can immerse ourselves in it and appreciate the charm of history.

On September 11, 2001, a slender model was showing off her style in front of the camera, but unexpectedly, the Petronas Twin Towers were suddenly hit by a plane, and she lost her mind instantly. This thrilling scene was captured by the camera and became an eternal moment in history.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In 1876, Blanche Monier was imprisoned in the attic for 25 years by her mother and brother because of her obsession with meeting her poor boyfriend. She was forced to live with pests and rats, and her life was miserable in filth. It was not until May 23, 1901, that she was able to regain her freedom and see the light of day.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

A young Indian man who boasts of "superpowers" is unexpectedly imprisoned for suspected theft. Even in prison, the prison guards were closely guarded, but he still did not forget to show off his "miracle skills of shrinking bones".

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

The manuscript left behind by Marie Curie still exudes a radiant scent to this day. Marie Curie died at the age of 67, but it is assumed that she could have lived another 20 years if she had not been exposed to metallic radiation.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In the 30s of the last century, the clouds of World War II were not yet shrouded, but the beauties played golf on the ice and enjoyed their leisure time. At that time, Western society was booming, and outdoor activities were highly sought after.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In 1984, somewhere in Sichuan, two girlfriends who returned from working in the south got together to talk. Dressed in fashionable clothes and with a sparkling BB machine around their waists, they instantly became the local "fashion benchmark".

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

This photograph shows the Persian princess Fatme Hanum, who was hailed as a model of Persian beauty in the early 1900s. Legend has it that hundreds of young talents pursued her, and 15 others committed suicide because of her beauty.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In the 1950s, two slender models were shooting advertisements for their swimsuits. Now this style of dressing is not only a swimsuit, but also a trend and fashion.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In 1956, a group of female models dressed in ammonium sulphate bags posed next to the bagging machine, and they really "did their best" to sell the machine.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

A group of propaganda photos of female border soldiers officially released by India are suspected to be posed, but it is difficult to hide their demeanor. In the photo, the female soldiers are fair-skinned and have delicate facial features, apparently from the upper caste of India.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

On November 20, 1945, at the Nuremberg Trials, the former Nazi high-ranking Nazi who had done a lot of evil actually snickered at a translation error during the trial. What's even funnier is that even the soldiers behind them can't help but laugh out loud.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In 1948, the French "Miss Beautiful Legs" contest was in full swing, and the beauties showed off their unique skills one after another. In the end, the fifth beauty on the right conquered the audience with her charisma and successfully won the championship.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In 1932, in Hollywood, California, Max Factor was using his "beauty calibrator" to detect facial features that needed to be corrected.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In the 60s of the last century, although car seat belts could "tie" passengers steadily, the risk of neck injuries was not small if they encountered sudden braking or collision. After countless improvements and meticulous testing, today's seat belts are designed to protect every driving safety.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

Between 1860 and 1890, an Arab man in Egypt drove a horse-drawn carriage carrying three wives and two maids. It can be seen that no matter what era it is, a man must have a car of his own.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In 1936, a miracle piece of fitness equipment was introduced, which was specifically designed for leg fat loss exercises. When you use it, your hands are still free and you can do whatever else you want. I'm curious how something so useful has disappeared now.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

Hot mom Liu Xuan, who still dares to challenge the handstand while pregnant with Liujia, is really sassy and heroic. This Hunan girl was the gold medalist of the balance beam at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, and was known as "Xuan Beauty" back then.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In 1985, Jack Ma was invited by his friend "Molly" to visit Australia in the early days of his business. During the tour, Molly warmly welcomed Jack Ma, and Jack Ma also specially presented a wonderful drunken boxing performance for the locals.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In 1923, two children stood next to a pile of Deutsche Marks, and the currency was depreciating so fast that the pile was worth only one dollar.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In 1957, in Frascati, Italy, a woman was stepping on grapes. The raffite you love is something she guessed with her feet.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

During the long, cold winters of the former Soviet Union, sunlight became a scarce luxury. However, the Soviet people came up with a brilliant idea - a special "light bath" for children using ultraviolet radiation.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

18-year-old Marilyn Monroe, who used to be a screwwoman in an aircraft factory, worked silently. However, her talent and charm shine as bright as gold, and she was finally recognized by talent scouts. Since then, she has stepped on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and shined all the way.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

In 1972, a young woman in Moscow came home from work, lazily lying in bed. At this time, the husband stepped into the room lightly, which coincided with the wife's charming gesture. Her unique beauty, as captivating as a famous painting, exudes a charming charm.

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

A troubling conundrum. It looks simple, but less than 1% of the world's people know the correct answer, do you dare to challenge it?

24 photos of "live for a long time", the world is beyond imagination, and you will be amazed after reading it

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