
When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

author:Apple talks about the past and the present

For Hong Jiantao, 24 years old is undoubtedly the most important turning point in his life. While his career is thriving, he also ushered in the most important moment in his life - entering the marriage hall with his first girlfriend Ran Zhijuan.

Looking back at the beginning, the meeting between the two was quite "fate". still remembers that it was at the audition scene of a film and television drama, and the director deliberately fell in love with Ran Zhijuan, a talented and beautiful little girl, hoping that she could play a screen couple with Hong Jiantao.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

Although they met for the first time, the two unexpectedly discovered that they had many hobbies in common, and they quickly established a deep friendship.

Before you know it, this friendship quietly warms up and eventually turns into a romantic relationship. With the blessing of family and friends, they walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

This deep feeling makes people sigh that in the highly competitive environment of the entertainment industry, it is not easy to find a lover to accompany you. As for his wife Ran Zhijuan, she also spared no effort to support her husband's career development.

It is her selfless dedication and meticulous care that allows Hong Jiantao to have a warm and happy home while his career takes off.

Recalling the scene of the first acquaintance, Hong Jiantao can't help but smile. At that time, he was in his youth, and he had already shined in the film and television industry, and his acting skills were highly praised.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

And his wife, Ran Zhijuan, is a talented and good-looking little girl, and she has a wonderful chemistry with him.

Although the two did not envision becoming lovers at the beginning, some details at that time quietly sowed the seeds of love in the hearts of the two. I still remember one time, Hong Jiantao specially invited his friends to share a banquet, but he kept touching his pocket to count the amount because he was worried about insufficient payment.

This thoughtful kindness deeply touched Hong Jiantao's inner emotions and made him feel the warmth and care of home. Since then, the relationship between the two has moved forward as a matter of course, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

For Ran Zhijuan's selfless dedication, Hong Jiantao has always remembered it. He often lamented that it was his luck to find such a virtuous and virtuous wife.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

While Hong Jiantao's career took off, Ran Zhijuan also chose to return to the family without complaint and became a virtuous helper for her husband's silent efforts.

She attaches great importance to her husband's healthy diet, often cooks by herself, and delivers it to the crew, these careful and thoughtful care also allowed Hong Jiantao to step into the road of "happy fat", and his career continues to rise.

Time flies, Hong Jiantao and Ran Zhijuan have been in love with each other, supported each other, and spent countless ups and downs in their lives together. Now, they have gone through more than 40 cold and summer together, and they are still as affectionate as ever, which is enviable.

It is this mutual tolerance and understanding of love that fills this big family with warmth and harmony.

Tough moments after misdiagnosis of cancer

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

For Hong Jiantao, the biggest turning point in his life was an illness at the age of 27.

That was three years after he married his wife, Ran Zhijuan. Due to years of work and rest disorders, Hong Jiantao began to experience symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.

Faced with this bad news, Hong Jiantao, who had just stepped into the 27-year-old year, suddenly felt that the whole world had collapsed. He was full of despair and confusion, and even had the idea of divorce at one point, planning to face the torture of illness alone away from his family.

However, Ran Zhijuan did not give up on her husband. She persuaded Hong Jiantao with a firm attitude: "You are in your youth, as long as you have the courage to face the disease and actively accept treatment, and follow the doctor's instructions, you still have hope of recovery."

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

With that, she accompanied Hong Jiantao to and from the hospital tirelessly, taking various medicines for treatment in time.

Under the careful care of his wife, Hong Jiantao's physical condition gradually improved. However, after repeated examinations and comparisons, the doctor finally realized that there was a deviation in the previous diagnosis, and it turned out that Hong Jiantao was only suffering from chronic gastritis.

Although he finally recovered successfully, after taking drugs for a long time, Hong Jiantao's appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes, and his once heroic appearance has gradually moved towards the appearance of middle-aged fortune.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Hong Jiantao's acting career. In order to regain his former heroic appearance, he and his wife Ran Zhijuan began the arduous road of weight loss.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

However, no matter how hard the two tried, the results were not satisfactory. Eventually, both sides gradually accepted the reality and recognized the status quo.

