
There is always phlegm in the throat, and you can't spit out enough phlegm? Learn these 3 methods to teach you to get rid of phlegm fundamentally

author:Bitter than your sweetness

There is always phlegm in the throat, and you can't spit out enough phlegm? Learn these 3 methods to teach you to get rid of phlegm fundamentally

Imagine waking up in the morning and feeling as if something is stuck in your throat and you clear your throat, but that feeling still doesn't go away. You try coughing a few times, hoping to get it out, but it seems to get worse. It's not just a problem for you, it's something that many people have – the constant feeling of phlegm in your throat, and the amount of phlegm you can't spit out. This situation is not only uncomfortable, but it can also cause embarrassment in social situations. But you know what? There are some simple ways to help you solve the root cause of this problem.

There is always phlegm in the throat, and you can't spit out enough phlegm? Learn these 3 methods to teach you to get rid of phlegm fundamentally

This article will reveal the reasons behind the phlegm in your throat and introduce three simple yet effective ways to help you clear this seemingly stubborn problem. Whether it's through small changes in your daily life or some simple self-medication, you'll find a solution. Read on to get rid of this problem and move towards a healthier and more comfortable life together.

The secret of phlegm: more than just a cough

When we talk about phlegm in the throat, we tend to think of it as a by-product of a physiological phenomenon. However, the formation of phlegm and its effects on the body is far more complex than we think.

Phlegm formation: not just caused by cold air

Phlegm, a deceptively simple substance, is actually a defense mechanism of the body against external invaders. It is mainly composed of water, proteins, carbohydrates, and cells, and when the respiratory tract is attacked by viruses, bacteria, or other foreign substances, the body increases the production of phlegm to facilitate the elimination of foreign bodies.

In addition to infections, phlegm production is linked to a variety of factors, such as allergic reactions, poor air quality, smoking, and certain chronic diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma. All of these factors can irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, leading to an overproduction of phlegm.

The effects of phlegm on the body: much more than just poor breathing

Although the presence of phlegm has a protective effect and helps the body remove pathogens and foreign substances, excess phlegm can have a negative impact on the body. First, it can cause airway obstruction, making it difficult to breathe, which can affect daily life and sleep quality. Long-term poor breathing not only reduces quality of life, but can also increase the burden on the heart and affect other systems in the body.

In addition, the presence of pathogens in sputum may cause persistent infections of the respiratory tract, leading to a persistent inflammatory response and aggravating respiratory diseases. For people with chronic respiratory diseases, controlling sputum production and timely discharge is one of the keys to managing the disease.

There is always phlegm in the throat, and you can't spit out enough phlegm? Learn these 3 methods to teach you to get rid of phlegm fundamentally

Practical significance: beyond day-to-day management

Understanding the causes of phlegm and its effects on the body is not only about solving the problem of coughing or feeling sick throat, but more importantly, to fundamentally improve our respiratory health and quality of life. Lifestyle modifications, such as improving indoor air quality, quitting smoking, and exercising, can effectively reduce phlegm production. For phlegm that has already formed, it is also crucial to know the correct method and timing of expectoration to prevent it from causing further effects on the respiratory tract.

Specific expectorant methods

Steam inhalation: a refreshing journey to unlock the respiratory tract

Steam inhalation is an ancient and effective method that works directly on the respiratory tract to soften and dissolve sputum, making it easier to expel it. This method is especially useful for coughs with a sore throat or a cold that causes a lot of phlegm. You can do it simply at home: prepare a pot of hot water, add a small amount of peppermint or eucalyptus oil to enhance the effect, cover your head and pot with a large towel, and breathe deep steam for 10 minutes. Not only does this help clear phlegm, but it also relieves respiratory discomfort.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Massage Method: Touch health and drive away phlegm

Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that different acupuncture points in the body are closely related to the function of internal organs, and the effect of regulating qi and blood in the body and promoting the discharge of phlegm can be achieved by massaging specific acupuncture points. For example, the Tiantu acupoint, located above the midline of the clavicle, can be gently massaged to relieve throat discomfort, while the Fengmen acupoint, located on the lower edge of the shoulder blades on both sides, can be massaged to strengthen the lungs and promote the discharge of phlegm. Consistent massage every day can effectively reduce the symptoms of cough and phlegm.

There is always phlegm in the throat, and you can't spit out enough phlegm? Learn these 3 methods to teach you to get rid of phlegm fundamentally

Applicable drugs: scientific expectorant to solve the problem from the root

Appropriate medication is necessary for some phlegm problems that are difficult to solve by natural methods. Phlegm-reducing medications and cough suppressants can be used on the advice of a doctor, and they can help reduce phlegm production, or increase the mobility of phlegm so that it can be excreted more easily. For example, Chinese patent medicines containing ingredients such as licorice and bellflower can not only dissolve phlegm, but also relieve cough. However, it is important to note that any medication should be used under the guidance of a doctor to avoid side effects from improper medication.

The phlegm in your throat should not be ignored, and with the above methods, you can effectively reduce the distress of cough and phlegm. Remember, the right lifestyle is just as important as eating habits, and practicing these methods consistently will greatly improve your quality of life. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.