For this process, Ran Zhijuan showed great tolerance and understanding. She understands that her husband's temper is not directed at herself, but only a way to vent her emotions, so she can always resolve conflicts with a tolerant attitude, choosing to turn a blind eye and listen to it.

After Hong Jiantao's mood stabilized, Ran Zhijuan would softly comfort him, making him feel unprecedented warmth and care. This kind of tolerance and tolerance not only made Hong Jiantao realize that his wife has been silently supporting and understanding him over the years, but also made him deeply grateful to his beloved.

Despite experiencing this "oolong", Hong Jiantao did not give up his acting career. On the contrary, he successfully transformed with his unique comedy image, and in 2001 he came out of the circle for starring in the role of "Hong Fat" in the TV series "The Story of the Cooking Class", and his career has been thriving ever since.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

It is in these difficult moments that the support and understanding of his wife Ran Zhijuan have become a solid backing for Hong Jiantao to regain his career and move to new heights. They spent the darkest moments of their lives together, and finally reaped a happy and happy life.

A brilliant acting experience when he was young

For Hong Jiantao, acting career has always been his life pursuit. From an early age, he showed an extraordinary talent for acting, which impressed his parents.

Born in an ordinary working family, Hong Jiantao's family is not very wealthy, but his parents have a strong love for art. Seeing his son's unique talents, his father was determined to train him to become a professional artist.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

Even though life is hard, they still spare no expense to hire professional teachers to conduct systematic training for Hong Jiantao.

Under such influence, Hong Jiantao, who was only 10 years old, stood out among many candidates with his outstanding performance and won the opportunity to audition for the role of the little hero "Pan Dongzi" in the famous film "Shining Red Star".

Since then, Hong Jiantao's acting career has been thriving, he has participated in hundreds of classic works, and has created many popular character images. Whether it is the "Squad Leader Hong" in "The Story of the Cooking Class", the "Iron Rooster" Qian Shopkeeper in "Wulin Gaiden", or the greedy and lovely "Zhu Gaochi" emperor in "Shangshi", he can always make the audience laugh in front of the screen through his acting skills.

's superb acting skills and humorous personality also made Hong Jiantao gradually become a well-known young actor in the industry, and soon attracted the attention of many directors. It was at an audition that Hong Jiantao met his first girlfriend Ran Zhijuan, thus starting a relationship that spanned time.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

At that time, the director deliberately fell in love with Ran Zhijuan, a talented and beautiful little girl, hoping that she could play the screen couple with Hong Jiantao. Although they met for the first time, the two unexpectedly discovered that they had many hobbies in common, and they quickly established a deep friendship.

Before you know it, this friendship quietly warms up and eventually turns into a romantic relationship. With the blessing of relatives and friends, they walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand and started a happy love across time.

Although Hong Jiantao needs to balance his family and career from then on, he still has not given up his acting pursuit. On the contrary, he worked harder to hone his acting skills, and with his superb acting skills and humorous personality, he successfully created many popular character images and won wide acclaim inside and outside the industry.

For Hong Jiantao, acting career has always been his love, and it is also his proud pursuit of life. 's continuous honing and breakthroughs in acting skills not only made him invincible in his career, but also won him the love of the audience and became a well-known excellent actor in the entertainment industry.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

It is this dedication and love for art that enables Hong Jiantao to find a balance between career and family and reap fruitful results. Whether in front of the screen or in life, he has always maintained a positive, humorous and humorous attitude, and has become an idol in the hearts of many fans.

The growth process of his son Hong Yang

As an outstanding actor, Hong Jiantao naturally attaches great importance to the education of his son Hong Yang. He always pays attention to his son's growth, and hopes to give appropriate guidance and support, so that Hong Yang can grow up healthily and realize his dreams.

I still remember one time, Hong Yang's academic performance unexpectedly improved greatly and got a good score of good marks.

But what puzzled Hong Jiantao was that there was no joy on his son's face.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

After further investigation, it turned out that the teacher said that he was just lucky to achieve such a result.

Faced with this unfair evaluation, Hong Jiantao, who has always loved his son, immediately rushed to the school to reason with the teacher. He insisted that as long as the child puts in the effort, no matter what the result is, he should be given the recognition and encouragement he deserves.

This move not only allowed Hong Yang to regain his self-confidence, but also made him feel the support and care of the people around him, so that he could pursue his dreams more firmly on the road of life in the future.

In order to cultivate his son's ability to be independent, Hong Jiantao also stated to him: "Before I die, I will squander all my assets and leave nothing for your good."

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

You have to rely on your own hands to get what you need.

With his father's encouragement, Hong Yang finally successfully entered the entertainment industry and started his own acting career. At first, he could only start with basic work such as running tricks, but Hong Jiantao did not have any dissatisfaction, but firmly supported his son, hoping that he could exercise more exquisite acting skills through continuous training.

After 4 years of hard work, Hong Yang finally won high praise from the audience with his excellent acting skills in the movie "New World" starring in 2020 and became a dark horse in the industry.

Today, although he has not yet reached the heights of the limelight, he has learned to balance work and life, often travels with his parents, and shows the professionalism of a good actor.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

Hong Jiantao's educational philosophy for his son undoubtedly gave Hong Yang great positive energy and support. He hopes that his son can rely on his own hands to pursue his dreams, rather than relying solely on his father's assets.

This independent value makes Hongyang more determined and confident on the road of career development.

At the same time, Hong Jiantao has always given his son unconditional support and love. No matter what kind of difficulties Hong Yang encounters in his career, he will help him with understanding and encouragement, so that his son can feel the warmth of his family.

It is this loving and supportive environment that has created Hong Yang's positive and optimistic personality, allowing him to always maintain a strong and confident heart in the process of career development.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

Even after a setback in his beginnings, he did not choose to back down, but pursued his dreams with determination, and finally achieved a breakthrough in New World.

All this proves that Hong Jiantao's excellent father image not only provides the best environment for Hong Yang's growth, but also becomes a solid backing for him to pursue his dreams in the future.

The sweet life of the husband and wife

Although Hong Jiantao has experienced the blow of cancer and the ups and downs of his career, he and his wife Ran Zhijuan have always been in love in their married life, and they can be called a model couple in the entertainment industry.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

Over the years, they have treated each other with mutual understanding and tolerance. Even when Hong Jiantao was prone to lose his temper due to work pressure, Ran Zhijuan never confronted him.

Instead, she chooses to turn a blind eye, listen and not listen, and wait until her husband's emotions have stabilized before whispering to reassure her. This kind of tolerance and tolerance not only made Hong Jiantao feel unprecedented warm care, but also made him realize that his wife has been silently supporting and understanding him all these years.

In order to repay his wife's selfless dedication, Hong Jiantao began to take the initiative to learn how to create various surprises. In addition to buying designer bags and jewelry for her, he often works with his son to orchestrate memorable events.

For example, on his wife's birthday, they quietly arranged the scene while Ran Zhijuan was taking a nap, and when she woke up, she was greeted by a husband full of flowers and a son holding a cake.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

Such a delicate and nuanced surprise undoubtedly filled Ran Zhijuan's heart with a sense of happiness and the comfort of being pampered.

Another time, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, Hong Jiantao also carefully planned for his wife. He deliberately said to his wife, let's just hang out today.

Unexpectedly, when the two of them just walked out of the house, a luxury sports car drove slowly, and it was his son Hong Yang who sat in the co-pilot seat, holding a large bouquet of roses and a happy smile on his face.

It turned out that all this was a surprise arranged by Hong Jiantao in advance by contacting his son.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

Such a sweet and touching scene undoubtedly nourishes the strong love between them even more. If the enthusiasm and unrestrainedness of first love can be compared to youth, then today's warmth and affection are more like mellow and soft old age.

Hong Jiantao always pays attention to his wife's needs and spares no effort to meet her. He often couldn't help but stand by the door and watch when his wife was seriously chopping vegetables, and then praised his head: "My dear, the meat you cut is really beautiful."

"Wife, your ingenuity is amazing. "Madame, I am so lucky to be married to you.

These affectionate words undoubtedly made the wife who cut vegetables a little at a loss, and she couldn't help but scold him angrily, turning him away and not letting him step into the kitchen for half a step. But Hong Jiantao was not afraid at all, but was more determined to create various romantic surprises to meet his wife's emotional needs.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

It can be said that the relationship between Hong Jiantao and Ran Zhijuan is like a towering tree growing together, becoming more and more luxuriant. The young passion in their hearts is also surging like a tide, and even the degree of attachment to each other is far greater than the enthusiasm and unrestrainedness of the first love.

No one wants to part, Hong Jiantao always patiently spoils his wife, making life full of sweetness and warmth.

It is this mutual tolerance and understanding of love that has allowed them to spend countless ups and downs in life hand in hand, and now they have gone through more than 40 cold and summers, and they are still as loving as ever, which is enviable.

The construction of a happy life

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

As the philosopher Zhou Guoping said, "A stable marriage does not only depend on love, but also on the harmony of daily chores." The happy marriage of Hong Jiantao and Ran Zhijuan undoubtedly confirms this view.

Over the years, at the peak of his career, Hong Jiantao will inevitably get emotional due to work pressure, and sometimes even smash objects at home. But Ran Zhijuan can always resolve the conflict with a tolerant attitude, choosing to turn a blind eye and listen to it, and wait until her husband's anger gradually dies out, and then she will softly appease.

She understands that her husband's temper tantrum is not aimed at herself, but just a way of emotional catharsis, so she chooses to be considerate and tolerant rather than confrontational.

At the same time, Hong Jiantao also pays attention to his wife's needs and creates surprises and romance for her at all times. In addition to various expensive gifts, he will also work with his son to plan some memorable activities, such as birthday surprises, wedding anniversaries, etc., so that life is full of love and warmth.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

This kind of delicate care undoubtedly greatly satisfies the emotional needs of his wife, making the relationship between the two last and deeper.

It is the mutual tolerance and love of the husband and wife in their daily life that makes this family full of harmony and warmth. And this family atmosphere has also deeply affected the growth of his son Hongyang.

Hong Yang has witnessed the love between his parents since he was a child, so he has developed a positive and optimistic personality. Even when he encountered setbacks at the beginning of his career, he did not choose to back down, but pursued his dreams with determination, and through unremitting efforts, he finally made his mark in the film "New World".

Hong Jiantao's educational philosophy for his son also fully reflects the importance he attaches to his family. In order to cultivate Hong Yang's ability to be independent, he once stated to his son: "Before I die, I will squander all my assets and not leave a penny for your good."

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

You have to rely on your own hands to get what you need. This concept undoubtedly gave Hong Yang great positive energy and support, making him more determined and confident on the road of career development.

It is this loving and supportive environment that has created Hong Yang's positive and optimistic personality, allowing him to always maintain a strong and confident heart in the process of career development.

Even after a setback in his beginnings, he did not choose to back down, but pursued his dreams with determination, and finally achieved a breakthrough in New World.

Therefore, for people who want to build a happy life, paying attention to daily details and maintaining relationships with heart is undoubtedly the most crucial. Only by cherishing each other, tolerating and understanding with love, can we make life full of warmth and hope, and welcome countless wonderful moments in life.

When he was young, he was amazing, he gained weight due to cancer, and he married his first love at the age of 24 until now

As Hong Jiantao said: "The longer two people are together, the more difficult it is to separate like a tree that grows together, and even as if they will lose their lives once separated." This deep attachment is the epitome of their love and cherishing for each other.

Through the story of this big family, it is not difficult for us to find that the key to a happy life is to always pay attention to each other's needs and treat family members with tolerance and understanding.

Only in this way can life be full of warmth and make the family a harbor of the soul.